MC Gury - Embraza - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MC Gury - Embraza

So it is
Então chega e embraza em mim
So come and light up my flame
Hmmm Entendi yeah baby
Hmmm, I get it yeah baby
não se queima que hoje eu to fogo
Just don't get burnt, because today I'm on fire
A pandemia acabando eu faço fumaça
The pandemic is ending, I'm already making smoke
Água te dou na boca porque esse som ta bala
I'll give you water in your mouth, because this sound is a bullet
Vish muita brisa louca ritmo chega estrala
Watch out, the breeze is crazy, the rhythm is bursting
A galera chega doida todo mundo dançando
The crowd goes wild, everybody's dancing
Eu posso te beija a boca que não to namorando
I can kiss your mouth, because I'm not dating
Hip-Hop Reggae louco pelo arrepiando
Hip-Hop Reggae, driving people crazy with goosebumps
Aquela gata insinuando chega me agarrando
That girl is hinting, she's already grabbing me
E eu fico
And I stay
So it is
Então chega e embraza em mim
So come and light up my flame
I get it
não se queima que hoje eu to fogo
Just don't get burnt, because today I'm on fire
Falam de mim agora falam de nós
They talk about me, now they talk about us
Em cima do palco ouvem nossa voz
On stage, they hear our voice
Eu quero um hit doido pra gente zua
I want a crazy hit for us to party
No raio doido um flow solto um johnnie walker energiza
In the crazy ray, a free flow, a Johnnie Walker energizes
No toque do violão eu solo ta tudo bom
In the touch of the guitar, I solo, everything's good
Mas logo não vejo nada e largo um tapa no bundão
But then I see nothing and I slap the booty
Backstage ala vip ganja nargas snap drinks
Backstage ala vip, ganja, nargas, snaps, drinks
Volto corro largo um mosh na galera solta o Beat
I come back, run, start a mosh in the crowd, release the beat
A pandemia acabando eu faço fumaça
The pandemic is ending, I'm already making smoke
Água te dou na boca porque esse som ta bala
I'll give you water in your mouth, because this sound is a bullet
Vish muita brisa e louca ritmo chega estrala
Watch out, the breeze is crazy, the rhythm is bursting
A galera chega doida todo mundo dançando
The crowd goes wild, everybody's dancing
Eu posso te beija a boca que não to namorando
I can kiss your mouth, because I'm not dating
Hip Hop reggae louco pelo arrepiando
Hip Hop reggae, driving people crazy with goosebumps
Aquela gata insinuando chega me agarrando
That girl is hinting, she's already grabbing me
E eu fico
And I stay
So it is
Então chega e embraza em mim
So come and light up my flame
Hmmm Entendi
Hmm I get it
não se queima que hoje eu to fogo
Just don't get burnt, because today I'm on fire
So it is
Então chega e embraza em mim
So come and light up my flame
Hmmm Entendi
Hmm I get it
não se queima
Just don't get burnt
Então formou eu to que to
So I came into my own
O novo chegou o show lotou grave estourou
The new guy arrived, the show was packed, the bass exploded
A cena renovou aglomerou o cel gravou
The scene was renewed, it was already crowded, the cell phone recorded it
O champanhe estourou ela me filmo o dim brilho o old fitou
The champagne popped, she filmed me, the dim light, the old man stared
Todos querem saber pra onde que eu vou??
Everyone wants to know where I'm going?
Onde tem show?
Where's the show?
Vem Vem
Come on, come on
A pandemia acabando eu faço fumaça
The pandemic is ending, I'm already making smoke
Água te dou na boca porque esse som ta bala
I'll give you water in your mouth, because this sound is a bullet
Vish muita brisa e louca ritmo chega estrala
Watch out, the breeze is crazy, the rhythm is bursting
A galera chega doida todo mundo dançando
The crowd goes wild, everybody's dancing
Eu posso te beija a boca que não to namorando
I can kiss your mouth, because I'm not dating
Hip Hop reggae louco pelo arrepiando
Hip Hop reggae, driving people crazy with goosebumps
Aquela gata insinuando chega me agarrando
That girl is hinting, she's already grabbing me
E eu fico
And I stay

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