MC Shahini - Everyone Doesn't Say You're Beautiful - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MC Shahini - Everyone Doesn't Say You're Beautiful

Everyone Doesn't Say You're Beautiful
Everyone Doesn't Say You're Beautiful
Now's time for stepping outta place
Now's time for stepping outta place
Get up on your feet and give account of your faith
Get up on your feet and give account of your faith
Pray to Allah or something or whatever you do
Pray to Allah or something or whatever you do
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
I know no one is saying I love you
I know no one is saying I love you
You know I'm saying lovin' you
You know I'm saying I love you
For Allah your heart is so beautiful
For Allah, your heart is so beautiful
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
I know no one is saying I love you
I know no one is saying I love you
You know I'm saying lovin' you
You know I'm saying I love you
For Allah your heart is so beautiful
For Allah, your heart is so beautiful
Ezik büzük ihtiyarlar himayesinde ezik büzük bir çocukluk sürerkene
While living a timid, constricted childhood under the protection of frail, withered elders,
Seneler geçip gitmekte mesele hep söz dinlemekte
Years passed by, the issue always being obedience.
Uslu bir çocuk oldun Shahini dört duvar arasında sözde aristokrasi
You became a well-behaved child, Shahini, within four walls, a supposed aristocracy.
Birinin karı-kız-otel muhabbeti birinin elli senelik hastalık dertleri
One person's wife-girl-hotel talk, another's fifty-year-old ailments.
Biri dinden imandan kopuk biri Allah elini taş eder derdi
One detached from religion and faith, another saying God's hand is a stone of trouble.
Bir döküm kalıbı gibi sınırlı dünya cumbada geçer hayat muhabbetleri
Like a casting mold, a limited world, life passing by in idle chatter.
Kapalı kapılar ardı yok yanar döner bunalır dışarıda yağmuru ararsın
Behind closed doors, there's nothing, you toss and turn, you feel suffocated, outside you search for the rain.
Pencereden izlemeye izin vardır ama sakın dışarı çıkma ıslanırsın
You're allowed to watch from the window, but don't you dare go out and get wet.
İlkokulda eve ıslak gelmekten yediğim azarlara yok diyecek bir ses
There's no voice to object to the scoldings I received in elementary school for coming home wet.
Dayak bile yediydik hani devamlı vardı hep bir compress
We even got beaten, there was always a compress handy.
Ekmek peşinde koşan bir peder eğitim peşinde koşan bir valide
A father chasing bread, a mother chasing education.
Manitayla zina etsin diye anahtarımı verebileceğim bir arkadaşım yoktu bile
I didn't even have a friend I could give my key to so he could commit adultery with my girl.
Kiminle takılsam arkadaş olsam dediler salla onu ne bilir ki?
Whoever I hung out with, whoever I became friends with, they said, "Forget him, what does he know?"
Kolombiya'nın başkenti neresidir bilmez ömründe hatmemiştir ansiklopediyi
"He doesn't know the capital of Colombia, he's never read an encyclopedia in his life."
Bilime coğrafyaya vaktinden önce sarıldık demek ki vakti varmış
We embraced science and geography prematurely, it seems there was time for it.
Kafam bir dünya fuzuliyle dolmuş ve taşmış bildiğin şaftı kaymış
My head was filled and overflowing with a world of useless things, it completely went off the rails.
Üç buçuk yaşımda okumayı sökmemle hala övünürken sülalemin alayı
While my whole family still brags about me learning to read at three and a half,
Bense sokaktan yoksun bir halde sürmekteydi inziva hayatım
My secluded life continued, deprived of the streets.
İçime yerleşti asosyal zihniyet emin ol uzun süre içinden çıkamadım
The antisocial mindset settled within me, believe me, I couldn't get rid of it for a long time.
Orta sona kadar annesiz babasız moruksuz tek başıma yolculuk yapamadım
Until the end of middle school, I couldn't travel alone, without my mother, father, or a companion.
