MC Richix feat. Jennix - Nunca Te Dejé de Querer - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MC Richix feat. Jennix - Nunca Te Dejé de Querer

Nunca Te Dejé de Querer
I Never Stopped Wanting You
Se que ya no me recuerdas y solamente quería saludarte
I know that you don't remember and that you only wanted to say hello
Claro que te recuerdo, en su tiempo llegué a amarte
Of course I remember, in my heart I fell in love with you
Enserio no lo creo, nunca lo demostraste
Seriously I don’t think so, you never showed it
Es más tu bien sabes que nunca me valoras
Besides you know that you never appreciated me
Ahora dices que me amaste, te gusta mentirme
Now you say that you love me, you like lying to me
No sigas que tus palabras están llegando a herirme
Stop, that’s enough. Your words are beginning to hurt me
Como no lo creo si tenias corazón de roca y mis palabras en tu corazón heridas no provocan
How can I not think so if you have a heart of stone and my words do not hurt your heart
Tarde me di cuenta que por ti algo sentía pero tu ya te habías ido de mi lado en esos días
I noticed too late, that I felt something for you but you had already left my side those days
Por que no me buscaste, me hubieras gustado, yo con gusto a tus brazos hubiera regresado
Why didn’t you look for me? I would have liked to see you. With pleasure I would have gone back to your arms
Es que vi que ya tenías a alguien más, un nuevo amor y no quise interrumpir y arreglar tu relación
Because I saw that you already had someone else, a new love, and I did not want to interrupt or fix your relationship
Tuve una nueva pareja para poder olvidarte ya que te amaba tanto y muy mal me tratarte
I had a new partner so that I could forget you, since I loved you so much and you treated me so badly
Te extraño pero no te quiero de regreso, solo quiero que lo sepas para que tengas en cuenta que te pienso sin necesitar te a mi lado
I miss you, but I do not want you back, I just want you to know so that you keep in mind that I think of you, without needing you by my side
Nunca nunca te deje de querer, yo te amaba y tu no lo podías ver, a pesar de que todo te daba tu me ignorabas porque
I never, never stopped loving you, I loved you and you could not see it, despite me giving you everything and you ignoring me because
Perdoname fui mala y lo se, si te quise y no te lo demostré, después de un tiempo me di cuenta que si te ame
Forgive me I was mean and I know it, if I loved you and I did not show it to you, some time later I realized that if I loved you
Para mi era difícil sacarte de mi cabeza y sufría al recordar que ya no era el que te besa
It was difficult for me to get you out of my head and I suffered remembering that I was no longer the one that you kissed
Quería ir a buscarte y no se porque no lo hice, pienso que hasta ahora seguiríamos felices
I wanted to go for you and I do not know why I did not, I think that even now we would continue to be happy
Pero el hubiera no existe y cada quien siguió su rumbo, hoy eres cualquiera y antes tu eras mi mundo
But what would have been does not exist, and we each went our way. Today you are just anyone and before you were my world
Me fui de tu vida porque eras muy fría, cosas lindas te decía y no me correspondías
I left your life because you were so cold, I would say nice things to you and you would not reciprocate
Por eso en aquel tiempo decidí que era mejor, abandonarte a seguír causandome dolor
For that reason, at that time I decided that it was better to leave you than to continue causing myself pain
Lo acepto fue mi culpa y te pido perdón
I accept that it was my fault and I ask your forgiveness
Ni una disculpa ni un perdón sanaran mi corazón
Neither and apology nor a pardon could heal my heart
Y porque te rendiste, tenias que luchar para que siguiéramos juntos a como de lugar
And why did you surrender, you had to fight so that we could continue being together, no matter what
Y es que la verdad nunca te deje de amar
And the truth is that I never stopped loving you
So then
Solo te deje de molestar
I only stopped bothering you
Nunca nunca te deje de querer, yo te amaba y tu no lo podías ver, a pesar de que todo te daba tu me ignorabas porque
I never, never stopped loving you, I loved you and you could not see it, despite the fact that I gave you everything and you ignored me because
Perdoname fui mala y lo se, si te quise y no te lo demostré, después de un tiempo me di cuenta que si te ame
Forgive me I was mean and I know it, if I loved you and I did not show it to you, some time later I realized that if I loved you

Авторы: Richard Allan Alcaraz Lopez

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