MC Richix - Anda y Dile - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MC Richix - Anda y Dile

Anda y Dile
Go and tell him
Anda y dile que ya no te trata igual
Go and tell him that he doesn't treat you the same
Y que a su lado te la pasas mal
And that by his side, you feel bad
Anda y dile que ahora soy yo
Go and tell him that now it's me
él que te apoya, él que te comprendió
Who supports you, who understands you
él que sin pensarlo su amor te dio.
Who without thinking gave you his love.
Mmm, oohh
Mmm, oohh
Anda y dile que él ya no te enamora
Go and tell him that he doesn't make you fall in love anymore
Que tus días de lamentos él ya no los mejora
That he no longer improves your days of sorrows
Que por su culpa tus ojos solamente lloran
That because of him, your eyes only weep
Porque ya no hace nada para demostrar que te ama
Because he doesn't do anything to show he loves you
Y cuando estas triste ahora soy yo él que te llama
And when you're sad, now I'm the one who calls you
Así que es mejor que se aleje tu vida
So it's better that he stays out of your life
Veo que parece que intenta buscar una salida
I see that he seems like he's trying to find a way out
le dices que lo extrañas y como a él no le importa
You tell him that you miss him and how he does not care
Intenta alejarse ¿No ves cómo se comporta?
He tries to get away, don't you see how he behaves?
Perdió el interés en ti aunque te diga que no
He has lost interest in you even if he tells you no
Siempre pelea por todo y está de mal humor
He always fights over everything and is in a bad mood
Le molesta cada cosa que haces o lo que digas
He gets annoyed by everything you do or say
¿No has notado que quizá salga con sus amigas?
Haven't you noticed that he may be going out with his friends?
Siempre está ocupado, no hace esfuerzos para verte
He's always busy, doesn't make an effort to see you
Yo doy todo para así poder tenerte
I give all of myself to have you
El hace planes donde no te incluye
He makes plans that don't include you
Todos mis planes serian tuyos y eso créeme nadie lo destruye
All my plans would be yours and that, believe me, no one can destroy
Anda y dile que ya no te trata igual
Go and tell him that he doesn't treat you the same
Y que a su lado te la pasas mal
And that by his side, you feel bad
Anda y dile que ahora soy yo
Go and tell him that now it's me
él que te apoya y él que te comprendió
Who supports you and who understands you
él que sin pensarlo su amor te dio
Who without thinking gave you his love
Mmm, su amor te dio
Mmm, his love he gave you
Anda y dile que ahora soy yo
Go and tell him that now it's me
Ha dejado de ser aquel detallista cariñoso
He has stopped being that detailed lover
Yo fui a la florería y también te aparte un oso
I went to the flower shop and also set a bear aside for you
Analiza y date cuenta que no eres su prioridad
Analyze and realize that you are not his priority
Prefiere hacer otras cosas a contigo estar
He prefers to do other things than be with you
¿Dime si te ha exigido espacio aunque no se vean?
Tell me if he has asked for space even though you don't see each other?
No quiero que seas más la que sus mentiras crea
I don't want you to believe his lies anymore
¿Acaso no estas cansada de que tanto peleen
Aren't you tired of arguing so much
Y que el orgullo y la costumbre tu vida rodeen?
And that pride and custom surround your life?
Lo que deseo es que te quites esa venda de los ojos
What I want is for you to take that blindfold off your eyes
Te miente frecuentemente, la alarma está en rojo
He lies to you frequently, the alarm is on red
La comunicación es esencial y el no coopera
Communication is essential and he doesn't cooperate
Si no te trata igual, haz lo mismo ¿qué esperas?
If he doesn't treat you the same, do the same, what are you waiting for?
No le interesan tus problemas, dice que él no te los causa
He is not interested in your problems, he says he does not cause them
Así que creo que es momento de que a esto le pongas pausa
So I think it's time for you to pause this
Necesitas a alguien que comprenda tu sentir
You need someone who understands your feelings
Es momento de dar el paso y dejarlo ir
It's time to take the step and let him go
Anda y dile que ya no te trata igual
Go and tell him that he doesn't treat you the same
Y que a su lado te la pasas mal
And that by his side, you feel bad
Te la pasas mal
You feel bad
Anda y dile que ahora soy yo
Go and tell him that now it's me
él que te apoya, él que te comprendió
Who supports you, who understands you
él que sin pensarlo su amor te dio
Who without thinking gave you his love
Mmm, su amor te dio
Mmm, his love he gave you
Anda y dile que ahora soy yo
Go and tell him that now it's me
Es Mc Richix
It's Mc Richix
Anda y Dile
Go and tell him
Dile que ahora soy yo él que te esta enamorando
Tell him that now it's me who's making you fall in love
Tell him
Que él ya no te hace sentir lo mismo
That he doesn't make you feel the same anymore
Dile que ya no quieres estar con él
Tell him that you don't want to be with him anymore
Por tanto daño que te ha hecho
For so much harm he has done to you
No confías más
You don't trust anymore

Авторы: Richard Allan Alcaraz

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