Lágrimas De Sangre feat. Adala - Gira la Moneda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lágrimas De Sangre feat. Adala - Gira la Moneda

Gira la Moneda
Flip the Coin
Del somni del 92 a avui, una ruleta russa,
From the dream of '92 to today, a Russian roulette,
Olimpíades i fòrum, foren ferum d'excusa,
Olympics and forum, were a crude excuse,
Per estafar als turistes, expulsar veïnes,
To rip off tourists, expel neighbors,
Del Born fins a Vallcarca, identitat en ruïnes
From Born to Vallcarca, identity in ruins
Camino els teus carrers buscant la pau de matinada
I walk your streets looking for the peace of dawn
Però l'ombra de Nuñez i Navarro es allargada,
But the shadow of Nuñez i Navarro is long,
Un curro de merda per pagar-te un pis de merda,
A pile of shit to pay you a piece of shit,
Respirant aire de merda, aneu-se'n a la merda!
Breathing shit air, go to hell!
I si no t'agrada pots marxar, et diuen,
And if you don't like it, you can leave, they tell you,
Tothom gaudeix d'una oportunitat, se'n riuen,
Everyone enjoys an opportunity, they laugh,
Quan la ciutat cremi, quan tothom n'estigui fart, veureu,
When the city burns, when everyone is fed up, you will see,
Suplicareu pietat, els bitllets no es mengen.
You will beg for mercy, banknotes are not edible.
Però clar, voleu ser la avantguarda per demà explotar la marca,
But of course, you want to be the avant-garde to exploit the brand tomorrow,
Voleu una ciutat sense nosaltres,
You want a city without us,
Voleu als ciutadans ficats en blisters,
You want citizens stuck in blisters,
Aparadors amb maniquins escarransits i "pelus" per a Hipsters.
Showcases with skinny mannequins and "pelus" for Hipsters.
Us topareu amb la andanada, la Barna combativa dels barris conscients,
You will meet with the pushback, the combative Barcelona of the conscious neighborhoods,
Per cada casa enderrocada un foc que creix
For every demolished house a fire grows
Un estel al cel,
A star in the sky,
Per cada "guiri" que es dispari a si mateix als antiaeris del Carmel
For every "guiri" who shoots himself in the anti-aircraft guns of Carmel
Farts de passar vergonya,
Tired of being ashamed,
De veure convertits barris i pobles en colònia, i no es turisme-fòbia,
Seeing neighborhoods and towns turned into a colony, and it's not tourism-phobia,
Es una presó que agobia i ens engabia a casa nostra
It's a prison that suffocates us and locks us up in our own home
Com si no forméssim part d'aquesta distòpica història.
As if we were not part of this dystopian history.
Una casa a terra, una família menys al barri,
A house on the ground, one less family in the neighborhood,
Han fet un nou edifici, benefici al propietari,
They have built a new building, profit to the owner,
El nen no entén què passa, la mare preocupada,
The child doesn't understand what's going on, the mother is worried,
L'àvia treu la ràbia i entre plors pensa enfadada:
The grandmother takes out the rage and thinks angrily between tears:
-Si jo he aixecat el barri, juntes vam fer l'escola,
-If I raised the neighborhood, together we built the school,
Vam fer que arribi el metro, un hospital i ara ens fan fora,
We made the metro arrive, a hospital and now they are kicking us out,
De qui és aquesta ciutat? Diga'm qui se l'ha quedat,
Whose city is this? Tell me who has it,
Quan haguem marxat, qui vingui, no sabrà el què ha costat.
When we're gone, whoever comes, won't know what it cost.
Gira el món, i així gira el món.
The world turns, and so the world turns.
Gira el barri, gira la moneda, les dos cares,
The neighborhood turns, the coin flips, both sides,
I Així gira el món, i així gira el món,
And so the world turns, and so the world turns,
Gira el nostres barri, la moneda,
Our neighborhood turns, the coin,
Les dos cares giren i així gira el món...
The two sides turn and so the world turns...
Dos millones de idiotas deciden vivir hacinados
Two million idiots decide to live crammed together
Y comer menús precocinados de hamburguesería
And eat precooked burger joint menus
Que sería de la burguesía si el proletariado
What would become of the bourgeoisie if the proletariat
Se negase a malvivir en la estrechez del atasco
Refused to live poorly in the tightness of the traffic jam
Hay un plan urbanístico que separa en barrios
There is an urban plan that separates neighborhoods
A los pobres de los ricos,
The poor from the rich,
Que ha puesto un parque turístico en el centro
That has put a tourist park in the center
Zonas residenciales convertidas en un circo, un esperpento
Residential areas turned into a circus, a farce
Un cristo, es cierto
A christ, it's true
Es triste y es tétrico
