MEGAHORN - Treasure Box - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MEGAHORN - Treasure Box

Treasure Box
Treasure Box
拾い集めた なんでもない様な石ころ 誰かにとってはただのボロ
You gather a bunch of little stones that seem worthless to anyone else
それでも何か価値あるモノ そう信じたあの頃の心
But you believed they had some sort of hidden value dear
いつかと言えばLong Time Ago 誰にもきっとあったであろう
In the past, you said, "someday", I'm sure anyone would agree
幼き日々の宝物 それを大事に眺めた過去
Of the treasures from your childhood days, precious memories to see
ついさっきまで 少年はたくましく校庭に立ってた
Not too long ago, you were running around the schoolyard with a smile
いつか大人になって 前に進むために地を這ってた
Hoping someday you would grow up and live a life worthwhile
あれからどう過ごしてきた俺ら 手繰り寄せたはずのTreasure
How have you been spending your days, what kind of treasure did you find
一瞬で消えたかそれともForever 魂に問えば
Was it fleeting or is it still in your soul to remind
開けてみれば 覗いてみれば 自分だけの大切にしたいモノ
When you open it up and look inside, you'll find what you hold dear
時の中でかき集めた どれくらい何を箱に詰めた
In time, you've collected much, how much have you kept near
開けてみれば 覗いてみれば 嘘偽りのない確かなモノ
Open the lid and look inside, where truth and certainty reside
ちゃんとあるのを見つけた 本当の気持ちにまた気付けた
You've found what's real, you can't hide, your true feelings you will confide
夢追うことよりひたすらに 誰かを妬みで蹴落とす企み
Rather than chasing your dreams, you spend your time putting others down
慣れ合いの中での傷の舐め合い 求めるだけの出鱈目な愛
You've grown accustomed to licking your wounds, from love you seek, but never found
やってもないのにハッタリ 常にPosition守ってばっかり
You bluff and brag about things you've never done, always guarding your position in the sun
はき違えたこだわりや 根拠のないガラスのプライドだったり
You've confused your beliefs with lies, and your fragile pride reaches for the skies
それでも得たモノが生きた証 だったら甚だバカバカしい
But if what you've gained is proof of your life, then it's all been a waste of strife
そんなにガラクタばっかし ならば、いったんまるごと空にし
Instead of filling it with junk, you should empty it all, my dear
それとは逆に必要なものは 容易く得られないものだ
Because the things you truly need, won't come to you so clear
一度失うともう二度とは 戻せないと知った
Once you lose them, there's no going back, they won't be there when you turn and look back
開けてみれば 覗いてみれば 自分だけの大切にしたいモノ
When you open it up and look inside, you'll find what you hold dear
時の中でかき集めた どれくらい何を箱に詰めた
In time, you've collected much, how much have you kept near
開けてみれば 覗いてみれば 嘘偽りのない確かなモノ
Open the lid and look inside, where truth and certainty reside
ちゃんとあるのを見つけた 本当の気持ちにまた気付けた
You've found what's real, you can't hide, your true feelings you will confide
移り行く時代の喧噪に 流れの速いテンポに
In the midst of the noise of the changing times, with its fast-paced tempo
守らなくてはいけないことを 決して惑わされずに
Never let go of what you must protect, don't let the doubts grow
Like the clear and pure lens of your heart as a child
Reflect on who you are now, don't let the truth be defiled
開けてみれば 家族や仲間 繋がりでの中の強い絆や
When you open it up and look inside, you'll find your family and friends
誰かへ忘れぬ感謝 信頼の気持ちも自分に反射
Unbreakable bonds, and gratitude that never ends
開けてみれば 学ぶ意欲や 後悔すべき過ちの記憶や
Open the lid and look inside, the desire to learn, and memories of the past, mistakes made
失敗しても一から 経験による乗り越える力
Even when you fail, you can start again, the strength to overcome, the pain
些細なことで喜ぶ気持ちや 今はもう会えない人との思い出や
The simple things that bring joy, those you can't meet again
金がすべてじゃない意識や 長いものには巻かれない意思や
Knowing money isn't everything, and not following the crowd
笑われようが 世界の平和 夢に対する熱さとひたむきさ
Even if you're laughed at, your passion for peace, your dreams
ちゃんとあること確かめながら 俺らはまた進んでく
Make sure of what's real, and we'll keep moving forward, my dear

Авторы: mega horn, mega horn

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