Toplu taşımada herkes yabancı tek başıma yolu kaybetme korkusu
Everyone was a stranger on public transport, the fear of getting lost alone.
İlkokul sonda aylar boyu tek başıma evde yalnız kalma korkusu
In the last months of elementary school, the fear of being home alone.
O zamanlarda bile Shahini nevrotik MC'leşince kaleme geçti hepsi
Even back then, Shahini, the neurotic, put it all down on paper when he MC'd.
Ortaokul ve sonrasında lise başladı bende ufaktan bir değişim
Middle school and then high school started, and a slight change began in me.
Daha ilk günler tahtada bir melek usul ile incilerini dökerkene
In the very first days, while an angel was methodically sharing her pearls of wisdom on the blackboard,
İlk adım atan herkese kucak açan Shahini selam bile veremedi o sarı saçlı meleğe
Shahini, who embraced everyone who took the first step, couldn't even greet that blonde angel.
İlk kez denemeye kalkışamadım başındaydı görünmez engel
For the first time, I couldn't try; an invisible barrier was at work.
Büyük bir rekabet hissiyatı haftalar geçerken saniye saniye
A great sense of rivalry, second by second, as the weeks passed.
İyi giden dersler bocalandı sadece birine hunharca asıldım
My good grades faltered, I fiercely focused on just one person.
Galip olma ihtirasıydı düşük alsam bile senden iyi olmaktı
It was the ambition to win, even if I got a low score, it was about being better than you.
Kalp gözümden aldı seni içim mutlu hayaller ve hoşluk duygusu
My heart took you away from my sight, my inner happiness, dreams, and a sense of delight.
Bir süre sonra resmen belli oldu bu ben sana aşık olmuştum
After a while, it became officially clear: I had fallen in love with you.
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
I know no one is saying I love you
I know no one is saying I love you
You know I'm saying lovin' you
You know I'm saying I love you
For Allah your heart is so beautiful
For Allah, your heart is so beautiful
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
I know no one is saying I love you
I know no one is saying I love you
You know I'm saying lovin' you
You know I'm saying I love you
For Allah your heart is so beautiful
For Allah, your heart is so beautiful
Dost dediğim insanlara dert açtım mikrofonda ben asosyal velet
I opened up my troubles to the people I called friends, me, the antisocial brat on the microphone.
Geç de olmadı bu yüzden kazık yemek sırrı yayanla konuşma tövbe et
It wasn't too late for me to learn my lesson: don't talk to the one who spreads secrets, repent.
Tavsiyeye uy sırala yalanları reel dostlar da nasibini alsın
Follow the advice, list the lies, let your real friends get their share.
Seneler sonra farkına varınca döv dizini amma yine de faydasız
Years later, when you realize it, beat your knees, but it's still useless.
Gece gündüz ağız enine büyüdü acı ve mutluluğun en temiz karışımı
Night and day, the pain grew wider, the purest mixture of sorrow and happiness.
Tahtayla alakasız ruh beden düşmemesi senden iki gözün iki kulağın
Unrelated to the blackboard, soul and body, may your two eyes and two ears not fall.
Başarısızlık bu şekilde diz boyu ama hiçbir daim yoktu bir sıkıntı
Failure was knee-deep like this, but there was no permanent problem.
Ömrüm yindi yılmadım senden bir arka plana hiç konulmadın
My life was wasted, but I didn't give up on you, you were never put in the background.
Baskının nefesi ensemdeyken depresyon hücûm ederken bile
Even when the breath of oppression was on my neck, even when depression was attacking,
Bir süre sonra ekilmeye başladı yavaş yavaş şiir tohumları
After a while, the seeds of poetry slowly began to be sown.
Büyüdü dal budak ürünü tez duyan koştu ve kaptı beğen tıkları
It grew branches and buds, its product quickly reached those who heard and grabbed the likes they liked.
En önce ve en son sen okumalısın ama kopuktuk hiç kuramadım bağlantı
You should read it first and last, but we were disconnected, I could never establish a connection.