It's sad and it's gloomy
Que el puto hotelero hasta al barrio
That the fucking hotelier even to the neighborhood
Más humilde le vea un valor estético
Most humble see an aesthetic value
Es rústico y pintoresco
It's rustic and picturesque
No reconocen la pobreza ni cuando la
They don't recognize poverty even when
Ven, porque no la viven, que les den
They see it, because they don't live it, screw them
Que le jodan al desdén con el que hacen y deshacen
To hell with the disdain with which they do and undo
Nosotros somos idiotas que vivimos hacinados
We are idiots who live crammed together
Mientras ellos en antiguos bosques calcinados
While they in ancient burned forests
Han edificado un bastión urbanizado de alta gama
Have built a high-end urbanized bastion
Con seguridad privada y cámaras de vigilancia
With private security and surveillance cameras
Y si paseas por allí te miran raro
And if you walk around there they look at you funny
Pienso en irme a la montaña, al campo, a campar a mis anchas
I think about going to the mountains, to the countryside, to camp on my own
Pero pienso en Fraguas, en Guadalajara y que bajón
But I think of Fraguas, in Guadalajara and what a bummer
Luego me llamarán majara por decir que ojala un tsunami
Then they will call me crazy for saying that I wish a tsunami
Anegara este campo de batalla y naciera una playa
Flooded this battlefield and a beach was born
Tu eres libre de petar una puerta o saltar una valla
You are free to break down a door or jump a fence
libre vayas donde vayas, vaya
Be free wherever you go, go
Tornem a entrar, empenyem, fem força,
Let's go back in, push, let's force,
No és només per l'espai, és per tot allò que ens explota,
It's not just about space, it's about everything that exploits us,
Ciutat morta, paradís turístic,
Dead city, tourist paradise,
Al mig d'un genocidi urbanístic que el partit polític recolza.
In the middle of an urban genocide that the political party supports.
Veïnes que es queixen, els lloguers creixen,
Neighbors who complain, rents increase,
Hi ha cambrers que en un mes cobren menys que el preu del sopar
There are waiters who earn less in a month than the price of dinner
Que els serveixen però mentrestant algú hi planta cara,
That they serve, but meanwhile, someone stands up to them,
Entra al banc que atracava al barri i ara hi fa una barricada.
Enter the bank that robbed the neighborhood and now there is a barricade.
Volen pactes en ferm amb l' ajuntafems,
They want firm agreements with the city council,
Acceptar el local que els cedeix, agafar el feix,
Accept the place that gives them, take the bundle,
Però res, res, perquè això enriqueix la màfia que absorbeix l'Ada,
But nothing, nothing, because this enriches the mafia that absorbs Ada,
La subversió mai serà subvencionada
Subversion will never be subsidized
Som totes i ningú, no busqueu culpables,
We are everyone and no one, don't look for culprits,
La violència ve d'abans, qui s'atreveix a jutjar-la?
Violence comes from before, who dares to judge it?
Dons la legalitat es qüestionable
So legality is questionable
Quan la llei ens roba, desnona, tortura, viola, i mata.
When the law robs us, strips us, tortures us, violates us, and kills us.
Y mani qui mani que emanin manis al barri,
And whoever wants to bring manners to the neighborhood,
I que vinguin foranis,
And let outsiders come,
La única pàtria suport mutu al pària,
The only homeland mutual support to the pariah,
Que el capital es internacional igual que ho es la resposta solidària.
That capital is international, as is the solidarity response.
Hem perdut una partida que mai hem volgut jugar,
We lost a game we never wanted to play,
Han venut la nostra terra els que la van poder comprar,
They have sold our land to those who could buy it,
Creuen que ser lliure és escollir què consumir,
They believe that being free is choosing what to consume,
Uns pensen on anar a viure i altres pensen on fugir
Some think about where to go to live and others think about where to escape
Gira el món, i així gira el món.
The world turns, and so the world turns.
Gira el barri, gira la moneda, les dos cares,
The neighborhood turns, the coin flips, both sides,
I Així gira el món, i així gira el món,
And so the world turns, and so the world turns,
Gira el nostres barri, la moneda,
Our neighborhood turns, the coin,
Les dos cares giren i així gira el món...
The two sides turn and so the world turns...

Авторы: Ramon Anglada Jaraquemada, Alejandro Garcia Verdasco, Didac Riol Fernandez, Guillem Simo Vallve, Nil Campderrich Delhort, Jordi Estivill Nonell

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