MC Richix feat. Eikem - Fuiste Falsa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MC Richix feat. Eikem - Fuiste Falsa

Fuiste Falsa
You Were Fake
No pienses que sin ti voy a morir
Don't think I'll die without you
Lo siento las cosas no soy así
Sorry things aren't that way
Ya todo acabo...
It's all over...
Y vas a querer regresar
And you're going to want to come back
Pero ya no vas a encontrar
But you won't find any
De mi amor
Of my love
Ya ni me acuerdo de tu olor
I don't even remember your smell anymore
¿Qué fue lo que dijiste? ¿Qué me ibas a ver triste?
What did you say? That you were going to see me sad?
Pero mírame estoy muy bien aunque ya te fuiste
But look at me I'm fine even though you're gone
Todo destruiste, viniste y me mentiste
You destroyed everything, you came and lied to me
Dañando gran corazón fue en lo que más te luciste
Damaging my big heart was what you did best
Te pasaste, no por qué me dejaste
You went too far, I don't know why you left me
Si yo te daba todo y no porque te hartaste
If I gave you everything and I don't know why you got tired of me
Fuiste falsa como los abrazos que me dabas
You were fake like the hugs you gave me
Decías que me amabas y a mis espaldas te burlabas
You said you loved me and behind my back you made fun of me
Pero si piensas que me verás decaído
But if you think you'll see me down
Te equivocas porque he salido y me he divertido
You're wrong because I've gone out and had fun
(Pa' que veas)
(Just so you know)
De todos modos a ti nunca te importe
Anyway, you never cared
Tus palabras eran falsas por eso antes no noté
Your words were false that's why I didn't notice before
Que yo era tu diversión y así mismo tu juguete
That I was your entertainment and so your toy
Por eso si regresas yo mismo te diré ¨Vete¨
That's why if you come back I myself will tell you "Go away"
Porque no vale la pena sentirme así por ti
Because it's not worth feeling this way about you
No supiste apreciar todo lo que te di
You didn't appreciate anything I gave you
No pienses que sin ti voy a morir
Don't think I'll die without you
Lo siento las cosas no soy así
Sorry things aren't that way
Ya todo acabo, te perdiste lo mejor
It's all over, you missed out on the best
Y vas a querer regresar
And you're going to want to come back
Pero ya no vas a encontrar
But you won't find any
De mi amor.
Of my love.
Ya ni me acuerdo de tu olor
I don't even remember your smell anymore
¿Sabes qué fue lo que pasó? aquí fuiste una actriz
You know what happened? Here you were an actress
Que actuaba los guiones falsos de querer verme feliz
Who acted out the fake scripts of wanting to see me happy
Mi corazón es tonto... (O eso creo) Se enamora de mentiras
My heart is dumb... (Or so I think) It falls for lies
Y ahora siento odio si mis ojos te miran
And now I feel hate if my eyes look at you
Porque acuérdate yo respete en tus decisiones
Because remember I respected your decisions
Mil veces te di la razón en nuestras discusiones
A thousand times I agreed with you in our discussions
Sentimientos que se fueron olvidado poco a poco
Feelings that were forgotten little by little
Ya no vuelvo contigo ni aunque estuviera loco
I won't come back to you even if I was crazy
Vas a extrañarme y al mundo lo negaras
You're going to miss me and you'll deny it to the world
Me vas a querer hablar y por tu ego no lo harás
You're going to want to talk to me and for your ego you won't
Vas a pagar lo que me hiciste, te lo cobrara el karma
You're going to pay for what you did to me, karma will charge you
Y sentiré tu corazón como en mis manos se desarma
And I'll feel your heart as it falls apart in my hands
¿Y porque llorar por quien nunca me dio amor?
And why cry for someone who never gave me love?
Creo que conocerte en mi vida fue un error
I think meeting you in my life was a mistake
Después de todo yo si te quise
After all, I did love you
Y solo en mi causaste millones de cicatrices
And you only made millions of scars on me
No pienses que sin ti voy a morir
Don't think I'll die without you
Lo siento las cosas no soy así
Sorry things aren't that way
Ya todo acabo, te perdiste lo mejor
It's all over, you missed out on the best
Y vas a querer regresar
And you're going to want to come back
Pero ya no vas a encontrar
But you won't find any
De mi amor.
Of my love.
Ya ni me acuerdo de tu olor
I don't even remember your smell anymore

Авторы: Richard Allan Alcaraz

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