MC Aese - Te di - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MC Aese - Te di

Te di
I Gave You
Te di mis mejores dias
I gave you my best days
Te conté mis mejores chistes
I told you my best jokes
Te di mis mejores besos
I gave you my best kisses
Te amé como quisiste
I loved you the way you wanted
Te di más de una razon pa' sonreir en la tempestad
I gave you more than one reason to smile in the storm
Te abri mi corazon pa' que lo volvieras tu propiedad
I opened my heart to you so you could make it your own
Te di mis mejores ratos
I gave you my best moments
Te di todos mis centavos
I gave you all my pennies
Tu vida estaba dañada y con cuidado quite los clavos
Your life was damaged and I carefully removed the nails
Te di toda mi existencia
I gave you my whole existence
Te di todo mi carisma
I gave you all my charisma
Te dije a pesar de tus errores para eres la misma
I told you, despite your mistakes, you are the same to me
Te di toda mi confianza
I gave you all my trust
Te di todo mi respeto
I gave you all my respect
Te dije con esos ojitos ahorita mismo me comprometo
I told you with those little eyes, I'll commit right now
Te di todo lo que pude dar y un poco más que eso
I gave you everything I could give and a little more than that
Te di todo de
I gave you all of me
Mi corazón alma y huesos
My heart, soul and bones
Te di todas las flores
I gave you all the flowers
Te di todos los chocolates
I gave you all the chocolates
Te di toditas las armas y te dije toma pa' que me mates
I gave you all the weapons and said, "Take them, so you can kill me"
Te di la receta pa' vivir la vida como se debe
I gave you the recipe to live life the way it should be
Quise enseñarte que las cosas son lindas cuando uno se atreve
I wanted to teach you that things are beautiful when you dare
Compre tu felicidad y pagué con detalles que enamoran
I bought your happiness and paid with details that make you fall in love
Te confese en la soledad que los hombres también lloran
I confessed to you in solitude that men also cry
Te di miles de ilusiones
I gave you thousands of illusions
Sueños reales en tu almohada
Real dreams on your pillow
Te di más de lo que podía y me pagaste con nada
I gave you more than I could and you paid me with nothing
Y te entrege cada parte de mi y nunca fui feliz
And I gave you every part of me and I was never happy
Sólo busque tu amor y nunca lo encontré
I only looked for your love and I never found it
Y te entregué cada parte de
And I gave you every part of me
Y nunca fui feliz
And I was never happy
Hoy yo te digo adiós
Today I say goodbye to you
Lo nuestro ya se fue
Our thing is already gone
Junte todos los detalles pa' que escribiéramos un cuento
I gathered all the details so we could write a story
Hice del amor un platillo y no le pusiste el condimento
I made love a dish and you didn't put the seasoning on it
Te di todos mis suspiros
I gave you all my sighs
Te di todas mis canciones
I gave you all my songs
Te repetia a cada rato 5 letras en varias versiones
I repeated 5 letters to you all the time in several versions
Ignore a todas las que me firmaban por no causar problemas
I ignored all those who signed me so as not to cause problems
Te preguntaba si me amabas y siempre cambiabas de tema
I asked you if you loved me and you always changed the subject
Te di lo que no tenia
I gave you what I didn't have
Me endeudé hasta con mi sombra
I went into debt even with my shadow
Y me pisoteaste como si fuera
And you trampled on me as if I were
Una sombra
A shadow
Conte todas las estrellas por saber cuanto te amaba
I counted all the stars to know how much I loved you
Te escribí demasiadas canciones y ni las escuchabas
I wrote you too many songs and you didn't even listen to them
Maté todos los rumores y te viví el amor muerto
I killed all the rumors and lived the dead love with you
Pienso que amarte con todas mis fuerzas no fue lo correcto
I think loving you with all my might wasn't the right thing to do
Le pedi un favor a Dios
I asked God for a favor
Le dije regalame sabiduría
I said, "Give me wisdom"
Para poder conquistar esta mujer y que siempre sea mía
To be able to conquer this woman and make her always mine
Te di todo mi presente y rompí con detalles mi pasado
I gave you all my present and broke with details my past
A las 11: 11 pedía que nunca te fueras de mi lado
At 11:11 I asked that you never leave my side
Te di todos mis secretos y hasta la playera de rayados
I gave you all my secrets and even the Rayados shirt
me dejaste abandonado tirado y olvidado
You left me abandoned, thrown away and forgotten
Debí haberle hecho caso a mi padre que me dijo sincero
I should have listened to my father who told me sincerely
"A las mujeres ni todo el amor ni todo el dinero"
"Women neither all the love nor all the money"
Y te entregué cada parte de y nunca fui feliz
And I gave you every part of me and I was never happy
Sólo busqué tu amor
I only looked for your love
Y nunca lo encontré
And I never found it
Y te entregué cada parte de y nunca fui feliz
And I gave you every part of me and I was never happy
Sólo te digo adiós lo nuestro ya se fue
I only say goodbye to you, our thing is already gone

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