Even if it is only to listen to what I want to express
La razon por la que vengo no dejo de extrañarte
The reason that I am here is that I cannot stop missing you
Y siento q aunq muero yo dejare de amrte
And I feel that even if I die I will never stop loving you
Principer no soy h pues nunca lo sere dame esta oprtunidad y nunca te fallare notengo un caballo o una espada o una capa pero eres la murej q resalta en mi mapa
Princess, I am not a hero and I will never be one. Give me this opportunity and I will never fail you. I do not have a horse or a sword or a cape but you are the girl who stands out on my map.
Tienes la esclusividad
You have the exclusivity
De hacer latir mi corazon
Of making my heart beat
Si algun dia te ise enojar hoyte pido perdon
If I ever made you angry, today I beg your forgiveness
La gente inventa cosas y dicen tonterias solo confia en mi y no creas loq digan
People invent things and say silly things. Just trust me and do not believe what they say.
Siempre estas en mi mente siempre tenlo presente robaria tu corazon pero no soy un delicuente me enamoraste de repente sin conocer cm eras todos mis inviernos los volviste primavera nome quisiste explicar de lo q habia sucedido eres la unica q quiero yo nunca te he mentido
You are always on my mind. Always remember that. I would steal your heart but I am not a criminal. You made me fall in love with you all of a sudden without knowing what you were like. You did not want to explain what had happened. You are the only one I want, I have never lied to you.
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