Macabro XII - Me Voy Pero Me Quedo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Macabro XII - Me Voy Pero Me Quedo

Me Voy Pero Me Quedo
I Leave But I Stay
Ah. ya tema se lo quiero dedicar
Ah, this song I want to dedicate
Ah mucha gente.
Ah to many people.
Lapiz que buena musica solo escucha
Lapiz what good music just listen
Yo dejare
I will leave
Mi presencia en su recuerdo
My presence in your memory
No morire
I will not die
El alma no hace tierra con el cuerpo
The soul doesn't make land with the body
Yo me marche
I left
Poque alguien tenia que protegerlos
Because someone had to protect them
Y resare
And I will pray
Para volver a verlos
To return to see them
Descanze en paz
Rest in peace
No eh muerto no yo no
I haven't died, no I haven't
Yo no puedo yo tengo que hacer mucho hip hop
I can't, I have to do a lot of hip hop
Yo me quedo
I stay
Aunque la muerte diga que no
Even if death says no
Porque juego & este juego pa mi aun no acabo
Because I play & this game ain't over for me yet
Yo se lo que sentiran iran a rendir tributo
I know what you will feel, you will go pay tribute
Amistandes, compañeros, faranduleros & putos
Friends, companions, show-offs & bastards
Chismoso & brutos, enemigos,
Gossipy & brutes, enemies,
Gente de virtud porque las
Virtuous people because
Personas lloran cuando muere un pingu callu
People cry when a nobody dies
Si aun me quieres recuerda cada momento que
If you still love me remember every moment that
Me ire contento a pesar de golpes y tormentos
I will go happy despite the blows and torments
Que eh vivido lento & eh sembrado tanto
That I have lived slowly & I have sown so much
Sentimiento que van a tener que hacerme un autaud de cemento
Feeling that they will have to make me a concrete coffin
A mi me llevan flores de todo colores muy bella
They bring me flowers of all colors, very beautiful
Para que adentro las corona pueda pasar las botellas
So that inside the crown can pass the bottles
Yo no quiero estrella ni doncella ni ningun extraño
I don't want a star or a maiden or any stranger
Yo quiero a mis amigos descargando como en mi cumpleaños
I want my friends discharging like on my birthday
You diganle a aldito y al macabro que me escriba
Tell Aldito and Macabro to write to me
Y al nestico que camine que yo lo cuido de arriba
And to Nestico to walk that I take care of him from above
Digan muchas vivas y no se prohiban chamacones
Say many cheers and don't forbid the party animals
Porque yo me piro pero dejo discos con cojones
Because I'm leaving but I'm leaving badass records
No quiero muela ni anecdotas de la escuela
I don't want gossip or anecdotes from school
Quiero a mocoya tirando unos corto a capella
I want Mocoya throwing some shorts a capella
No quiero bela a melolen me lo consuela que yo
I don't want Bela to whine, it consoles me that I
Voy a estar contento besando mucho a mi abuela
I'm going to be happy kissing my grandmother a lot
Tirense fotos forme tremendo alboroto
Take pictures, make a tremendous commotion
Que nestor llegue cantando por hay si mue la moto
Let Nestor arrive singing out there if he moves the bike
Quiero vaso roto todos 3 para decir el lema
I want a broken glass all 3 to say the motto
Samir y panter fumando y el chino hablando problema
Samir and Panter smoking and the Chinese talking problems
Belenme unos buenos dias que el sepulturero espere
Give me some good days for the gravedigger to wait
Para que allan cortes & no se me junten las mujeres
So that there are cuts & women don't crowd me
Que jose no tome para que no aga estrago en mi
That Jose doesn't drink so that he doesn't wreak havoc on my
Entierro & el duelo que lo aga ocly fumando & peliando perro
Burial & mourning that Ocly do it smoking & fighting, dog
Adios amigos & enemigos de silvito
Goodbye friends & enemies of Silvito
Que aunque no sea tanto se que va a faltar un pedasito
That even if it's not so much, I know a little piece will be missing
Que aunque me quedaron detallitos me voy
That although I have details left, I leave
Tranquilito porque feo, bonito toda mi vida juge a los piesitos
Calm because ugly, pretty all my life I played on my feet
Quisiera que me belaran en la calle porque en ella
I would like you to watch over me in the street because in it
Sentire el olor de la noche, las nubes & las estrellas
I will feel the smell of the night, the clouds & the stars
Que la bella imitarria y su hermano aldito diga
That the beautiful Imitarria and her brother Aldito say
Con papa en la tumba mas que nunca a ti estare unida
With dad in the grave more than ever I will be united to you
Que las lagrimas no aguanten
That the tears can't stand it
Que su andry un tema cante
That his Andry sing a song
Y en mi ataud me tire la carta de samir y
And in my coffin they throw me Samir's card and
Pante que si bien borracho me dedice la cancion
Pante that if he's drunk he dedicates the song to me
Que cantabamos de lado & feliz en el malecon
That we used to sing side by side & happy on the boardwalk
Que canserbero me prometa como buen amigo dale
Let Canserbero promise me as a good friend give
Muela a monde para que no se entierre con migo
Grind to Monde so that he doesn't bury himself with me
Que bajo el cielo bian me ponga mi pañuelo y
That under the white sky put my handkerchief on me and
Una foto bien pa luci en la rodilla de su abuelo
