MAAKIII - kIRA kIRA - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MAAKIII - kIRA kIRA

キラキラさせないでよ 完璧犯罪 ハメられちゃってる
Darling, please don't shine so brightly An impeccable crime, I've been caught in a trap
傷つく隙もない まだ細い指に ちっとも似合わない
I'm too young and tender to be hurt My fingers are still so thin, they don't deserve this
「話あるから」って 急に突然
"I need to talk to you," you say out of the blue
無駄にハシャいぢゃった 頬っぺ(チーク)も濃いめ
My silly antics, my blushed cheeks, all in vain
なのに ちょっと あんた非道過ぎるじゃない
But darling, this is just plain cruel
いったい誰なの!? マジになったって!?
Who is she, really? And you're telling me it's real?
別人みたいに現れちゃって 可笑しいんだから やめてよね!!!!
You've transformed into a stranger It's ridiculous, please stop it!!!!
ふたりの名前 交互に いつも重なりあっていたのに
Our names used to intertwine like a melody But now it seems we've reached the end
発信履歴も 着信履歴も きょうで終わり? 終わりなのね?
My call history, your call history Will they all be erased? Is this the end?
顔なんかずっと見てなくたって ただそれだけ 幸せだった
I didn't need to look at your face All I needed was your presence, it made me happy
可笑しいでしょ 可笑しいでしょ 笑っちゃうでしょ 嘲笑っていいよ
Isn't it funny, laughable even? You can mock me
簡単な別れじゃない 覚悟してる? 覚悟できてるの?
This isn't an easy goodbye Are you prepared? Are you sure you're ready for this?
もうだめ 実は吐きそう 誤摩化せないし 全然祝えない
I'm dying inside, I feel like throwing up I can't pretend, this is no cause for celebration
巡り巡ったって そんな素振り 見破れなかった 自分にビンタ
I should have seen the signs But I'm an idiot, I deserve a slap in the face
I almost handed you the extra prints
ぐしゃぐしゃにしたい だけど 「思い出」
I want to tear them apart But they're still "memories"
瞬時に時間を巻き戻してよ じゃなきゃ全部 壊してやる!!!!
I wish I could turn back time Or else I'll destroy everything!!!!
あたし独りが あなたの 愚痴も聞けるって 嬉しかった
I was happy to be the one who listened To all your complaints
わかってたの? きづいてたの? 呆れるほど鈍いヤツ
Did you know? Did you realize? You're incredibly dense
ほんとはずっと、、、 なんて今更 ずうずうしくなれなかった
The truth is, I've always been in love But now it's too late, I've lost my chance
きらきらして 輝いていた 眩しすぎて 言えなかった
You were so bright, so radiant I couldn't tell you
Weren't you mine alone!?
Killer killer killer killer killer
Killer killer killer killer killer
Weren't I yours alone!?
Killer killer killer killer killer
Killer killer killer killer killer
夢みただけ!! そう 信じたいだけ!!
I was just dreaming!! I just wanted to believe!!
I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you
Weren't you mine alone!!
他の誰かが知り尽くしてる 今のあなたは 知らないヒト
Someone else knows you better The you I know now is a stranger
当たり前に 当たり前に 当たり前に さよならね
Goodbye, as if it were nothing
声にできない 泣き声も 声にならない 叫び声も
I can't speak, I can't cry, I can't scream
わかってたの? きづいてたの? 呆れるほどズルイ奴
Did you know? Did you realize? You're incredibly cruel
あたしだって、、、 二度と掛けない
I'll never call you again
あたしだって、、、 二度と会わない
I'll never see you again
あなたになんか この想いは、、、 泳いでやる 光りのなか
I'll let my feelings for you、、、 swim away in the light

Авторы: Maki Nakamura (pka Maakiii)

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