M6 - Karma - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни M6 - Karma

Ne kadar ırgalar ha?
How much they gossip, huh?
De kıskananlar?
And those who envy?
Başımda felaket ıhtan harman
Disaster and temptation blend upon my head
Sarın kafam yıkılsın yakın duman yayılsın
Wrap it up, let my mind collapse, let the smoke spread near
Yoruldum hayattan (Yoruldum, yoruldum)
I'm tired of life (Tired, tired)
Sarıldım kafama
I clung to my head
Yaşamak Savanna'da daha kolaydır sanırım kanka
Living in the Savanna is probably easier, buddy
Bata çıka yol alırım Araf'ta, ey, ey
I make my way through Purgatory, stumbling and rising, hey, hey
Yürürüm (Yürürüm)
I walk (I walk)
Ayaklarım acır ağır hükümlüyüm
My feet hurt, I'm a heavy convict
Yalanlarım kanıtlar büyüdüğümü
My lies prove that I've grown
Yükümlülüklerim var, izdüşümüm düşer üzerine
I have responsibilities, my shadow falls upon them
İşlenirken "hiç düşünce" cümle düzenine
While the phrase "no thought" is being processed into the sentence structure
Serin kan, rezil heriflerin rezil delilleri var
Cold blood, vile guys have vile evidence
Delilerin çağ, kaliteli delirmeli yedi beyni mal
The age of madmen, quality madness, seven brains are useless
Tekin değil tripte herif elinde zar
A guy on a trip with dice in his hand is not safe
Yenilmeyi bi' bilsen olur seninle şans!
If you only knew how to lose, luck would be with you!
Derdin nedir lan?
What's your problem, man?
Sorun Şehinşah, sorun Şehinşah
The problem is Şehinşah, the problem is Şehinşah
Sorun Şehinşah d'i' mi?
The problem is Şehinşah, is it?
Yargınız prensibiniz algınız değil davam
Your judgment, your principle, your perception is not my case
Olmadım onlarda n'abiyim işkencesini Tanrı'nın yerim rahat
I haven't become one of them, what am I, God's torture, my place is comfortable
Ey evim rahat, ey Cehennem'im rahat
Hey, my home is comfortable, hey, my Hell is comfortable
Dargınım diğerlerine, yansın gemiler ağır ağır
I'm angry at the others, let the ships burn slowly
Karanlık olur, karışır dolunaya paranoyalar
It gets dark, paranoia mixes with the full moon
Aranıyo'muşum, karakola çağırıyo', canlanmıyo' suçum
They say I'm wanted, they call me to the police station, my crime doesn't come to life
Gözümde bile, nedir benimle
Even in my eyes, what's with me
Alıp veremedikleri? Kesin Rap'imle!
What do they have against me? Definitely my Rap!
Yakın geçmişimin derin kesikleriyle
With the deep cuts of my recent past
Akıl edemedikleri şey incelikler
What they can't figure out are the subtleties
İrdeliyecek ipnecikler peşimde yine!
Fucking assholes are after me again!
Gelin değil dert! Milyon tane sorunla boğuşmam bile
Come on, it's not trouble! Even my struggle with a million problems
Edin beni red!
Reject me!
Diyor annem; O'nunla konuşmam bile
My mother says; I don't even talk to him
Aile denince canlanır gözümde eskiler hep etkilendim derinden
When it comes to family, the old ones come to life in my eyes, I was deeply affected
Bari sen gelip de harmanlık özünde hepsi deyip çekiversen elimden
At least you come and say they are all in the essence of the harmanlık and pull them out of my hand
Karma, karma daima aleyhime
Karma, karma is always against me
Karma, anlayamam bana garezi ne?
Karma, I can't understand, what's its grudge against me?
Paryanım karma kapıldım ahengine
I'm an outcast, karma, I'm caught in its rhythm
Karmam, armağanım, lanetim ve kaderim
My karma, my gift, my curse and my destiny
Karma, karma daima aleyhime
Karma, karma is always against me
Karma, karma daima aleyhime
Karma, karma is always against me
İlişkimiz tipik çok
Our relationship is typically complicated
Karma dağ, zaman kaya, bense Sisifos
Karma is a mountain, time is a rock, and I am Sisyphus
Adaleti yok, karma karma
There is no justice, karma karma
Merhameti yok, karma karma
There is no mercy, karma karma
Kanaati yok, karma karma
There is no contentment, karma karma
Karma dağ, zaman kaya, bense Sisifos
Karma is a mountain, time is a rock, and I am Sisyphus
Acelemiz yok!
We have no hurry!
Yanılsamalarım yarım yamalak
My illusions are half-baked
Hatırlatın bana nasıl mutlu yaşamak
Remind me how to live happily