A good photo to show off on his grandfather's knee
Yo quiero que mi caja la transporte ese
I want my box to be transported that
Dia encima pamibuche colgando una placa mia
Day on top of Pamibuche hanging a plaque of mine
Que bajen & lleguen gente buena de barbacoa
That good people come down & arrive from Barbecue
Pa darnos un abrazo para yo selo de a ochoa
To give us a hug so I can be from Ochoa
Enserio yo no quiero a nadie serio y sobrio
Seriously, I don't want anyone serious and sober
Quiero ver a dj figu producciendo en mi velorio
I want to see DJ Figu producing at my wake
Al enano improvisando & a barbarito diciendo
To the dwarf improvising & Barbarito saying
"Bahama lo esta esperando eva va seguir escribiendo"
"Bahama is waiting for him, Eva will continue writing"
Me voy contento & orgullo se escuadron
I am leaving happy and proud of the Patriotic Squadron
Patriota de marquillo de raquel del loco luna & HJ
of Marquillo, Raquel, Crazy Luna & HJ
De jose, juan & titi & ocly te quiero decir
From Jose, Juan & Titi & Ocly I want to tell you
Que si no es la vida entonces la muerte nos va unir
That if it's not life then death will unite us
Que macabro, juan & naca,
That Macabro, Juan & Naca,
Gabylonia cartar quiera mientra muchi meta en mi caja una bandera
Gabylonia Cartar wants while Muchi puts a flag in my box
Que mi hermano de sangre cumpla mi ultimo
May my blood brother fulfill my last one
Antojo que ade me cierre uno & mi tia eva el otro ojo
Craving that Ade close one for me & my aunt Eva the other eye
Martes 30 de febrero abatido el macabro 12 el
Tuesday, February 30, Macabro 12 shot down, he
Era bueno era el diablo habla el que no me conoce
He was good, he was the devil, the one who doesn't know me speaks
No me esposen que estan matando a un hombre serio no
Don't marry me, they're killing a serious man, no
Es la primera ves que muero ya conosco el cementerio
It's not the first time I die, I already know the cemetery
Mama no llores que no me fui escuchame aqui mi
Mom, don't cry, I didn't leave, listen to me here, my
Cuerpo esta en ese cajon pero mi espiritu esta en ti
My body is in that box but my spirit is in you
Camina levantate y anda de herencia te dejo mi
Walk, get up and walk, as an inheritance I leave you my
Piernas corre & baila como antes las ideas son eternas
Legs, run & dance like before, ideas are eternal
Si no hay luz una linterna como tu dices que alla
If there is no light, a flashlight, as you say there
Ay too no te pongas triste viejo hoy no hay luto (...)
There's too much, don't be sad, old man, there's no mourning today (...)
Ni tiro ni caballito siempre estuve en contra de
No shooting, no little horse, I was always against
Eso pero beban & celebre ropan la pagina de suceso
That but drink & celebrate steal the success page
Que saray no vea eso que me recuerde dandole un beso
Let Saray not see that, let him remember me by giving him a kiss
Hermana no ah pasado nada monte el mural raya el queso
Sister, nothing has happened, put up the mural, grate the cheese
Sobrino sabe como es eso prohibido caer preso que
Nephew knows how it is, forbidden to go to jail that
Su camino sea el progreso no quiero belas ni reso
May your path be progress, I don't want veils or prayers
Quiero aldo & a lo mocoya dandole un abrazo inmenso a mis
I want Aldo & Lo Mocoya giving a huge hug to my
Dos viejos & a mi familia, william, chupa, cacha & nelson
Two old men & my family, William, Chupa, Cacha & Nelson
No regreso porque no me voy los mios
I'm not coming back because I'm not leaving, mine
Pido un ultimo deseo felicidad para lo jodios
I ask for one last wish, happiness for the jodidos
Hija no te dejare tranquila tiene mas de un tio
Daughter, I will not leave you alone, you have more than one uncle
Nene, wendy, rosita, lizeth no dejaran que pase frio
Nene, Wendy, Rosita, Lizeth won't let me get cold
Silvio, aldo, bian,
Silvio, Aldo, Bian,
Mario jose buscalo si tienes lios
Mario Jose look for him if you have lios
Estaran pa ti en cualquier pais si en rio
They will be there for you in any country if in Rio
Necesidad muere con migo si tu te vas me voy con
Need dies with me if you leave I'm leaving with
Tigo asi si descanzo en paz gracias a todos mis amigos
You, so I rest in peace thanks to all my friends
Gracias a ustedes sigo vivo & se que nunca morire,
Thanks to you I'm still alive & I know I'll never die,
Hoy es el dia de mi suerte, rosana al fin te besare
Today is my lucky day, Rosana, I will finally kiss you
Ah. ya tema se lo quiero dedicar
Ah, this song I want to dedicate
Ah mucha gente.
Ah to many people.
Lapiz que buena musica solo escucha
Lapiz what good music just listen
Yo dejare
I will leave
Mi presencia en su recuerdo
My presence in your memory
No morire
I will not die
El alma no hace tierra con el cuerpo
The soul doesn't make land with the body
Yo me marche
I left
Poque alguien tenia que protegerlos
Because someone had to protect them
Y resare
And I will pray
Para volver a verlos
To return to see them
Descanze en paz
Rest in peace
No eh muerto no yo no
I haven't died, no I haven't
Yo no puedo yo tengo que hacer mucho hip hop
I can't, I have to do a lot of hip hop
Yo me quedo
I stay
Aunque la muerte diga que no
Even if death says no
Porque juego & este juego pa mi aun no acabo
Because I play & this game ain't over for me yet

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