Hay beces Q Quiero dicimular para no volver a llamarte
There are times when I want to pretend, so I don't have to call you again.
Y no pensar de Q vivimos clase a parte en el amor
And not think about how we live separately in love.
Hay beces Q pienso Q no puedo vivid sin sin ti Q eres mi unico motor para seguir.
There are times when I think I can't live without you, that you are my only motivation to keep going.
Q si no te tengo aqui no me hace falta una razon para vivir
That if I don't have you here, I don't need a reason to live.
Hay beces Q la vida se me va en el momento Q pienso Q ayer tu tube y no te tengo.
There are times when my life goes away the moment I think that yesterday I had you and now I don't.
Q no puedo controlar mi sentimiento me equiboque
That I can't control my feelings, I was wrong.
No, no, no
No, no, no.
Y mi cabeza da vuelta Da vuelta para ver si me reformo
And my head turns around, turns around to see if I can reform.
Da vuelta para ver Si me tranformo en otra persona y por fin me olvido de ti.
Turns around to see if I can transform into someone else and finally forget about you.
Y da vuelta, da vuelta para ver si me recigno Q lo Q vivimos ayer ya no es lo mismo.
And turns around, turns around to see if I can resign myself to the fact that what we lived yesterday is no longer the same.
De Q tengo Q mirarte cada dia viviendo sin mi
That I have to see you every day living without me.
Hay beces Q salgo pa la calle sonambulo A mi vida le busco otro angulo
There are times when I go out into the street sleepwalking, looking for another angle to my life.
De verte como alguien normal no como la de ayer
To see you as someone normal, not like the one from yesterday.
Hay mami dime Q tu me hiciste aquel dia Cuando cumplimos nuestras fantasias.
Baby, tell me, what did you do to me that day when we fulfilled our fantasies?
Luego de eso me deja en el aire tu no tienes corazon
After that, you left me up in the air, you have no heart.
Y mi cabeza da vuelta Da vuelta para ver si me reformo
And my head turns around, turns around to see if I can reform.
Da vuelta para ver Si me tranformo en otra persona y por fin me olvido de ti
Turns around to see if I can transform into someone else and finally forget about you.
Y da vuelta, da vuelta para ver si me recigno Q lo Q vivimos ayer ya no es lo mismo.
And turns around, turns around to see if I can resign myself to the fact that what we lived yesterday is no longer the same.
De Q tengo Q mirarte cada dia viviendo sin mi
That I have to see you every day living without me.
La verdad Q te hace falta mi arte con mi lengua yo solia dibujarte.
The truth is that you miss my art, with my tongue I used to draw you.
Con mi manos tocarte Ya no se puede no
Touch you with my hands, it's not possible anymore.
Y mi cabeza da vuelta Da vuelta para ver si me reformo da vuelta para ver Si me tranformo en otra persona y por fin me olvido de ti Y da vuelta, da vuelta para ver si me recigno Q lo Q vivimos ayer ya no es lo mismo De Q tengo Q mirarte cada dia viviendo sin mi.
And my head turns around, turns around to see if I can reform, turns around to see if I can transform into someone else and finally forget about you. And turns around, turns around to see if I can resign myself to the fact that what we lived yesterday is no longer the same. That I have to see you every day living without me.
Hay veces Que Quiero dicimular y no volver a mirarte para no volver a llamarte
There are times when I want to pretend and not look at you again, so I don't have to call you again.
Y no pensar de Q vivimos clase a parte en el amor
And not think about how we live separately in love.
Hay beces Q pienso Q no puedo vivir sin sin ti
There are times when I think I can't live without you.
Q eres mi unico motor para seguir
That you are my only motivation to keep going.
Q si no te tengo aqui no me hace falta una razon para vivir
That if I don't have you here, I don't need a reason to live.
Hay beces Q la vida se me va en el momento Q pienso Q ayer tu tube y no te tengo Q no puedo controlar mi sentimiento me equiboque
There are times when my life goes away the moment I think that yesterday I had you and now I don't, that I can't control my feelings, I was wrong.
Wao!!! Te pido perdon no me perdonas
Wow!!! I ask you for forgiveness, but you don't forgive me.
Y aun asi me tienes dando vueltas.
And even so, you still have me going around in circles.
Tube Q traer a mi papá a tocarte esta serenata
I had to bring my dad to play this serenade to you.
Papi!!! Sumba!
Daddy!!! Play!
Tu Cancion! Ay soy yo mami tu negro Mv5 the one warrior
Your Song! Oh, it's me, baby, your black man, Mv5 the one warrior.
(Derry el intructor)
(Derry the instructor)
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