Maat - Co oči nevidí - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maat - Co oči nevidí

Co oči nevidí
What the eyes don't see
Gang bang je zkurvená přesila
Gang bang is a fucking beating
Schytala to tak, za ni její kunda prosila
She took it so hard that her cunt begged for it
Mladý hou jsou všude, jako slunce v Miami beach
Young guys are everywhere, like the sun in Miami beach
Jebou se sousedem, nikomu se nedá věřit.
They fuck with the neighbor, no one can be trusted.
Mrd, mrdá ti pič každej typ co byt
Fuck you, you fuck your pussy every type that has an apartment
Co dick, co čip, co být? Wannabe.
That has a dick, that has a chip, that has to be? Wannabe.
Žije svěží, proto každej večír leží
Lives fresh, so every night lies
Pod jiným typem, včera to byl Lukas dneska Jiří.
Under another type, yesterday it was Lukas today it was Jiri.
Je jedno kolik dick měří,
She doesn't care how many dicks measure,
Prostě chce žít, a věří, že ji kunda snese štěstí.
She just wants to live, and believes that her cunt can handle happiness.
Modrý z nebe, nechce tebe, jenom se tak tváří.
Blue from the sky, doesn't want you, just pretends.
Chce žít párty a chce se pářit.
Wants to live a party and wants to mate.
Ani matikáři nespočítaj komu řiť
Even mathematicians can't count who gives ass
Chce žít jak Alisha z Misfits, zatím se ji daří
Wants to live like Alisha from Misfits, so far it's going well
U toho spala, tomu dala, tomu taky, toho sála.
By she slept, to she gave it, so she gave it, so it sucked.
Pokud to tvá stará nezjistila, zpívej s náma.
If your old lady hasn't found out, sing with us.
Co oči nevidí, to srdce nebolí,
What the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't ache.
Péro je celý v ní, péro je v pohodlí.
The feather is all in it, the feather is in comfort.
Co oči nevidí, to srdce nebolí,
What the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't ache.
Tímhle stylem žije několik dní.
This style has been living for several days.
Viděl jsem souseda, jak bere k sobě nějakou bitch
I saw my neighbor, how he takes some bitch to him
Viděl jsem spoustu aut a lidi co maj spoustu piv
I saw a lot of cars and people who have a lot of beers
Spousta z nich dneska v noci jede dickystyk
A lot of them tonight go dick sticks
Jak Ricky Martin styl, ta buchta chce tvůj dick
How Ricky Martin style, that chick wants your dick
Všichni běžte pryč, on chce soukromí
Everybody go away, he wants privacy
Nechat fajčit svou fajku jak Najký
Let your pipe smoke like Najky
Ta holka dělá si co chce
That girl does whatever she wants
Chce jebat, tak jebe a furt neptá se
She wants to fuck you, so she fucks and still doesn't ask
Dokola na to jak se máš a co chceš dneska pít,
Over and over on how are you and what do you want to drink today?
Prostě chytla za ptáka a chce ho v sobě mít.
She just grabbed your bird and wants it in her.
Tohle je crazy, všechny ty buchty jsou šílený,
This is crazy, all those chicks are crazy,
Šíleně nádherný, a každá svůj jasnej cíl.
Crazy gorgeous, and each has its own clear goal.
Nechat vybouchnout tvý kalhoty jak TNT,
Let your pants explode like TNT,
Každá ti řekne že se tvoje hou nic nedozví,
Every one tells you that your hou won't find anything,
Ale ty bitches to na tebe všechno vyžvaní.
But those bitches will tell you everything about it.
A dveře pro tebe v klubu budou vždycky zavřený.
And the doors for you at the club will always be closed.

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