MC HotDog - 十三號天使 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский MC HotDog - 十三號天使

Angel Number Thirteen
嘿... 熱狗,那個女囝仔是按怎半瞑十二點多擱抹胭脂穿水衫
Hey... Hotdog, that girl's got her lipstick on and a nightgown halfway through the night
在大馬路上黑白走 她到底是要去哪? 在林森北路上現在到底擱有啥
At this hour she's wandering the streets, I wonder where she's heading to? What's left on Lin Sen North Road right now?
喔... 我知影 原來那就是酒家
Oh... I know, it's the night clubs
那群女囝仔原來就是在賺吃 她的人還沒走到香水味就先到
That bunch of girls are out to make a buck. Her scent reaches me before she does
Her face's caked with makeup, thicker than concrete
只看她腳踏一雙香奈兒 手掛一包Gucci
She's got one foot perched on stilettos, a Gucci bag on her arm
Her fingers are dripping with rings, five on each hand
Her necklace catches the light from the streets, glittering like gold
Her skirt's slit high, no panties underneath, she's like a betel nut girl
十三號天使妳的名字叫墮落 但是妳正又辣 我一看就起生理變化
Angel number thirteen, your name is fallen, but you're so hot, I get a physical reaction just looking at you
好想去酒店光顧一個晚上 只是消費一次一個月的薪水不夠花
I'd love to visit the club for a night, but one night's tab would eat up a month's pay
燈紅酒綠光鮮亮麗的 外表下 十三號天使賠的是她的青春年華
Under the dazzling lights and the glamorous facade, Angel number thirteen is sacrificing her youth and beauty
每個天使都說自己是賣笑不賣娼 可是我真的懷疑這是真是假
Every angel claims to sell smiles, not bodies, but I wonder if that's really true
電視電影雜誌 常上演這樣的故事 會去酒店上班都是迫於現實
TV shows, movies, and magazines often tell this story, that women only end up in these clubs out of desperation
為了不得已的苦衷或是家計的維持 我相信 沒有女孩願意做這種事
To make ends meet or support their families, I believe no girl would willingly do this
騙肖!! 你賣聽她在那裡哭夭 做酒店的不會唬爛要按怎騙你的鈔票
Bullsh*t!! You're listening to her cry, but club girls are notorious for sweet-talking you out of your money
表面上 一個攏比一個裝得還要清高
On the surface, they all act holier-than-thou
事實上 錢砸下去 還不是要陪人客睡覺
But in reality, once you pay up, they're all down to sleep with you
一千塊 裝瘋 兩千塊 我不要 三千塊 開始笑
A thousand bucks, she'll start flirting. Two thousand, forget it. Three thousand, she'll start giggling
四千塊 給我抱抱 五千塊 衣服脫掉 六千塊 只剩奶罩
Four thousand, she'll let you hug her. Five thousand, she'll take off her clothes. Six thousand, she'll be down to her bra
七千塊 八千塊 九千塊 錢愈多就隨你搞 錢愈多就隨你搞...
Seven thousand, eight thousand, nine thousand, the more you pay, the more you can do with her. The more you pay, the more you can do with her...
雖然世風日下 人心不古 並不是 女孩們都為錢誤入歧途
While society's in decline and morals are slipping away, not all girls end up on this path because of money
你有沒有想過天使承受的痛楚 霓虹燈不再閃爍時 她們的孤獨
Have you ever thought about the pain that angels endure? When the neon lights fade, what do they feel when they're all alone?
欸... 熱狗你咧說啥咪?! 現在已經是民國幾年!!
Hey... Hotdog, what are you talking about?! What year is it!!
你的七仔攏不一定對你有情有義 更別說那群是酒家的bi-at-ch
Even your brothers aren't necessarily loyal or affectionate, let alone those club girls
在那所在生活眼睛看到的只有錢 在那所在賺錢聞得到的只有酒味
They only see money in that life, they only smell alcohol in that life
It's impossible for them to make a quick buck and leave
腳開開換新台幣 人客小姐都歡喜
Spread their legs for a new bill, customers love it
對... 想看賣... 人生海海 有一些事情我嘛是要說給妳知
Yeah... I want to see... Life's a roller coaster, there are some things I have to tell you
賺錢的方法那麼多 為什麼要把身體拿去賣
There are so many ways to make money, why sell your body?
