MEGARYU - もっと自由に - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MEGARYU - もっと自由に

Fly Higher
Even an ideal that's a little bit high is okay
If you can leave behind even one thing as proof that you lived like this, or as a memento, that would be good.
目を閉じて今 胸にその手おいて話しかけてみよう
Close your eyes now, place your hand on your chest, and talk to yourself.
もっと自由にはばたいて もっと自由に夢抱いて
Fly higher, more freely, dream more freely.
どんな理由にも流されないで いつか誇れる自分に
Don't let yourself be swayed by any reason, to a self you can be proud of someday.
もっと自由にはばたいて もっと自由に夢抱いて
Fly higher, more freely, dream more freely.
どんな理由にも流されないで 今を生きる充分に
Don't let yourself be swayed by any reason, live now to the fullest.
Rather than repeatedly telling yourself that you have to give up
It's better to honestly do what you want to do, what you should do.
数年後も寝る間惜しみ 本気で打ち込めるもの
Something that even after a few years you won't grudge any sleep for, something you can really throw yourself into
Choose it now, cling to it desperately, and go for it.
みんなが並ぶ長蛇の列 そこで順番待ちをしてる
Everybody's lined up in a long queue, waiting their turn
The person in front of you's there, so you feel a sense of reassurance
But if you have the courage to blaze a new trail, the rails
You step outside of will bring you expectations that outweigh the uncertainty
だれかを基準にするってことは その枠の中で
Basing yourself on someone else means that within those confines
You're simply fitting in smoothly with someone else
解き放て溢れる感情 やり方なんて三者三様
Release those overflowing emotions, there are as many ways of doing things as there are people
いつまで一体待ってんの? いつだって君の出番なんだよ
How much longer are you going to wait? It's always your turn.
いつも自分の居場所を探しすぎるから 周りに対して窮屈になってしまうのかも
You probably feel cramped and constrained by the people around you because you're always looking for your place.
自分を信じれる そんな風になれたらいい そう素直に表現するのが条件なのかも
If you can believe in yourself, if you can be like that, maybe that's the condition for expressing yourself honestly.
Even an ideal that's a little bit high is okay
If you can leave behind even one thing as proof that you lived like this, or as a memento, that would be good.
目を開き今 両手広げ 風に乗り力いっぱい
Open your eyes now, spread your arms wide, and with the wind at your back, with all your might...
もっと自由に もっと自由に
Fly higher, more freely, dream more freely.
どんな理由にも流されないで いつか誇れる自分に
Don't let yourself be swayed by any reason, to a self you can be proud of someday.
もっと自由に もっと自由に
Fly higher, more freely, dream more freely.
どんな理由にも流されないで 今を生きる充分に
Don't let yourself be swayed by any reason, live now to the fullest.

Авторы: Mega Horn, Ryu Rex, mega horn, ryu rex

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