MAY'S - 線香花火 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MAY'S - 線香花火

「着いた」ってメール打って 「OK」絵文字一つ
When you texted "I'm here," with a single "OK" emoji,
染めた髪ゆれた そんな8月の夜
Your dyed hair swayed. It was such an August night.
姉妹ってこんな感じ? お揃いのピンク今日も?
Is this what it's like to be sisters? Matching pink for today too?
生まれ変わっても 一緒だよmy friend
Even if we're reborn, we'll still be together, my friend.
誰にも言えなくて 泣きながら打ち明けた
I couldn't tell anyone, I broke down and confessed.
そっけないその笑顔 私だけのgirl friend
Behind that cold smile, you are my one and only girl friend.
線香花火 夏の夜 キラキラ星の下で
Sparklers on this summer night, beneath the twinkling stars.
10年後 また会えるかな? キラキラしてるかな?
In 10 years, I wonder if we'll meet again? Will you still be shining?
忘れないよ You're my best friend
I won't forget. You're my best friend.
大好きだよ You're my best friend
I love you. You're my best friend.
最後の夜だから 少しだけ無口なの?
Is it because it's our last night that you're being a little quiet?
そっけないその笑顔 変わらないでgirl friend
Behind that cold smile, don't change, my girl friend.
線香花火 夏の夜 キラキラ星の下で
Sparklers on this summer night, beneath the twinkling stars.
また会いたくて 会いたくて 流れ星さがした
I wished on a shooting star, wanting to see you again.
カラカラ音立てて 歩く参道 君と
We walked on the path, its gravel crunching beneath our feet.
そして夏が 思い出になる前に
Autumn, winter, spring, and then summer, before they turn into memories.
"Thank you" to you...
電話かけるから メールもするから
I'll call you, I'll send you emails,
離れ離れでも 一緒だよmy friend
Even if we're apart, we'll still be together, my friend.
線香花火 夏の夜 キラキラ星の下で
Sparklers on this summer night, beneath the twinkling stars.
10年後 また会えるかな? キラキラしてるかな?
In 10 years, I wonder if we'll meet again? Will you still be shining?
線香花火 夏の夜 キラキラ星の下で
Sparklers on this summer night, beneath the twinkling stars.
また会いたくて 会いたくて 流れ星さがした
I wished on a shooting star, wanting to see you again.
忘れないよ You're my best friend
I won't forget. You're my best friend.
大好きだよ You're my best friend
I love you. You're my best friend.

Авторы: 片桐 舞子, Naughty Bo-z, 片桐 舞子, naughty bo−z

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