You're going to get hurt if you think you're nothing,
Piensa que eres todo y muy posible acabes solo
Think you're everything and you may very well end up alone.
Transparencia y humildad valóradlos como el oro no piensas quien eres? tal vez seas como el agua.
Transparency and humility, value them like gold, don't you think about who you are? Maybe you're like water.
Fuego pal que tacha, fuerza pal que lucha,
Fire to the one who stains, strength to the one who fights,
Valor para el que empieza cuando todo se derrumba. Naipes, así son las pirámides de fragiles inestabilidades si lo falso abunda.
Courage for the one who begins when everything collapses. Cards, so are the pyramids of fragile instabilities if falsehood abounds.
Asimilarlo cuesta, yo lo se, pone cuesta arriba, subiendo pierdes peso y ganas autoestima. Ésta modesta gesta, la entereza y la constancia saciaran bien el volcan de tu temor a la distancia.
It's hard to assimilate, I know, it's an uphill climb, you lose weight and gain self-esteem. This modest gesture, fortitude, and perseverance will satiate the volcano of your fear of distance.
He visto puro ímpetu en los desfavorecidos
I've seen pure impetus in the disadvantaged,
Maldad en el espíritu en los mas abastecidos.
Evil in the spirit of the most affluent.
Será que los billetes traen consigo la amargura
Could it be that money brings bitterness with it?
Si consiguen profanarle el aura a una cultura.
If they manage to desecrate the aura of a culture.
Y luego es pura hambruna lo que dejan a su paso, exceso en niños ricos destinados al fracaso, vamos, digan que me excedo y no es pa tanto, digan que este mundo no lo dominan los bancos.
And then it's pure famine what they leave in their wake, excess in rich kids destined for failure, come on, tell me I'm exaggerating and it's not that bad, tell me this world is not ruled by banks.
Sé, que cuesta mirar el miedo de frente,
I know, that it costs to look fear in the face,
Sé, que ya cuentan con eso los de arriba,
I know, that those at the top are already counting on that,
El poder pa redimirse, reside en la mente,
The power to redeem oneself resides in the mind,
Y nadie va a venir para vivir por ti la vida.
And no one is going to come to live your life for you.
Sé, que nunca ha sido nada facil valorarme,
I know, it's never been easy to value myself,
Que cuesta mantener el temple y ver,
That it costs to keep your temper and see,
Mirando dentro encuentras el porqué,
Looking inside you find the reason why,
La respuesta la luz de tu propio ser.
The answer, the light of your own being.
Y nunca ha sido nada facil valorarme,
And it's never been easy to value myself,
Cuesta mantener el temple y ver,
It costs to keep my temper and see,
Miré dentro de mi y encontré el porqué,
I looked inside myself and found the reason why,
La respuesta a la luz de mi propio ser.
The answer in the light of my own being.
No voy a terminar diciendo siempre tuyo,
I'm not going to end by saying always yours,
La propiedad es efímera y a mi me da que esteril, la mente que la aprecie me parece mas bien debil, posees, te poseen y te quedas sin orgullo.
Property is ephemeral and it strikes me as sterile, the mind that appreciates it seems rather weak to me, you possess, you are possessed and you are left without pride.
Hijos herederos del mismo liberalismo
Heirs of the same liberalism,
Valorad que se desprende del placer en la materia, valorad ya la rabia y la miseria necesarias para sotener con vida a esta estafa milenaria.
Value what is detached from pleasure in matter, value the necessary rage and misery to keep this millennial scam alive.
Mal te miraran, serás como un imán
They will look at you badly, you will be like a magnet
Para críticas legitimas, por su peso caerán.
For legitimate criticism, they will fall by their own weight.
Hay reales palabras en bocas desconocidas
There are real words in unknown mouths
Y seres queridos que sostienen tu ego con mentiras.
And loved ones who support your ego with lies.
Vidas, que se van sin despedida
Lives, that go without saying goodbye,
Y rimas, que no tas dado cuenta pero tan cambiado la vida. Hay días que limitas tu actividad por paridas y días en que ansías creatividad paliativa.
And rhymes, that you haven't noticed but have changed your life. There are days when you limit your activity due to deliveries and days when you crave palliative creativity.
Salivas si imaginas expectativas cumplidas,
You salivate when you imagine fulfilled expectations,
Disciplina, adrenalina, unidas no seran vencidas. Divina doctrina, el placer por el efuerzo, dictamina vitamina al rap y van cayendo
Discipline, adrenaline, united they will not be defeated. Divine doctrine, the pleasure of effort, dictates vitamin to rap and they keep falling
Verdades como templos en este mar inmenso,
Truths like temples in this vast sea,
Comienzo desde dentro para mantenerme inmerso. Solo, solo quiero un verso y otro verso
I begin from within to stay immersed. Alone, I just want a verse and another verse
Solo, suelo vagar por el universo.
Alone, I usually wander through the universe.
Sé, que nunca ha sido nada facil valorarme,
I know, it's never been easy to value myself,
Que cuesta mantener el temple y ver,
That it costs to keep your temper and see,
Mirando dentro encuentras el porqué,
Looking inside you find the reason why,
La respuesta la luz de tu propio ser.
The answer, the light of your own being.
Y nunca ha sido nada facil valorarme,
And it's never been easy to value myself,
Cuesta mantener el temple y ver,
It costs to keep my temper and see,
Miré dentro de mi y encontré el porqué,
I looked inside myself and found the reason why,
La respuesta a la luz de mi propio ser.
The answer in the light of my own being.
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