MC HotDog熱狗、ESO瘦子 feat. 瘦子 - 就讓子彈飛 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский MC HotDog熱狗、ESO瘦子 feat. 瘦子 - 就讓子彈飛

Let the Bullets Fly
把他們拖去槍斃 把他們拖去槍斃 把他們拖去槍斃 讓他們知道他的末日將近
Drag them out to be shot Drag them out to be shot Drag them out to be shot Let them know their end is near
看看那嘴臉 那命要怎麼賠 正義要怎麼寫 難道正不勝邪
Look at that face How can that life be compensated for How can justice be written Isn't good supposed to triumph over evil
把他們拖去槍斃 把他們拖去槍斃 把他們拖去槍斃 讓他們知道他的末日將近
Drag them out to be shot Drag them out to be shot Drag them out to be shot Let them know their end is near
看看那嘴臉 那命要怎麼賠 正義要怎麼寫 難道正不勝邪
Look at that face How can that life be compensated for How can justice be written Isn't good supposed to triumph over evil
狼心狗肺他的良心早就被狗吃掉 殺了人裝神經病他說他忘記吃藥
Wolf-hearted dog his conscience was long ago eaten by a dog He killed a man and acted crazy He said he forgot to take his medicine
在這社會死角 我們開始思考 死刑真正的意義 如果正義總是遲到 該如何是好
In this social blind spot We start to think The real meaning of the death penalty If justice is always late What should be done
只好自保 當法律保護殺人犯 問題開始失焦 又有一件駭人聽聞的殺人案
We have to protect ourselves When the law protects murderers Problems start to lose focus There's another horrific murder case
他的錯為什麼要其他人擔 他像惡魔讓多少家庭 曲終人散 許多人盼 就讓子彈飛
Why should others bear his wrongdoing He's like a demon How many families Broken and gone Many people hope Just let the bullets fly
罪大惡極的王八蛋 他們甚至沒資格去懺悔 捍衛著誰 跟人渣講人權
Heinous bastards They don't even deserve to repent Defending who Talking about human rights with scumbags
更要忍他的冷言 像冷血 多麼掙扎 那廢死的人言 可不可悲
Having to endure his cold words Like a cold-blooded animal Struggling so much How pathetic are the abolitionists
冰冷的屍體不說話 廢死聯盟卻總是在這個時候很多話
The cold body doesn't speak The abolition alliance always has a lot to say at this time
殺了他 問題真的解決了嗎 別問我有沒有辦法解決 我只知道先解決人渣
Will killing him Really solve the problem Don't ask me if there's a way to solve it I only know to get rid of the scum first
把他們拖去槍斃 把他們拖去槍斃 把他們拖去槍斃 讓他們知道他的末日將近
Drag them out to be shot Drag them out to be shot Drag them out to be shot Let them know their end is near
看看那嘴臉 那命要怎麼賠 正義要怎麼寫 難道正不勝邪
Look at that face How can that life be compensated for How can justice be written Isn't good supposed to triumph over evil
把他們拖去槍斃 把他們拖去槍斃 把他們拖去槍斃 讓他們知道他的末日將近
Drag them out to be shot Drag them out to be shot Drag them out to be shot Let them know their end is near
看看那嘴臉 那命要怎麼賠 正義要怎麼寫 難道正不勝邪 就讓子彈飛
Look at that face How can that life be compensated for How can justice be written Isn't good supposed to triumph over evil Just let the bullets fly
有誰能說他有罪 還有誰能說他對 有誰能不知死活 還想當他下一位
Who can say he's guilty Who else can say he's right Who's so reckless They still want to be his next
他說一條命多少錢 用他的命來換 兩個不同的生命 這個交易是否是划算
He said how much is a life worth Use his life to trade Two different lives Is this transaction fair
他應該殺人償命 這個決定對他算不賴 中間有什麼彈性 不同結局已經不期待
He should pay with his life This decision is good for him There's no flexibility in between Different endings are no longer expected
旁邊喊著把他殺了就能解決所有問題 他邊聽邊偷笑那是他行兇前的心情
Someone nearby shouted that killing him would solve all the problems He listened and snickered That was his mood before he committed the crime
逝者媽媽哭著喊他名字叫到沒力氣 那個畜牲殺了我的孩子 應該下地獄
The deceased's mother cried out his name until she had no more strength That animal killed my child He should go to hell
是否死亡是最嚴厲的懲罰沒有別的方法 看著家屬失魂的臉孔 我想也許是吧
Is death the most severe punishment Is there no other way Looking at the family's distraught faces I think maybe it is
把他們拖去槍斃 把他們拖去槍斃 把他們拖去槍斃 讓他們知道他的末日將近
Drag them out to be shot Drag them out to be shot Drag them out to be shot Let them know their end is near
看看那嘴臉 那命要怎麼賠 正義要怎麼寫 難道正不勝邪
Look at that face How can that life be compensated for How can justice be written Isn't good supposed to triumph over evil
把他們拖去槍斃 把他們拖去槍斃 把他們拖去槍斃 讓他們知道他的末日將近
Drag them out to be shot Drag them out to be shot Drag them out to be shot Let them know their end is near
看看那嘴臉 那命要怎麼賠 正義要怎麼寫 難道正不勝邪 就讓子彈飛
Look at that face How can that life be compensated for How can justice be written Isn't good supposed to triumph over evil Just let the bullets fly
直到你會覺得痛 直到他語氣沉重 直到你發現 不再是你熟悉的那一場夢
Until you feel the pain Until his tone becomes heavy Until you discover It's no longer the familiar dream
一切超出了掌控 洛聖都殺人不用錢 孩子打電動學犯罪
Everything is out of control Murder in Los Santos is free Children learn to commit crimes from video games
Who taught him what is dangerous HE SAID NO CHARGE ON SUNDAY
那些喪心病狂我巴不得一槍把他全都滅了 曾經的戀人 變了調 他說 睡吧賤人
I couldn't wait to shoot all those lunatics He once called his lover changed his tune He said Sleep you slut
他看著血在流 眼睛卻從來沒眨過 活著當個階下囚 槍響解脫不用受折磨
He watched the blood flow His eyes never blinked Living as a prisoner The sound of gunshots will free him from suffering
律師把黑的說成白 好像預知他真的會悔改 他流下鱷魚的眼淚 是他罪大惡極的點綴
The lawyer turns black into white As if he knew he would truly repent He sheds crocodile tears His heinous crimes are embellished
他設計這一切 不鳴則已 人命像是免費 死到底廢不廢 有人刻意反對
He planned all of this If he doesn't speak up Human life is like it's free Is the death penalty useless after all Do people deliberately oppose it
他根本惡意殺人 他需要被隔離 最好直接下地獄十八層 人魔的化身
He's a cold-blooded murderer He needs to be isolated He should go straight to the 18th level of hell The epitome of a demon
我納悶他人神共憤 還留他幹嘛 那就讓子彈飛吧 就讓子彈
I wonder why he's still here He's a disgrace to humanity Just let the bullets fly Just let the bullets

Авторы: Mc Hotdog熱狗, Eso瘦子

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