一個晚上的感情值多少 妳甘有想過這個問題
How much is a night's love worth? Have you ever asked yourself that?
這種生活妳還想要再過幾年 這種日子妳甘真正是過得滿意?
How many more years do you want to live this life? Are you really satisfied with this lifestyle?
心裡為了錢 早就迷失了自己 早就忘記了良家婦女是什麼
Your heart's been corrupted by money, you've lost yourself. You've forgotten what it means to be a decent woman
你講到這裡 讓我想起一件事情 我有一個朋友她才剛滿21
You've got me thinking. I have a friend who's just turned 21
白天是制服美少女 晚上變身酒家女
She's a beautiful schoolgirl by day, and a club girl by night
Her family doesn't even know, I was shocked when I found out
有次在街上看到她 我差點認不出她
I saw her on the street the other day, I almost didn't recognize her
Her aura, her speech, everything had changed
因為錢 矇蔽她對於青春的希望
Money has blinded her to her dreams
因為錢 讓她所見只有物質的慾望
Money has made her see only material desires
我無法想像 她為何一直墮落 是什麼樣的念頭使她無法振作
I can't fathom why she keeps falling, what makes her so unable to pull herself together?
如此神奇 金錢的誘惑 難道真的是:有錢能夠使鬼推磨
It's incredible, the allure of money. Is it really true that money can make the impossible possible?
一千塊 裝瘋 兩千塊 我不要 三千塊 開始笑
A thousand bucks, she'll start flirting. Two thousand, forget it. Three thousand, she'll start giggling
四千塊 給我抱抱 五千塊 衣服脫掉 六千塊 只剩奶罩
Four thousand, she'll let you hug her. Five thousand, she'll take off her clothes. Six thousand, she'll be down to her bra
七千塊 八千塊 九千塊 錢愈多就隨你搞 錢愈多就隨你搞...
Seven thousand, eight thousand, nine thousand, the more you pay, the more you can do with her. The more you pay, the more you can do with her...
為什麼正常生活對你來說哈難 你解釋那麼多也都是為錢在虎濫
Why is it so hard for you to live a normal life? You're just making up excuses because you love money
現在你踩入這個夢 想要切來哩ㄟ話嘎 賣哥做夢
Now that you've stepped into this dream, if you want to get out, you're dreaming
你睜開眼睛看到的東西都是亮晶晶 又是一個墮落的天使一顆寂寞的流星
Your eyes are blind to anything but the shiny lights. You're a fallen angel, a lonely shooting star
消失在天際... 天使下凡 他有魔鬼的身材
Vanishing into the horizon... An angel has descended, with the body of a devil
不怕你有錢只怕你有錢不敢買票 和天使上天堂玩
Money can't buy you love, but I'm afraid you're too scared to buy a ticket to heaven with an angel
價錢三七仔為了錢妹甘尬丟臉 18招的落翅仔敢和找機八的人六九
You'll sell your soul for three dollars, you'll do anything for money, you'll give blowjobs to anyone
一起跌落在地面... 一隻兩隻還會少隻還有幾隻唉... 永遠算不完啦
And you'll all end up on the ground together... I've lost count of you girls, there's just too many
Do we have to blame the supply and demand? Are we all hunters with arrows of desire?
目標瞄準天使 13號天使何時才能從欲望叢林之中的食物鏈裡消失
Our targets are angels. Angel number thirteen, when will she be able to escape the food chain of the jungle of desire?
一千塊 裝瘋 兩千塊 我不要 三千塊 開始笑
A thousand bucks, she'll start flirting. Two thousand, forget it. Three thousand, she'll start giggling
四千塊 給我抱抱 五千塊 衣服脫掉 六千塊
Four thousand, she'll let you hug her. Five thousand, she'll take off her clothes. Six thousand,
七千塊 八千塊 九千塊 錢越多就隨你搞.錢越多就隨你搞...
Seven thousand, eight thousand, nine thousand. The more you pay, the more you can do with her. The more you pay, the more you can do with her...
一千塊 兩千塊 三千塊 四千塊 五千塊 六千塊 七千塊 八千塊 九千塊
A thousand bucks, two thousand bucks, three thousand bucks, four thousand bucks, five thousand bucks, six thousand bucks, seven thousand bucks, eight thousand bucks, nine thousand bucks
The more you pay, the more you can do with her. The more you pay, the more you can do with her

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