MCN - Celija 44 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MCN - Celija 44

Celija 44
Cell 44
Sta bih dao da sam ptica, da odavde odletim,
I wish I was a bird, to fly away from here,
Da vidim vasa lica, uvek kad vas se setim
To see your face, everytime I think of you.
Da grlim svoju majku, jer mi fali puno,
To hug my mother, because I miss her so much,
Deca veruju u bajku, a ja verujem u cudo.
Children believe in fairy tales, and I believe in miracles.
Sanjam da setam ulicom sa svojim ocem,
I dream of walking down the street with my father,
Stvari fale kad ih nemas, a ne kupuju se novcem.
Things are missed when you don't have them, and can't be bought with money.
Ulazim u kucu, ispred vrata cujem rep.
I enter the house and hear a rap outside the door,
Kol'ko puta probudi me svoga brata snazan smeh.
How many times has my brother's loud laughter woken me up,
Sta bih dao da sam nebo, da te gledam kako setas,
I wish I was the sky, to watch over you.
Satima bih tebe gled'o a da to ni ne znas.
I would watch you for hours, and you would never know.
Ti si divna cura i zasluzujes mnogo,
You are a beautiful girl and you deserve a lot.
Ovo nije gluma srce ne glumi dobro.
This is not a joke, my heart doesn't act well.
Svakog jutra srusen san iz oka iskren sto vire,
Every morning, I awake, tears streaming from my eyes.
Pocinje jos jedan dan kada cujes pancire.
Another day begins and I hear the chains.
Sta bih dao da sam ptica da odavde odletim,
I wish I was a bird to fly away from here,
Ovo je iskrena prica Celije 44.
This is the truthful story of Cell 44.
Ovo je moja celija, dani nisu lepi.
This is my cell, the days are not beautiful.
Moja celija, 44.
My cell, 44.
Ovo je moja celija, nebo je uvek sivo.
This is my cell, the sky is always gray.
24 sata, to je moj zivot.
24 hours, this is my life.
Znam da zaplaces cesto, jer ne znas gde je tvoj sin,
I know you often cry, because you don't know where your son is,
Legnes na moje mesto mislis kako je i s' kim'
You lie in my place, thinking about how he is and who he is with.
Gledas moje slike, suza sama pada,
You look at my pictures, tears fall,
Tvoj sin je dobro mama, nije zedan i gladan.
Your son is well, mom, he is not thirsty or hungry.
Sta bih dao da mogu videti prijatelje prave,
I wish I could see my true friends,
Znam da pomenu cesto svoga druga iza brave.
I know I often mention my friend behind the lock.
Sete se mene, mojih pesama i rima,
Remember me, my songs and rhymes,
Kad prica krene, oni naruce mi civas.
When the story begins, they say cheers to me.
Sta bih dao da sam vetar koji miluje ti lice,
I wish I was the wind that caresses your face,
Budem deo tvoga sveta, pricam najlepse ti price,
I will be a part of your world, I will tell you the most beautiful stories,
Sklonim ti kosu, tiho ljubim te po vratu,
I will brush your hair, kiss you softly on the neck,
Pipnem po nosu pa se spustim ka stomaku
I will touch your nose and then go down to your stomach.
Voleo bih znati sta ce biti sutra,
I would like to know what tomorrow will bring.
Prolaze sati ali ostaje trenutak
The hours pass but the moment remains.
Jos jedno jutro ja sam svestan da sam ovde
Another morning I am aware that I am here.
S' kljucem u bravi, probudi me gutten morgen.
With a key in the lock, waking me with a "Guten Morgen".
Ovo je moja celija, dani nisu lepi.
This is my cell, the days are not beautiful.
Moja celija, 44.
My cell, 44.
Ovo je moja celija, nebo je uvek sivo.
This is my cell, the sky is always gray.
24 sata, to je mojzivot.
24 hours, this is my life.
Koliko puta pomislim na neke nebitne sitnice,
How many times do I think about insignificant little things,
Nebitne ljude, osmeh ozari mi lice.
Insignificant people, a smile lights up my face.
Dugi minuti, 1001 prica,
Long minutes, 1001 stories,
Sedim na klupi, svuda zidovi i zica.
I sit on the bench, surrounded by walls and barbed wire.
Gledam u ljude, menjaju se k'o na traci,
I look at people, they change like on a conveyor belt,
Odlaze Junge, Krsta, Burga i Aladji,
Junge, Krsta, Burga and Aladji leave,
Dovode druge, s' istim izrazom na faci,
They bring others, with the same expression on their face,
Kako da bude, drzim zivot svoj u saci.
As it should be, I hold my life in my hands.
Sta bih dao da sam zvezda nocu da ti cuvam san,
I wish I was a star to guard your dreams at night,
Nocas napravi mi mesta, odlazim kad svane dan.
Make room for me tonight, I'll leave when the day breaks.
Odlazim tamo, samo hrabri se ne boje,
I'll go where only the brave don't fear,
Gde svi se znamo, a gde niko ne zna ko je.
Where everyone knows each other, but no one knows who is who.
Tako mi fali ono sto je bilo moje,
I miss what was mine,
Zivot je mali, naspram stvari sto ga kroje.
Life is short, compared to the things that shape it.
Cekate mene, suza cesto podje vam,
You wait for me, tears often come to you,
26.4. ja ovde slavim rodjendan.
26.4. I celebrate my birthday here.
Ovo je moja celija, dani nisu lepi.
This is my cell, the days are not beautiful.
Moja celija, 44.
My cell, 44.
Ovo je moja celija, nebo je uvek sivo.
This is my cell, the sky is always gray.
24 sata, to je moj zivot.
24 hours, this is my life.

Авторы: Slobodan Veljkovic, Relja Popovic, Stefan Cvijovic, Vladimir Wanta Matovic

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