MP魔幻力量 - 私奔到月球 2008 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MP魔幻力量 - 私奔到月球 2008

私奔到月球 2008
Escape to the Moon 2008
其實你 是個心狠又手辣 的小偷
Well baby, you are a cold-hearted and ruthless thief
我的心 我的呼吸和名字 都偷走
You stole my heart, my breath, and my name
你才是 綁架我的兇手
You are the one who kidnapped me, you criminal
機車後座的我 吹著風 逃離了平庸
Me on the back of your scooter, the wind in my hair, escaping the mundane
這星球 天天有五十億人 在錯過
On this planet, five billion people cross paths every day
多幸運 有你一起看星星 在爭寵
How lucky am I to watch the stars with you, vying for their attention
這一刻 不再問為什麼
In this moment, I stop asking why
不再去猜測人和人 心和心 有什麼不同
I stop trying to guess why people are different
當你說 太聰明往往還是 會寂寞
When you say, "Intelligence often leads to loneliness,"
我笑著 傾聽孤單終結後 的靜默
I smile, listening to the silence that ends my solitude
看月亮 像夜空的瞳孔
Look at the moon, like the pupil of the night sky
靜靜凝視你我 和我們擾攘的星球
It silently observes you and me, and our chaotic planet
靠近你 怎麼突然兩個人 都詞窮
As I draw near, why do we both suddenly run out of words?
讓心跳 像是野火燎原般 的洶湧
Let our heartbeats surge like a wildfire
這一刻 讓命運也沉默
In this moment, let fate be silent
讓腳尖劃過天和天 地和地 緣分的宇宙
Let our toes trace the line between heaven and earth, the universe of fate
123 牽著手 456 抬起頭
123, hold my hand. 456, lift your head
無重力的戀愛 盡情放鬆
Weightless love, let go and relax
In this moment, just dream under the moonlight
讓雙腳去騰空 讓我們去感受
Let our feet float, let us feel
Don't be sad, no matter what happens
跟著MAYDAY一起逃離 地球
Follow MAYDAY and escape Earth
Tell me, what weapon did you use?
You conquered me so easily
Before I could resist, before I could say no
From the moment I saw you, I surrendered to your every whim
眼神的magic power
The magic power of your gaze
Makes my heart defy gravity and float
You're all my heart's desire
You're all my heart's desire
連呼吸都有種難得一 見的羞澀
Even my breath is filled with a rare shyness
I'll rewrite the story of Chang'e flying to the moon
You and I will play the lead roles
You swallowed the magic pill without explaining
Now I can only look up at the moon every night and think of you
Fate made us meet again in this vast world
You and I must be the reincarnations of Hou Yi and Chang'e
You returned to Earth to reunite us
This time, we'll escape to the moon together
123 牽著手 456 抬起頭
123, hold my hand. 456, lift your head
無重力的戀愛 盡情放鬆
Weightless love, let go and relax
In this moment, just dream under the moonlight
讓雙腳去騰空 讓我們去感受
Let our feet float, let us feel
Don't be sad, no matter what happens
跟著MAYDAY一起逃離 地球
Follow MAYDAY and escape Earth
Let's go 123456789
Let's go. 123456789
Hold my hand, lift your head, let's escape to the moon
無重力的戀愛 盡情放鬆
Weightless love, let go and relax
In this moment, just dream under the moonlight
You're so close, it makes my heart race and my face flush. I'll find the courage to tell you today
Don't be sad, no matter what happens
跟著MAYDAY一起逃離 地球
Follow MAYDAY and escape Earth
Let's go 123456789
Let's go. 123456789
Hold my hand, lift your head, let's escape to the moon
無重力的戀愛 盡情放鬆
Weightless love, let go and relax
In this moment, just dream under the moonlight
You're so close, it makes my heart race and my face flush. I'll find the courage to tell you today
Don't be sad, no matter what happens
跟著MAYDAY一起逃離 地球
Follow MAYDAY and escape Earth

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