MANGA PROJECT - あの日タイムマシン - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MANGA PROJECT - あの日タイムマシン

The Time Machine of That Day
走り出せ前向いて かじかむ手で空に描いた 君の未来に祝福の灯りともす
Let's run forward, with frozen hands I paint your future in the sky, a beacon of blessing lights up
切り開け その手で 聞こえてるかい? この声が 素直に笑える事 抱きしめ 走り出せ
Break through with your hands, can you hear it? This voice, the ability to smile honestly, hold it close, now let's run
少しだけ大人の色に染まる指先 照れくさそうに そっと隠して 頬杖ついた君 見つめてる視線の先に 小さな蕾が ゆらゆら
Your fingertips are slightly stained with the color of adulthood, shyly hidden, I see you resting your cheek on your hand, in the direction of my gaze, a small bud gently swaying
ねぇ 僕なんて ずっと「迷い」ばかりで あの日贈った言葉 今さら思い出す
You know, I've always been filled with "hesitation," I remember the words I gave you that day
走り出せ前向いて かじかむ手で空に描いた 君の未来に祝福の灯りともす
Let's run forward, with frozen hands I paint your future in the sky, a beacon of blessing lights up
切り開け その手で 聞こえてるかい? この声が 素直に笑える事 抱きしめ 走り出せ
Break through with your hands, can you hear it? This voice, the ability to smile honestly, hold it close, now let's run
「昔は良かった」なんて 言いたくはないんだけれど 取り返したい"想い"もあるんだ 僕の背中を押す みなぎる視線の"僕"を 芽吹いた蕾に重ねて
I don't want to say "Things were better in the past," but there are "feelings" I want to take back, you push me forward, the "me" in your unwavering gaze, I see it reflected in the blooming bud
時を越えて またいつか 「あの日」を誇れるように 左回りの時計も一つ持って行くよ
Crossing time, someday we'll be proud of "that day" again, I'll take a counterclockwise clock with me
切り開け その手で 笑えてるかい? 自分らしく 譲れない想い 握りしめて 走り出せ
Break through with your hands, can you smile? Be yourself, hold onto your unyielding feelings, now let's run

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