MC Stojan feat. Aleksandra Prijovic - Sta Bi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MC Stojan feat. Aleksandra Prijovic - Sta Bi

Sta Bi
What Would Happen
Šta bi? Šta bi? Šta bi? Ma, šta ti bi?
What would happen? What would happen? What would happen? Tell me, baby, what do you want?
Ne mogu više, dosta mi je svega
I can't take it anymore, I'm fed up with everything
Do juče bili smo u ljubavi
Yesterday we were so in love
Udari nekad grom iz vedra neba
But then, out of the blue, lightning strikes
Zovem, ne javljaš se danima
I call you, but you don't answer for days
Ne mogu da te nađem
I can't find you
Kao lud te tražim
I'm searching for you like a madman
A mene više to ne zanima
But I don't care anymore
Nađi neku drugu
Find someone else
Pa joj pričaj laži
And tell her all your lies
Kad me neko pita: "Kako si?"
When someone asks me: "How are you?"
"Da li imaš ljubav neku?"
"Do you have a new love?"
Kažem im da imam anđela
I tell them I have an angel
I da je najlepša na svetu
And that she's the most beautiful woman in the world
A ja da sam mnogo tužna, ne vidiš
But I'm so sad, can't you see?
Noćima se s društvom provodiš
You spend your nights out with your friends
Ne mariš, nemoj posle da se čudiš
You don't care, don't be surprised when I leave
Šta bi? Šta bi? Šta bi? Ma, šta ti bi?
What would happen? What would happen? What would happen? Tell me, baby, what do you want?
Ne mogu više, dosta mi je svega
I can't take it anymore, I'm fed up with everything
Do juče bili smo u ljubavi
Yesterday we were so in love
Udari nekad grom iz vedra neba
But then, out of the blue, lightning strikes
Zovem, ne javljaš se danima
I call you, but you don't answer for days
Ne mogu da te nađem
I can't find you
Kao lud te tražim
I'm searching for you like a madman
A mene više to ne zanima
But I don't care anymore
Nađi neku drugu
Find someone else
Pa joj pričaj laži
And tell her all your lies
U životu nisam voleo nikog kao tebe
I've never loved anyone as much as I love you
Mnogim ženama odoleo
I've resisted many women
Da te sačuvam za sebe
To keep you all for myself
Ma daj, još ćeš ludom da me napraviš
But you'll just drive me crazy
Kako mi je kad me povrediš
You don't think about how hurt I am
Ne misliš, stvarno ne znam šta se čudiš
So don't act surprised when I'm gone
Šta bi? Šta bi? Šta bi? Ma, šta ti bi?
What would happen? What would happen? What would happen? Tell me, baby, what do you want?
Ne mogu više, dosta mi je svega
I can't take it anymore, I'm fed up with everything
Do juče bili smo u ljubavi
Yesterday we were so in love
Udari nekad grom iz vedra neba
But then, out of the blue, lightning strikes
Zovem, ne javljaš se danima
I call you, but you don't answer for days
Ne mogu da te nađem
I can't find you
Kao lud te tražim
I'm searching for you like a madman
A mene više to ne zanima
But I don't care anymore
Nađi neku drugu
Find someone else
Pa joj pričaj laži
And tell her all your lies
Šta bi? Šta bi? Šta bi? Ma, šta ti bi?
What would happen? What would happen? What would happen? Tell me, baby, what do you want?
Ne mogu više, dosta mi je svega
I can't take it anymore, I'm fed up with everything
Do juče bili smo u ljubavi
Yesterday we were so in love
Udari nekad grom iz vedra neba
But then, out of the blue, lightning strikes
Zovem, ne javljaš se danima
I call you, but you don't answer for days
Ne mogu da te nađem
I can't find you
Kao lud te tražim
I'm searching for you like a madman
A mene više to ne zanima
But I don't care anymore
Nađi neku drugu
Find someone else
Pa joj pričaj laži
And tell her all your lies

Авторы: Mc Stojan

MC Stojan feat. Aleksandra Prijovic - Sta Bi (feat. Aleksandra Prijovic) - Single
Sta Bi (feat. Aleksandra Prijovic) - Single
дата релиза

1 Sta Bi

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