MC 耀宗 feat. C BAPE - 睡夢羅漢 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MC 耀宗 feat. C BAPE - 睡夢羅漢

Sleeping Arhat
先是感染你的視線 (到了到了)
First, I'll infect your vision (Arrived, arrived)
接著帶你飛到高點 (到了到了)
Then I'll take you flying high (Arrived, arrived)
Who is that sitting in the Buddha's place?
Upending your earnest world
Channeling the dharma, meeting in dreams
Sleeping and waking, drifting on the river
A straw raincoat, body unrestrained
Rocking and rolling through the lakes and seas
A thousand cups without getting drunk, easing my sorrow
提筆了 畫下了 春樹的
Taking up the brush, I paint the spring trees'
秋霜 還是那 神鳥的 鳳凰
Autumn frost or the phoenix's divine bird
上流的 下流了 順流的
Upstream, downstream, following the current
逆流著 笑傲這江湖 太荒唐
Swimming against it, laughing over this absurd world
太多 紙醉金迷物換星移
Too much drunken revelry, exchanging stars for a night
Who can take away this world?
再多 風花雪月鏡花水月
Too many romantic affairs, a moon reflected in water
Can't hide the ambition in my heart
動心忍性 哪怕材狼虎豹
Patient and enduring, even fierce wolves and tigers
I'll destroy them with a single move.
紅塵啊滾滾 龍吟虎嘯
Red dust rolling, dragons roaring, tigers howling
My heart is far away, my path is my own
眨巴眼說暗號 單挑九袋長老
Winking, exchanging secret signs, challenging the nine-bag elder
早就奉旨乞討 肚子得吃飽飽
I've long been begging for alms, my belly must be full
我想要飛高高 打狗棒過個招
I want to fly high, use the cudgel to learn a few tricks
但現在有點睏 先讓我睡覺覺 OOH
But I'm a little sleepy now, let me sleep, OOH
先是感染你的視線 (到了到了)
First, I'll infect your vision (Arrived, arrived)
接著帶你飛到高點 (到了到了)
Then I'll take you flying high (Arrived, arrived)
Who is that sitting in the Buddha's place?
Upending your earnest world
Channeling the dharma, meeting in dreams
一代的武狀元 是何方妖孽
A generation's martial arts champion, what kind of demon are you?
耍睡夢羅漢拳 得要文韜武略
Practicing the Sleeping Arhat Fist, you must be well-read and skilled in martial arts
就賺再多的錢 也喚不回
Even earning all the money in the world can't bring back
買不到被奪走的一切 燃起炙熱火焰
What was taken away. Kindle the blazing flames.
沒事就耍套拳法 那招式千變萬化
When I'm bored, I practice a set of boxing. The moves are ever-changing.
天南地北東搖西晃 兩袖清風一起來走跳天涯
Roaming the world, with a carefree spirit, let's travel the world together
長路 漫漫 任我 闖蕩 不怕 被笑 太瘋癲
The road is long. Let me explore it. I'm not afraid of being laughed at.
洪七 公的 傳人 約我 年輕 人啊 夢中見
Uncle Seven's disciple invited me, a young man, to meet him in my dreams
顛顛倒倒 世間道理 往往銀兩說了算
The world is upside down. Money often has the final say.
潦潦草草 黑白是非 誰能輕易說的穿
Good and evil are hard to define. Who can easily tell the truth?
使出降龍十八掌 回手再睡夢羅漢
Using the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, I turn and use the Sleeping Arhat Fist.
腦殘的鄉民路上 遇到我自己看著辦
Moronic villagers, deal with me as you see fit.
俺是羅漢 但是今天不伏虎
I'm an Arhat, but today I won't subdue tigers.
俺是羅漢 人間道不歸路
I'm an Arhat, and the path of humanity is a dead end.
俺是羅漢 掌中乾坤有文武
I'm an Arhat, with both literature and martial arts in the palm of my hand.
俺是羅漢 行蹤雲深不知處
I'm an Arhat, my whereabouts are unknown.
先是感染你的視線 (到了到了)
First, I'll infect your vision (Arrived, arrived)
接著帶你飛到高點 (到了到了)
Then I'll take you flying high (Arrived, arrived)
Who is that sitting in the Buddha's place?
Upending your earnest world
Channeling the dharma, meeting in dreams
一代的武狀元 是何方妖孽
A generation's martial arts champion, what kind of demon are you?
耍睡夢羅漢拳 得要文韜武略
Practicing the Sleeping Arhat Fist, you must be well-read and skilled in martial arts
就賺再多的錢 也喚不回
Even earning all the money in the world can't bring back
買不到被奪走的一切 燃起炙熱火焰
What was taken away. Kindle the blazing flames.

MC 耀宗 feat. C BAPE - RI$ER 上昇者
RI$ER 上昇者
дата релиза

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