MEGAHORN - POSITIVEの塊 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MEGAHORN - POSITIVEの塊

A Lump of Positivity
COMPLEXの強い塊 と連鎖するPRIDEの塊
A solid block of COMPLEX and a chain of PRIDE blocks
単なる遠慮の塊 正直になれず嘘の塊
A simple block of diffidence, unable to be honest and a block of lies
もう一杯 悩み苦しんだきっと十分に
One more glass of hardship and suffering, surely that's enough
もう一回 TRY出来ないような気分に
Another TRY, feeling unable to
遠いかい? 思い描く理想の自分に 問いたい
Is it too far? I want to ask my ideal self
My future self and my self up to now
出まかせ 出まかせでも いつか持てる本当の自信
Bluff, even if it's a bluff, someday I'll have real confidence
Imagining the future even though I haven't done anything
From the beginning, my spirits fall, thinking it's no good
Even though there are times like that, without fail
Day by day, I update my own POSITIVE
I absolutely never want to blame the generation I grew up in or how I was raised
I don't want to blame my family or where I was born at all
誰かが決めた定めなら逆らい スタート地点なんて差がない
If someone has decided my fate, I'll rebel, the starting point makes no difference
その気持ち生かす場がない それなら自らの手で計らい
I don't have a place to use those feelings, then I will provide one with my own hands
表面に思いの強さ出して 悔し涙枯れるまで流して
I'll show the strength of my feelings on the surface, I'll cry tears of regret until they run dry
気弱な心 打ち負かして 振りかざして また ぶちかまして
I'll beat down my weak heart, raise my fist, and smash it again
一秒の積み重ねがLIFE いつまでもあるはずのないTIME
LIFE is the accumulation of seconds, there is no TIME that will last forever
今も鳴り止まぬ開始のチャイム やりたい事 目掛けすぐさまダイブ
The starting chime is still ringing, dive straight into what you want to do
Imagining the future even though I haven't done anything
From the beginning, my spirits fall, thinking it's no good
Even though there are times like that, without fail
Day by day, I update my own POSITIVE
I won't make progress if I say I don't have the ability, the time, or the money
I won't look for reasons to give up without taking that first step
誰かになろうとしてもなれない 自分は自分にしかなれない
I can't become someone else, I can only be myself
人と比べて芽生えた躊躇い からは結局何も生まれない
Hesitation born from comparing myself to others will ultimately lead to nothing
やる気があっても空回り そのたびにバグって固まり
Even if I have the motivation, sometimes I run in circles, and I always freeze up
いつもその心 新たに いつか自分を誇れるあなたに
Always renew that heart, someday you'll be able to be proud of yourself
一秒の積み重ねがLIFE いつまでもあるはずのないTIME
LIFE is the accumulation of seconds, there is no TIME that will last forever
今も鳴り止まぬ開始のチャイム やりたい事 目掛けすぐさまダイブ
The starting chime is still ringing, dive straight into what you want to do
欠点なんかは誰にでもある 人間力なんてトータル
Everyone has flaws, charisma is the total
だったらプラスの部分を伸ばす 個性を磨けば味となる
Then I'll expand the positive parts, and polish my personality so it becomes my charm
あらゆる あらゆる失敗を繰り返し何かが分かってくる
All, all kinds of failures will repeat themselves and I'll understand something
やれない→やれそう 次は やる やる やる
Can't do it I think I can do it, next, I will do it, I will do it, I will do it
Imagining the future even though I haven't done anything
From the beginning, my spirits fall, thinking it's no good
Even though there are times like that, without fail
Day by day, I update my own POSITIVE
Imagining a successful future
Suppressing my impatience and taking a deep breath
Without giving up at any time, without fail
Day by day, I update my own POSITIVE
叶えたい夢のその塊 燃やしていく情熱の塊
The lump of the dream I want to fulfill, the lump of passion I'll burn
誰もがある種 才能の塊 可能性の塊
Everyone has a kind of lump of talent, a lump of possibility
そういっぱい 間違えて壁にぶつかって
So I'll make lots, mistakes, and hit walls
もう一回 二回 三回 そこから打ち勝って
Once more, twice, three times, I'll overcome them from there
問いたい 素直な自分といつも向き合って
I want to ask, myself, who is always honest with me
こう言いたい ほら見てみなやっぱり出来たって
I want to say, look, you see, I did it after all
出まかせ 出まかせでも いつか持てる本当の自信
Bluff, even if it's a bluff, someday I'll have real confidence

Авторы: Mega Horn

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