Maat - Na chvíli pryč - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maat - Na chvíli pryč

Na chvíli pryč
Away for a while
Sorry, jdu na chvíli pryc,
Sorry, I'm going away for a while,
Chci mit vlastni klid,
I want to have my own peace,
Musim zmizet, a jit prozit svoje sny.
I need to disappear and go live my dreams.
Udělat dalsi dil, svoji denni hry,
Make another part, my daily game,
Proto jsem na chvili pryc,
That's why I'm away for a while,
Abych dejchal lip.
To breathe better.
Jsem v tom sam jen ja a muj stin a mlha,
I'm in this alone, just me, my shadow, and the fog,
Touha dělat veci jak chci sam a tak se neptam,
The desire to do things the way I want to, so I don't ask,
Koho to zajímá.
Who cares.
Me nezajima nic jinyho nez ma hudba
I don't care about anything but my music.
Jsem otrok co se najima mozna jsem naivka mam pocit ze to delam spravne
I'm a slave who hires himself, maybe I'm naive, I feel like I'm doing it right.
Chci bejt sam dneska nemam zajem miluju spoustu lidi okolo me
I want to be alone today, I'm not interested, I love a lot of people around me.
Ale nejlip je me kdyz se me klidi svet
But I feel the best when my world is calm.
At uz je mi jakoliv at ze me treba stresem stejka pot
No matter what happens to me, even if sweat drips from me from stress
Nedelam veci bez hlavy necham je vychladnout
I don't do things without thinking, I let them cool down.
Spalim je v momente hudbou s ktery stejka kov
I burn them in the moment with music from which metal drips.
Pak cejtim ze vsechno pluje jak ma plout.
Then I feel like everything is flowing the way it should.
Jsem spojenej s casem je cas a ja ikdyz jsem s tebou vedle tebe tak jsem sam
I'm connected to time, there's time and me, even if I'm with you, next to you, I'm still alone.
A dal
And further.
Nemej mi to za zlý chci bejt bez lidi vychutnat si ticho bez reci
Don't take it the wrong way, I want to be without people, enjoy the silence without words.
Ref: 2x
Ref: 2x
Neni zadnej plan jsem sam sebou mirim ke hvezdam sam letim tmou obcas kazdej z nas musi vypadnout chci bejt presne tam kde hudba projde mou
There's no plan, I'm myself, aiming for the stars, flying alone through the darkness, sometimes each of us has to drop out, I want to be right where the music flows through me.
Nekdy musim proste pryc
Sometimes I just have to leave.
Musim zapnout beat
I have to turn on the beat
Ze sveta odejit a svoji mysl vycistit v tu chvili zapominam na vsechno co existuje
Get away from the world and clear my mind, at that moment I forget everything that exists.
Jsem jako narkoman co svoji davku potřebuje
I'm like an addict who needs his dose.
Nevezmu telefon jsem pryc proste nekde dal
I won't answer the phone, I'm gone somewhere else.
Seru na veci co se staly tedka nevnimam
I don't care about the things that happened then, I don't notice
To co se deje kolem me jde tedka mimo me
What's happening around me is going past me now.
Ted musim resit svoji vec bracho pochop me
Now I have to deal with my own thing, bro, understand me.
Ted neni zadnej plan
There's no plan now.
Ted to jde ze me ven vidim jen sebe ego velky jako cela zem
Now it's coming out of me, I only see myself, an ego as big as the whole earth.
Vidim jen to co chci videt
I only see what I want to see.
Vo cem pisu men ostatni veci jsou ted pryc nekde za obzorem
What I'm writing about, other things are gone now, somewhere beyond the horizon.
Proste to prijde a ja musim utyct ze sveta
It just comes and I have to escape the world.
Nechat tu okovy a jit tam kde je svoboda
Leave the shackles and go where there is freedom.
Odejit z vezeni a najit cestu za svetlem
Leave the prison and find a path to the light.
Polozit otazky a najit na ne odpověď
Ask questions and find answers to them.
To je ten pocit co me nuti se tam vracet men
That's the feeling that makes me want to go back there again.
Chvili jsem panem svyho casu vidim do sebe
For a while, I'm the master of my time, I see into myself.
Je ze me energie cistci nez je diamant
I'm an energy purer than a diamond.
Kdykoliv budu chtit tak rozletim se do vsech stran
Whenever I want, I'll fly off in all directions.
Ref: 2x
Ref: 2x
Neni zadnej plan jsem sam sebou mirim ke hvezdam sam letim tmou obcas kazdej z nas musí vypadnout chci bejt presne tam kde hudba projde mnou
There's no plan, I'm myself, aiming for the stars, flying alone through the darkness, sometimes each of us has to drop out, I want to be right where the music flows through me.
Nekdy me svira pohled lidi a musim jit
Sometimes people's looks make me feel trapped and I have to go.
Nechci bejt soucasti jak klasicky zit proto musim z beznyho zivota chvili vypadnout
I don't want to be a part of living a normal life, that's why I have to drop out of normal life for a while.
Na chvili odejit pryc nechat veci tak jak jsou
Leave for a while, leave things as they are.
Zapnu rap vypnu telefon a mozek reknu diky boze ze muzu nechat veci jen tak volne odejít pro odpověď
I'll turn on the rap, turn off my phone and my brain, I'll say thank God I can let things go free, just leave for an answer.
Vyprchat ze sebe bolest vycistit hlavu aby jsem mel cistej pohled kdyz chci inspiraci musim pryc otevrit oci a najit spravnej cit
Vent the pain from myself, clear my head so I have a clear view, when I want inspiration I have to leave, open my eyes and find the right feeling.
Kdyz delam svoje veci tak ztracim lidi kolem
When I do my own thing I lose the people around me.
Nelituju ikdyz ztracim o deni pojem jsem v jednom kole porad je za cim se otacet
I don't regret it, even if I lose track of what's going on, I'm in a loop, there's always something to turn to.
Jeste porad nemam v zivote poradek
I still don't have my life in order.
Stejne jsem porad fresh a mam porad dech
I'm still fresh and I still have breath.
Dostat to porad vejs a dostat za to cash
To get it even better and get cash for it.
Je to motivace je to moc plivat jed je to malej vylet
It's motivation, it's a lot to spit venom, it's a small escape.
Muzes se dotykat hvezd jit kam chces
You can touch the stars, go wherever you want.
S lidma ktery milujes
With the people you love.
A kdyz budes chtit na chvíli pryc pust si moji hudbu a bez
And when you want to get away for a while, put on my music and go.
Neni zadnej plan jsem sam sebou mirim ke hvězdám sam letim tmou obcas kazdej z nas musi vypadnout chci bejt presne tam kde hudba projde mnou
There's no plan, I'm myself, aiming for the stars, flying alone through the darkness, sometimes each of us has to drop out, I want to be right where the music flows through me.

Авторы: Maat

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