Ayın 28'i öğleden akşama sadece ikimiz göz göze lakin
The 28th of the month, from afternoon to evening, just the two of us, eye to eye, however,
Sutralar satırlar eğri büğrü açılmadı tepeleme kelime dolu koli
Sutras, lines crooked and bent, the box overflowing with words didn't open.
Gülüşmelerimize eşlik ederkene dandik laboratuvar köşeleri
While accompanying our laughter, the corners of the shabby laboratory.
Bahçe Spa sen de McLaren'din Aguri'nin belimi ağrıtan cilveleri
Garden Spa, you were McLaren, Aguri's waist-aching flirtations.
Vedalar sessiz gram muhabbetsiz pek acıklı üstelik de depresif
Farewells silent, not a word, quite painful, and moreover, depressing.
Bir balkon bulup atladı umut kara toprak almaya isteksiz
Hope found a balcony and jumped, the black earth unwilling to accept it.
Kararlı tomurcuklar bir bir bitti erimiş kemikleri bile diriltti
The determined buds perished one by one, even reviving melted bones.
Umut bir beden şekliyse ruhu mutlaka sevgidir
If hope is a body shape, its soul is definitely love.
Mix tablası başında sen ömrümü karıştır âhenk yarat
At the mixing board, you, mix my life, create harmony.
Kül tablası başında ben alternatifin boynuma gere halat
At the ashtray, I, your alternative, the rope necessary around my neck.
Her nefeste yağlanmakta istikamet sehpa dört nala arap at
With every breath, the direction is getting greasy, the coffee table, a galloping Arabian horse.
Bir kelime sal bana ya avrat yoksa ben azaptayken kabrime toprak at
Give me a word, either a woman or throw dirt on my grave while I'm in torment.
Ankara'da hanede yahut kampüstedir anahtarım
My key is either in a house in Ankara or on campus.
Hanelerine giremeyenlerin aradıkları yer yorgan altı
The place sought by those who can't enter their homes is under the covers.
Bir tek senin elin değsin ömrümün kapı tokmağına
Let only your hand touch the doorknob of my life.
Sana bu kadar içten seviyorum diyen çıkmış mıdır acaba??
Has anyone ever told you they love you this sincerely??
Shumë dua!!!!
Shumë dua!!!!
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
I know no one is saying I love you
I know no one is saying I love you
You know I'm saying lovin' you
You know I'm saying I love you
For Allah your heart is so beautiful
For Allah, your heart is so beautiful
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
I know no one is saying I love you
I know no one is saying I love you
You know I'm saying lovin' you
You know I'm saying I love you
For Allah your heart is so beautiful
For Allah, your heart is so beautiful
Bir kez daha hayatımı dinliyorsun güzelim
You're listening to my life once again, beautiful.
Biliyorum başın şişti ancak
I know you're fed up, but
İnsanların bugüne kadar hala sana söylemediği
I continue to tell you things
Şeyleri söylemeye devam ediyorum
That people still haven't told you to this day.
O hissiyat 17 yıl geçmiş olsa bile
That feeling, even though 17 years have passed,
Hala tüm sıcaklığıyla yaşıyor
Is still alive with all its warmth.
Bana istediğini yapmakta hala özgürsün
You're still free to do whatever you want with me.
Bağır çağır söv say
Yell, shout, curse, swear,
Ama ama bir tek
But, but just one thing,
Sevme deme
Don't tell me not to love you,
Çünkü onu yapamam
Because I can't do that.
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
I know no one is saying I love you
I know no one is saying I love you
You know I'm saying lovin' you
You know I'm saying I love you
For Allah your heart is so beautiful
For Allah, your heart is so beautiful
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
Everyone doesn't say you're beautiful
I know no one is saying I love you
I know no one is saying I love you
You know I'm saying lovin' you
You know I'm saying I love you
For Allah your heart is so beautiful
For Allah, your heart is so beautiful

Авторы: Ali şahini

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