Odaklandım hayatta kalmaya
I focused on surviving
Yaram da var baya
I also have quite a wound
Sarar zaman yalnızca masallara kan
Time only heals fairy tales, you know
Apar topar, toz ol
Hurry up, turn to dust
Yansa kor kor Cosmos boş koy
Even if the Cosmos burns brightly, don't care
Dosdoğru yazar, yazar arsızca mantık aramaz
Writes straight, writes boldly, doesn't seek logic
Yapmaz goy goy yo yo, asla
Doesn't play games, no no, never
Sopsoğuk sokakları mosmor göz altlarıyla koş
Run through the ice-cold streets with bruised eyes
Kovala dur ha? Kovala kovala boş!
Keep chasing, huh? Keep chasing, it's pointless!
Olacak o kadar yol alan bocalar (Of!)
Those who have come this far will falter (Ugh!)
Hayat çok zor fazlasıyla borç harç
Life is very hard, too much debt and hardship
Çer çöp, doğ öl, yaşarken ol ot, al ot
Trash, be born, die, while you're alive, be grass, take grass
Çek çek, ıhtan
Pull, pull, temptation
Mongollarla kolkola paradokslarda kaybol
Get lost in paradoxes arm in arm with the Mongols
Fosfor almaz idraka dert anlatır iken öl (Öl, öl)
Phosphorus doesn't understand, die while trying to explain your troubles (Die, die)
Rolls Royce'larda klip çekip eve dolmuşla dön
Shoot a video in a Rolls Royce and go home by bus
Hayatınız Photoshop orası kesin
Your life is Photoshop, that's for sure
Nasıl adamsınız lan zavallılar?
What kind of men are you, you pathetic creatures?
Size sizin gibi mankafalılar kanar orası kesin
People like you, idiots, fall for it, that's for sure
Gülünçsünüz siz ünlülük takıntılı bi sürüsünüz
You're ridiculous, you're a bunch of fame-obsessed people
Virüssünüz dürüst olalım baylar
You're a virus, let's be honest, gentlemen
Biz müzisyen siz düpedüz tüccarsınız
We are musicians, you are just merchants
Tracklerinizse süprüntü günü kurtarır ancak
Your tracks are only good for garbage day
Karmam tura, derim yazı der karmam; Tura
My karma is heads or tails, I say heads, karma says; Tails
Buca, Buca, Buca mağaram yuvam
Buca, Buca, Buca, my cave is my nest
Oldum içe sıça darmaduman
I became introverted, shit, chaos
Kura kura kura kudurdular havlarlar
They went crazy, they bark
Kuduz köpekler! Huzur bulur uyutulursa
Rabid dogs! They find peace only if they are put to sleep
Uçar uçtan uca kartallar! Buyuz özetle
Eagles fly from end to end! That's us in a nutshell
Kusursuzuz uçtuğumuzda
We are flawless when we fly
Süzüldük üstünden etkilendi manitan
We soared over your girlfriend, she was impressed
Tükürür yüzüne mermileri makinam
My machine gun spits bullets in your face
Alamut'tan uzar namlumuz o burnunuza
Our fame extends from Alamut to your nose
Sarıp sarmalar karmamın kaygıları
My karma's worries wrap and bind
Atıp safrayı sakladım şarkılara
I threw up the bile and hid it in the songs
Akıl kavramım kalmadı yaktım
I have no concept of reason left, I burned it
Yakmasaydım aranızda nefes alamazdım
If I hadn't burned it, I wouldn't be able to breathe among you
Karma (karma)
Karma (karma)
Anlayamam bana garezi ne?
I can't understand, what's its grudge against me?
Karma, karma, karma
Karma, karma, karma
Karmam armağanım lanetim ve kaderim
My karma, my gift, my curse and my destiny
Karma, karma daima aleyhime
Karma, karma is always against me
Karma, anlayamam bana garezi ne?
Karma, I can't understand, what's its grudge against me?
Paryanım karma kapıldım ahengine
I'm an outcast, karma, I'm caught in its rhythm
Karmam, armağanım, lanetim ve kaderim
My karma, my gift, my curse and my destiny
Karma, karma daima aleyhime
Karma, karma is always against me
Karma, karma daima aleyhime
Karma, karma is always against me
İlişkimiz tipik çok
Our relationship is typically complicated
Karma dağ, zaman kaya, bense Sisifos
Karma is a mountain, time is a rock, and I am Sisyphus
Adaleti yok, karma karma
There is no justice, karma karma
Merhameti yok, karma karma
There is no mercy, karma karma
Kanaati yok, karma karma
There is no contentment, karma karma
Karma dağ, zaman kaya, bense Sisifos
Karma is a mountain, time is a rock, and I am Sisyphus
Acelemiz yok!
We have no hurry!

Авторы: Marcus Andrew Smith

M6 - Karma
дата релиза

1 Karma

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