MC HotDog - 我是魯蛇 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский MC HotDog - 我是魯蛇

Loser (I Am)
魯蛇 我選擇保持中二 魯蛇 你的不可能讓我來攻克
A loser I choose to keep my innocence A loser Let me overcome your impossibilities
魯蛇 笑看如今誰在封冊 你笑我瘋癲 但到底是誰瘋了
Loser Looking at who's being crowned today You're laughing at my craziness But who's really lost their mind
別胡扯 我又不是非贏不可 魯蛇 我又不自卑 哥挺住了
Don't talk nonsense I have to win, don't I? Loser Yet I'm not ashamed I'm holding on
你笑我瘋癲 但到底是誰瘋了 誰說成功一定要非贏不可
You're laughing at my craziness But who's really lost their mind? Who says you have to win to succeed
已經老大不小 你怎麼還在混 流行是什麼 HIP HOP是什麼 這種問題竟然還有人在問
You're already grown up How come you're still fooling around What's the trend? What's HIP HOP? There are actually people asking this kind of question
記者們太笨 我和你代溝斷層太深 你的問題太蠢 別再說我 愛炒新聞
Reporters are too stupid There's a huge generation gap between you and me Your questions are too banal Don't say I love stirring up rumors
告訴你 我他媽根本沒在看新聞 娛樂火星文 語不驚人 死不休
Let me tell you I don't watch the news at all Martian entertainment jargon Startling nonsense, non-stop
記者趕快滾回你的火星去吧 此路不通 只有HIP HOP它抓得住我
Reporters hurry back to your Mars This road is not accessible Only HIP HOP can catch me
有多少迷途又反骨的少年因為它而找到自我 Stay True, Stay Cool 這故事還沒結束
How many lost and rebellious youngsters have found themselves because of it Stay True, Stay Cool The story is not over yet
HIP HOP像個嬰兒 我讓他開始學步 你還沒覺悟 裝不懂 我代表魯蛇 這是我們的復仇
HIP HOP is like a baby I let it start walking Go You still don't get it You pretend you don't understand I represent Loser This is our revenge
完美的互動 讓我給你一個出口 老掉牙的人事物就全部送去故宮
Perfect interaction Let me give you a way out Send all those outdated things to the Palace Museum
魯蛇 我選擇保持中二 魯蛇 你的不可能讓我來攻克
A loser I choose to keep my innocence A loser Let me overcome your impossibilities
魯蛇 笑看如今誰在封冊 你笑我瘋癲 但到底是誰瘋了
Loser Looking at who's being crowned today You're laughing at my craziness But who's really lost their mind
別胡扯 我又不是非贏不可 魯蛇 我又不自卑 哥挺住了
Don't talk nonsense I have to win, don't I? Loser Yet I'm not ashamed I'm holding on
你笑我瘋癲 但到底是誰瘋了 誰說成功一定要非贏不可
You're laughing at my craziness But who's really lost their mind? Who says you have to win to succeed
在骨子裡 別唬自己 我就是一隻魯蛇 鼓舞士氣
Deep down Don't lie to yourself I'm just a loser Boost your morale
別怪我忽視你 我又不是你 別小看老司機的組織力
Don't blame me for ignoring you I'm not you Don't underestimate an old driver's organizational skills
你表演太乾 我的秀需要開除濕機 惹了多少鳥事 我又被罵到臭頭
Your performance is too dry My show needs a dehumidifier How many things have I messed up? I've been cursed again
有時候只是口直心快 謝謝你們 懂我 從小時候 唱到我有小熱狗
Sometimes I just speak my mind without thinking Thank you You understand me Since I was a kid, I've been singing until I have a little hot dog
我在想什麼 你可以猜透 用你的腳趾頭
You can guess what I'm thinking With your toes
常常覺得 我不是一個人在 一直走 我背負著太多期待 肩膀上有大石頭
I often feel like I'm not alone I keep going I'm carrying too many expectations My shoulders have big stones
現實把我勒住 但是沒有辦法殺死我 Haters穿著黑衣黑褲 對我飛撲
The reality strangles me but it can't kill me Haters dress in black and pounce on me
我是魯蛇中的魯蛇 我怎麼會怕 我馬子比你們更像一隻毒蛇
I'm a loser among losers How could I be afraid? My chick is more like a viper than you
真的懶得聽你嘴巴 在那邊廢話 狐狸尾巴 被卡 當他們聽到我的新歌 現在全部給我跪下
I'm really too lazy to listen to your crap over there Foxtails Get stuck When they hear my new song, all of you kneel down to me
魯蛇 我選擇保持中二 魯蛇 你的不可能讓我來攻克
A loser I choose to keep my innocence A loser Let me overcome your impossibilities
魯蛇 笑看如今誰在封冊 你笑我瘋癲 但到底是誰瘋了
Loser Looking at who's being crowned today You're laughing at my craziness But who's really lost their mind
別胡扯 我又不是非贏不可 魯蛇 我又不自卑 哥挺住了
Don't talk nonsense I have to win, don't I? Loser Yet I'm not ashamed I'm holding on
你笑我瘋癲 但到底是誰瘋了 誰說成功一定要非贏不可
You're laughing at my craziness But who's really lost their mind? Who says you have to win to succeed
他們都說你不能碰 如果我是3A 那你是大聯盟
They all say you can't If I'm 3A Then you're the Major Leagues
有錢的公子哥 你已經看得太多 我拜託 我知道有才華的魯蛇 你沒愛過
Rich young man You've seen too many I beg you I know you have talent Loser You've never been in love
我們天殺地搖著香檳 管那些馬子鑲鑽還是鑲金
We shake champagne like crazy Who cares if those girls have diamonds or gold
五月天相信音樂 魯蛇的本色是相信自己 世界太無聊你需要更大的刺激
Mayday Believe Music A loser's nature is to believe in ourselves The world is too boring You need something more exciting
魯蛇 中二 魯蛇 Stay cool 魯蛇 你笑我瘋癲 但到底是誰瘋了
Loser Innocent Loser Stay cool Loser You're laughing at my craziness But who's really lost their mind
別唬扯 我又不是非贏不可 魯蛇 我又不自卑 哥挺住了
Don't talk nonsense I have to win, don't I? Loser Yet I'm not ashamed I'm holding on
你笑我瘋癲 但到底是誰瘋了 誰說成功一定要非贏不可
You're laughing at my craziness But who's really lost their mind? Who says you have to win to succeed

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