M.O.R.T. - Tango (radio edit) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский M.O.R.T. - Tango (radio edit)

Tango (radio edit)
Tango (radio edit)
Nemas vise snage
You have no more strength
Pa se hranis mojom
So you feed off of mine
Problijedio sam, ti si
I have grown pale, you have
Zalila me plavom bojom
Flooded me with the color blue
Kazes da si sunce
You say you are the sun
A dolazis u mraku
But you come in darkness
Hvatas me za zelju
You take hold of my desire
Siris se po zraku
You slither through the air
Glumis da si ono
You pretend to be
Sto zelim da jesi
What I want you to be
Ja ti dajem Oscar
I give you an Oscar
Sisi ga i tresi
Suck it and shake it
Hvatam te po sobi
I grab you around the room
I pravim se ljut
And pretend to be angry
Jedem te i opet lazem
I eat you and I lie again
To je zadnji put
This is the last time
Evo pjesma za tebe
Here is a song for you
Ako zelis reci ne
If you want, say no
Ak me volis kazni me
If you love me, punish me
Nacrtaj mi brkove
Draw me a mustache
Hajde sa mnom, sjedi tu
Come with me, sit here
Imas suzu u oku
You have a tear in your eye
Pusti da je izvadim
Let me take it out
Da te jedva poljubim
So I can barely kiss you
Jer zajedno smo dosli
Because together we have come
U ovaj kratki raj
To this short paradise
Mnogo toga prosli
We have gone through a lot
A jos nije kraj
But it is not yet the end
Daj reci mi sto gledas
Tell me what you are looking at
Da vidim i ja
So I can see it too
Zelis me a ne das
You want me but you don't give
Dok ti lice sja
While your face shines
Ja imam saku kise
I have pockets full of sour
Umij se u njoj
Wash yourself in it
Plakao sam tiho, tise
I cried quietly, more quietly
Znas li da sam tvoj
Do you know that I am yours
A tvoja zjenica se siri
And your pupil dilates
I svemu se cudis
And you are amazed by everything
I sve je opet jasno
And everything is clear again
Dok se ne probudis
Until you wake up
A ljubi me, ljubi me dugo
And kiss me, kiss me long
Kao da je nocas
As if tonight were
Posljednji put
The last time
Ljubi me, ljubi me njezno
Kiss me, kiss me tenderly
Jer oboje znamo da nocas
Because we both know that tonight
Zadnji je put
Is the last time

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