Leyya - 韋駄天 (Remix) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Leyya - 韋駄天 (Remix)

韋駄天 (Remix)
Veda Ten (Remix)
東西南北 広大な脳内外の才を吐いてとくと詩に残す 霧は濃くもDOPE
The spacious brain's talent, east, west, north and south, spits out poetry. The fog is thick with DOPE
アーティスト くたばれば二階級特進 商業的弔いに伴う涙の価値
Artists die and get promoted two ranks. Commercial funerals and the value of tears
愛など無し この街ハイエースの車窓から眺める16の夜 リメンバー
No love in this city. I remember the 16 nights I watched from the window of a HiAce van
利息分のみの支払い 終えたしがらみ 紙切れと判子に噛み締めた感情
Only paying interest on debts. The chewed up emotions on the paper and stamp that ended the entanglements
時は過ぎ 成人ステージ上から見る絡みついたカルマを断ち切る 21
Time has passed. I'm on the adult stage. I'm 21. I'm cutting off the entwined karma
自分の場所は作った だいぶ時をくった これで安堵してりゃ気付きゃすぐにUターンだ
I've made my own space. It's been a long time coming. If I get comfortable now, I'll quickly U-turn
たられば がリアルを伴う まで一体どうすれば? ってな溢れ出るネガ
The "what ifs" are getting real. How do I do it? The negativity is overflowing
東西南北包み込む暗雲を裂く 躍動とバックボーン 韋駄天と化す
Tearing through the dark clouds that envelop the north, south, east, and west with dynamism and backbone, becoming a Vetal
その果てに 見える景色で笑え その果てに 向かう螺旋で学べ
That's the view at the end. Laugh at it. Learn from the spiral that leads to it
東西南北包み込む暗雲を裂く 躍動とバックボーン 韋駄天と化す
Tearing through the dark clouds that envelop the north, south, east, and west with dynamism and backbone, becoming a Vetal
その果てに 見える景色で笑え その果てに 向かう螺旋で学べ
That's the view at the end. Laugh at it. Learn from the spiral that leads to it
ただ突っ立ってるだけの生き残りを掻き分け 足かせを嗅ぎ分けろここは通過点
Scrape through the survivors who are just standing there. Smell out the hindrances. This is just a waypoint
一過性の波に溺れるか ぬるま湯でのぼせるか否かどれも不正解
Are you going to drown in a passing wave? Or get conceited in the lukewarm water? Neither is the right answer
程なく 停滞し埋もれちまう人混みの中を紐解き 己が彩りを出す
Soon, you'll stagnate and get buried in the crowd. Untangle it and bring out your own colors
一時も止まらず昨日を生産する 秒針に倣い今を前進する
Never stop. Produce yesterday. Follow the second hand and move forward now
努力など前提孤独の中で厳選 脆くも崩れ去る雑魚と過去の名声
Striving is a given. Selecting in solitude. The weak and their past fame that crumbles easily
HIPHOPのあるべき姿など知らん ボケ老人共は政治家にでもなりな
I don't know what HIPHOP should be. You old farts should become politicians
輪になるなら俺は抜け去り舞う 深夜に探した閃きの在り処
If you're going to form a circle, I'm going to leave and dance. I search for the inspiration in the middle of the night
My own sense steeped in the spirit of a craftsman. Get on the track and fly with skill
東西南北包み込む暗雲を裂く 躍動とバックボーン 韋駄天と化す
Tearing through the dark clouds that envelop the north, south, east, and west with dynamism and backbone, becoming a Vetal
その果てに 見える景色で笑え その果てに 向かう螺旋で学べ
That's the view at the end. Laugh at it. Learn from the spiral that leads to it
東西南北包み込む暗雲を裂く 躍動とバックボーン 韋駄天と化す
Tearing through the dark clouds that envelop the north, south, east, and west with dynamism and backbone, becoming a Vetal
その果てに 見える景色で笑え その果てに 向かう螺旋で学べ
That's the view at the end. Laugh at it. Learn from the spiral that leads to it
碌々とロクに何もないならうだつ上がらず ただ朽ちるだけ
If you have nothing, you'll just rot away
モクモクと立ちこめるスモークの下には大炎 灰になるまで
Under the billowing smoke is a great fire. It'll burn you to ashes
刻々と回るクロック 太く濃く残した音が 木霊するだけ
The clock keeps turning. The thick, textured sound remains. It just echoes
The sound of your beating heart will stop responding. Until that day
東西南北包み込む暗雲を裂く 躍動とバックボーン 韋駄天と化す
Tearing through the dark clouds that envelop the north, south, east, and west with dynamism and backbone, becoming a Vetal
その果てに 見える景色で笑え その果てに 向かう螺旋で学べ
That's the view at the end. Laugh at it. Learn from the spiral that leads to it
東西南北包み込む暗雲を裂く 躍動とバックボーン 韋駄天と化す
Tearing through the dark clouds that envelop the north, south, east, and west with dynamism and backbone, becoming a Vetal
その果てに 見える景色で笑え その果てに 向かう螺旋で学べ
That's the view at the end. Laugh at it. Learn from the spiral that leads to it

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