A pitiful soul and a heart prone to sorrow, I set out to reclaim my reputation as a loser, to boost my ratings, to go public as a man of substance, and to prove myself worthy of your love.
行くぜ負け犬だったファイター 無理は100も承知の上で
Here I come, the underdog who was once a loser, knowing full well that I'm taking a huge risk.
満開に咲いた花道を スカッとかっ飛ばして! LET IT GO!
I'll sprint down the path that's now in full bloom, feeling refreshed and exhilarated! LET IT GO!
言いたい奴には言わしとけ みてろ度肝抜かしてやるぜ
Let the naysayers say what they will. Just you wait, I'll blow your mind.
俺は俺のこのやり方で スカッとやってやるぜ! BIG TIME!
I'll do it my way, and I'll do it with flair! BIG TIME!
競争社会に乗り遅れ 落ちこぼれのレッテルを張られたから
I fell behind in the rat race and got labeled a loser, so
now I'm summoning all my strength to reclaim my pride and dignity.
最近付き合いが悪いと言われても 今はやるべきことが山ほどある
Even if you've noticed I've been a bit distant lately, I have a lot on my plate right now.
いつかグングン成績アップして毎回 ベスト3にランクイン
Soon, my grades will skyrocket, and I'll consistently rank among the top three.
行くぜ負け犬だったファイター 無理は100も承知の上で
Here I come, the underdog who was once a loser, knowing full well that I'm taking a huge risk.
満開に咲いた花道を スカッとかっ飛ばして! LET IT GO!
I'll sprint down the path that's now in full bloom, feeling refreshed and exhilarated! LET IT GO!
言いたい奴には言わしとけ みてろ度肝抜かしてやるぜ
Let the naysayers say what they will. Just you wait, I'll blow your mind.
俺は俺のこのやり方で スカッとやってやるぜ! BIG TIME!
I'll do it my way, and I'll do it with flair! BIG TIME!
I'll silence my condescending同期 and my snide boss.
マイナスからのスタートなのかも でもここでやらねば男が廃る
I may be starting from a negative position, but if I don't do this now, I'll lose my manhood.
毎日汗水流し働き そしてうなぎのぼりに出世して
I'll work hard every day, climb the corporate ladder, and
でかいマイホームを手に入れてさ 家族に幸せ捧ぐぜっ
buy a big house for my family and make them happy.
行くぜ負け犬だったファイター 無理は100も承知の上で
Here I come, the underdog who was once a loser, knowing full well that I'm taking a huge risk.
満開に咲いた花道を スカッとかっ飛ばして! LET IT GO!
I'll sprint down the path that's now in full bloom, feeling refreshed and exhilarated! LET IT GO!
言いたい奴には言わしとけ みてろ度肝抜かしてやるぜ
Let the naysayers say what they will. Just you wait, I'll blow your mind.
俺は俺のこのやり方で スカッとやってやるぜ! BIG TIME!
I'll do it my way, and I'll do it with flair! BIG TIME!
情けない根性 更に傷心症 駄目男の汚名返上 支持率を上昇 男株上場 させる為に立ち上がった
A pitiful soul and a heart prone to sorrow, I set out to reclaim my reputation as a loser, to boost my ratings, to go public as a man of substance, and to prove myself worthy of your love.
行くぜ負け犬だったファイター 無理は100も承知の上で
Here I come, the underdog who was once a loser, knowing full well that I'm taking a huge risk.
満開に咲いた花道を スカッとかっ飛ばして! LET IT GO!
I'll sprint down the path that's now in full bloom, feeling refreshed and exhilarated! LET IT GO!
言いたい奴には言わしとけ みてろ度肝抜かしてやるぜ
Let the naysayers say what they will. Just you wait, I'll blow your mind.
俺は俺のこのやり方で スカッとやってやるぜ! BIG TIME!
I'll do it my way, and I'll do it with flair! BIG TIME!
行くぜっ負け犬だったファイター スカッとかっ飛ばして! (LET IT GO!)
Here I come, the underdog who was once a loser, feeling refreshed and exhilarated! (LET IT GO!)
無理は100も承知の上で スカッとやってやるぜ! (BIG TIME!)
Knowing full well that I'm taking a huge risk, I'll do it with flair! (BIG TIME!)
満開に咲いた花道を スカッとかっ飛ばして! (LET IT GO!)
I'll sprint down the path that's now in full bloom, feeling refreshed and exhilarated! (LET IT GO!)
俺は俺のこのやり方で スカッとやってやるぜ! (BIG TIME!)
I'll do it my way, and I'll do it with flair! (BIG TIME!)
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