MV Bill - 09 Da Manhã - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни MV Bill - 09 Da Manhã

09 Da Manhã
9 AM
Nove da manhã
Nine in the morning
Acordo, me levanto e dou bom dia pro vietnã
I wake up, get up and say good morning to Vietnam
Pago um banho
I pay for a shower
Vou tomar café
I'm going to have some coffee
de lazer, nada pra fazer, vou dar um rolé
I'm free, nothing to do, I'm going for a walk
Tênis no pé, camiseta, bermudão, agradeço pelo dia antes de sair pelo portão,
Sneakers on my feet, T-shirt, shorts, I give thanks for the day before I leave the gate,
Fugindo do tédio, na escada do prédio,
Escaping boredom, on the stairs of the building,
Vou descendo e pensando qual vai ser meu remédio
I'm going down and thinking what my remedy will be
Que possa me ajudar a despertar
That can help me wake up
Decidi ir à praia, tomar um banho de mar pra purificar
I decided to go to the beach, take a dip in the sea to purify
Acreditei, (eu) entrei no carro, liguei o som, meti um pancadão que eu me amarro
I believed, (I) got in the car, turned on the sound, put on a beat that I love
O sol quente, os onibus passando cheio de gente,
The sun is hot, the buses passing full of people,
Rua tava lotada e eu segui em frente
The street was crowded and I just kept going
O calor derretia o asfalto
The heat melted the asphalt
Na pista vários carros com o som batendo alto
On the track several cars with the sound beating loud
Ouvindo rap, funk, a trilha original
Listening to rap, funk, the original soundtrack
O dia parecia que fluía na moral
The day seemed to flow morally
(Vai vendo a cena)
(See the scene)
Peguei a avenida ayrton senna,
I took Ayrton Senna Avenue,
Marquei no posto 7 com os amigos em ipanema, sem problema,
I marked at Posto 7 with friends in Ipanema, no problem,
Se não fosse o engarafamento,
If it wasn't for the traffic jam,
Trânsito parado num horário virulento
Traffic stopped at a virulent time
Aquela manhã que tava nota dez, foi ficando embassada e resultado em stress
That morning that was a ten, was getting blurry and resulted in stress
Os carros não andavam, os loucos buzinavam,
The cars didn't move, the crazy people honked,
Uma poluição sonora que incomodava
A noise pollution that bothered
Me animava em saber que a praia estava cheia
It encouraged me to know that the beach was full
Com várias de biquíni desfilando na areia
With several bikinis parading on the sand
Mas não, minha realidade não era essa
But no, my reality wasn't that
Tava no miolo com os loucos, cheios de pressa,
I was in the middle with the crazy people, in a hurry,
A pista andava meio metro por minuto,
The track walked half a meter per minute,
Parecia que a demora ia deixando todo mundo puto
It seemed like the delay was pissing everyone off
Foi a brecha pra doidão vacilar
It was the gap for the crazy guy to hesitate
Mulher alcoolizada começando a surtar
Drunk woman starting to freak out
Discussão cinco carros no engavetamento
Discussion five cars in the pileup
Fez parar de vez o que estava andando lento
Made what was already slow stop completely
E no talento fechei o vidro e liguei o ar, vendo o tempo degelar, meu gás tava pra acabar
And in the talent I closed the window and turned on the air, seeing time thaw, my gas was about to run out
No quentão, o carro na reserva, eu de bico seco vi geral bebendo cerva
In the heat, the car in reserve, I saw everyone drinking beer dry-mouthed
Queimando erva
Burning herb
Indo pro banco de trás brincar de adão e eva
Going to the back seat to play Adam and Eve
E eu boladão
And I'm stoned
Todo suado, assando no forno, esperando uma chance de fazer o retorno
All sweaty, roasting in the oven, waiting for a chance to make a comeback
E ir pra casa, se meu carro criasse asa
And go home, only if my car grew wings
O sol tava torrando o asfalto feito brasa
The sun was roasting the asphalt like embers
Mais uma vez embarquei numa furada
Once again I embarked on a hole
Saí com o objetivo de me divertir, e até agora nada,
I left with the aim of having fun, and so far nothing,
Até o tempo foi fechando, nuvens carregadas foram se aproximando
Even the weather was closing in, heavy clouds were approaching
Um grande temporal foi se armando, o tempo virando,
A big storm was brewing, the weather was turning,
Céu escurecendo, tinha cancelado meu programa sem saber o que tava acontecendo
The sky was getting dark, I had already canceled my program without knowing what was happening
Várias pessoas correndo, vai vendo
Several people running, see
Os carros abandonados porque avisaram que um caminhão de cerveja tinha virado
The cars abandoned because they warned that a beer truck had overturned
Eu fico pirado, quando penso no valor da vida
I go crazy, when I think about the value of life
Que se arrisca por uma garrafa de bebida
That risks for a bottle of drink
Vários transeuntes atacaram o caminhão da skol
Several passersby attacked the Skol truck
Que não contava mais com o brilho do sol
That no longer had the shine of the sun
Que deu espaço a uma grande tempestade
Which gave way to a great storm
Que se preparava pra cair, os "homens" estavam na localidade fazendo disparo pro alto pedindo ao povo pra sair
That was getting ready to fall, the "men" were already at the scene firing into the air asking people to leave
Ninguém saía
Nobody left
Tinha gente que tava cortada e sorria
There were people who were cut and smiled
E eu no carro não via motivos pra alegria
And I in the car saw no reason for joy
Policiais se embolaram no meio,
Police got tangled up in the middle,
Se sujaram de cerveja e deixando o camburão cheio (que feio)/
They got dirty with beer and left the police car full (how ugly)/
Eu pensava no volante
I thought at the wheel
Que a minha praia se desconstruiu por um instante
That my beach was deconstructed for a moment
Botei o côco na janela, olhei pro céu e perguntei
I put the coconut on the window, looked at the sky and asked
O que mais poderia me acontecer?
What else could happen to me?
A gasolina acabou, o carro morreu,
The gas ran out, the car died,
Geral me xingou e começou a chover
Everyone cursed me and it started to rain
Começou a chover
It started to rain
Hoje eu vou me f...
Today I'm going to f...

Авторы: Bill Mv, Luciano Dj

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