MC Aese feat. Romo One - Te Quise Olvidar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский MC Aese feat. Romo One - Te Quise Olvidar

Te Quise Olvidar
I Tried to Forget You
Te quise olvidar, tus besos borrar
I tried to forget you, to erase your kisses
Estuve con otra, y me dejo la soledad
I was with another, and it left me lonely
Y yo la hice mia y en ella te veia
And I made her mine and in her I saw you
Que absurdo y que tonto pensar
How absurd and foolish to think
Que con otro cuerpo te iba a olvidar
That with another body I would forget you
Que ironia de la vida, intente olvidarte con ella
What an irony of life, I tried to forget you with her
Pero nunca te igualaba, simplemente eras mas bella
But she never equaled you, you were simply more beautiful
La agonia, el dolor, esos celos me cegaban
The agony, the pain, those jealousies blinded me
Y cada que la abrazaba recordaba que te amaba
And every time I hugged her I remembered that I loved you
Mentiras, cada rato eran mentiras
Lies, every moment was a lie
Mientras tu si me querias, solamente me reia
While you did love me, I only laughed
Nunca me importo tu dolor ni tu sufrimiento
I never cared about your pain or your suffering
Tu me hablabas de verdad mientras yo solo te miento
You spoke to me of truth while I only lied to you
Me arrepiento, se que es demaciado tarde
I regret it, I know it's too late
Hoy me siento en el infierno y mi corazon me arde
Today I feel like I'm in hell and my heart burns
Deje sus brazos por buscar una aventura,
I left her arms to seek an adventure,
Deje su amor por momentos de ternura
I left her love for moments of tenderness
Ahora estoy pagando, muero de arrepentimiento
Now I'm paying, dying of regret
Y es que cada que te veo, a mi me gana el sentimiento
And every time I see you, I'm overcome with emotion
Ahora soy yo el que llora por las noches
Now I'm the one who cries at night
El que derrama lagrimas y sin hacer reproches
The one who sheds tears and without making reproaches
Cambian las cosas, se invierten los papeles,
Things change, roles are reversed,
Ahora soy yo el que esta triste y mientras tu te diviertes
Now I'm the one who's sad and while you're having fun
No te olvido, ni con ella ni con nadie
I don't forget you, not with her or with anyone else
Ya se que no es necesario que te explique con detalles
I know it's not necessary for me to explain in detail
Disculpa, se que fui el que te fallo,
Forgive me, I know I'm the one who failed you,
El que a veces no sentia el amor, y siempre lo callo
The one who sometimes didn't feel the love, and always kept it silent
No se que hacer mi mente ahora da mil vueltas
I don't know what to do, my mind is running a thousand laps
Ya no se ni que decir, si con nada hare que entiendas
I don't know what to say anymore, if nothing I do will make you understand
Te quise olvidar con mil botellas; no pude
I tried to forget you with a thousand bottles; I couldn't
Quise dejarte de pensarte contando las estrellas
I wanted to stop thinking about you by counting the stars
Me volvi un espia y bese tus huellas, hoy mato
I became a spy and kissed your footprints, today I kill
Porque tu mirada ya no me sella, no dudes que vivi por ti
Because your gaze no longer seals me, don't doubt that I lived for you
Que mate por ti y que asi de facil te fuiste y me mori
That I killed for you and that just as easily you left and I died
Metiste nuestro amor en un lugar que me perdi
You put our love in a place where I got lost
Sali despues de un rato a buscarte y ya no te vi
I left after a while to look for you and you were gone
La carcel del amor era mi libertad perfecta y se acabo todo
The prison of love was my perfect freedom and everything ended
A la mitad de la recta, intente de mil maneras
Halfway down the line, I tried a thousand ways
Poniendo alcohol a mi herida y no sano
Putting alcohol to my wound and it doesn't heal
A pesar de que nadaba en la bebida, estuve con la mujer
Even though I was swimming in drink, I was with the woman
Mas guapa que me imagine y no se comparo
More beautiful than I imagined and she didn't compare
Con lo que senti cuando te bese
With what I felt when I kissed you
Tuve mas de mil citas y te seguia pensando,
I had more than a thousand dates and still thought of you,
Bese mas de mil bocas y te seguia extrañando
I kissed more than a thousand mouths and I still missed you
Fuiste una etapa que debi haber conservado
You were a stage I should have cherished
Tenias toda la razon, yo estaba muy equivocado
You were right, I was very wrong
Y ahora veme arrepentido y sin orgullo compartiendo
And now see me regretful and without pride sharing
Tomo mia mor con un retrato tuyo, y ahora
My sorrow drink with a portrait of you, and now
La sinfonia de nuestro amor vuela en el viento
The symphony of our love flies in the wind
Huyendo cada vez mas de lo que fue el momento
Fleeing ever further from what was the moment
Nuestro amor, una construccion que le falto cimiento
Our love, a construction that lacked a foundation
Te quise olvidar y solo quedo en el intento...
I tried to forget you and it only ended in an attempt...

Авторы: Jose Rivera Morales

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