Macanache - Am Plecat de Jos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Macanache - Am Plecat de Jos

Am Plecat de Jos
I Started from the Bottom
Da, am plecat de jos
Yes, I started from the bottom
Uite ce frumos m-am dus
Look how beautifully I went up
Am plecat de jos
I started from the bottom
Acum vad totul de sus
Now I see everything from above
Ca am plecat de jos
Because I started from the bottom
Fara niciun fel de plus
Without any plus
Si am plecat de jos
And I started from the bottom
Atata am avut de spus
I had so much to say
Yo n-am ales sa fac asta
Yo, I didn't choose to do this
Asta m-a ales pe mine
This chose me
Si daca va place Busta
And if you like Busta
Yo rimez ceva mai bines
Yo, I rhyme a little better
Daca nu ma crezi, tine
If you don't believe me, hold on
Da, am plecat de jos de tot
Yes, I started from the very bottom
Acum sunt la juma de drum
Now I'm halfway there
Da pana s-ajung in varf
Yeah, until I reach the top
Yo va fac pe toti scrum
Yo, I'll make you all scrum
Ca yo nu ma uit in spate
Because yo, I don't look back
Dar mereu mi-aduc aminte
But I always remember
Cand am explodat in rap
When I exploded in rap
Mi-a ramas un singur dinte
I only had one tooth left
Da nu e panica, man
Yeah, no panic, man
Acum imi merge struna
Now my string is working
Fac banu da chirie
I make money, I pay rent
Pe un an doar intro luna
For a year just in one month
Yo am suferit destul
Yo, I suffered enough
Ca sa invat ce se petrece
To learn what's going on
Mancam si dormeam pe strada
I ate and slept on the street
Tot timpu trageam cat zece
All the time I was pulling like ten
Toti bat fierul cat e cald
Everyone strikes while the iron is hot
Yo-i mai dau si cand e rece
Yo, I hit it even when it's cold
D-aia cand ma scald in mare
That's why when I bathe in the sea
Incep pestii sa se inece
Fish start to drown
Auzi ce zice unu despre mine baws
Listen to what one says about me, baws
Maca nu scrie prea corect
Maca doesn't write very correctly
Si nu vorbeste prea frumos
And doesn't speak very beautifully
Nici macar ca text
Not even as a text
Nu pare foarte destept
Doesn't seem very smart
Da cand am zis yo ca-s perfect
But when I said yo that I'm perfect
Tu esti vreun pui de prefect
Are you some kind of prefect's chick?
Scurt si la obiect
Short and to the point
Iti sparg fata corect
I'll break your face correctly
Pa mine ma iubeste rapu
Rap loves me
Ma saluta cu respect
Greets me with respect
Ca fac versuri
Because I make verses
Pe bataile inimii din piept
On the beats of the heart in my chest
Da, am plecat de jos
Yes, I started from the bottom
Uite ce frumos m-am dus
Look how beautifully I went up
Am plecat de jos
I started from the bottom
Acum vad totul de sus
Now I see everything from above
Ca am plecat de jos
Because I started from the bottom
Fara niciun fel de plus
Without any plus
Si am plecat de jos
And I started from the bottom
Atata am avut de spus
I had so much to say
Da yo cand am intrat in rap
Yeah, yo when I got into rap
Since nu mai era nimic
Since there was nothing left
Pentru ca l-ati lasat sa moara
Because you let it die
Singur si uitat in frig
Alone and forgotten in the cold
Yo l-am luat la mine acasa
Yo, I took it home
Cand inca stateam la Big
When I was still at Big's
Singur l-am adus la viata
I brought it to life alone
Fraiere, deci ciocu mic
Fool, so shut your beak
Toti ati ras de mine aiurea
You all laughed at me for nothing
Dar acum va iau pa cric
But now I'll take you on cricket
Si o dam in ce vreti voi
And we'll hit it however you want
Cand vreti voi va urc in dric
Whenever you want, I'll get in the dric
Va dati cunoscatori dar nu stiti nici ce-i ala Mill
You pretend to be experts but you don't even know what Mill is
Off the dome, Throw-up, Bomb-uri, Cut-uri, fraiere si skill
Off the dome, Throw-up, Bombs, Cuts, fool, and skill
Pentru toti gaozarii astia care cred ca ma stiu
For all these assholes who think they know me
N-aveti nici cea mai mica boaba
You don't have the slightest clue
Cine am fost, cine sunt si ce as putea sa fiu
Who I was, who I am, and what I could be
Niciodata n-a fost usor
It's never been easy
Dar yo mereu o fac sa para
But yo, I always make it seem
De parca ma plimb in parc
Like I'm walking in the park
Sau ca fumez un pai pe scara
Or like I'm smoking a pai on the stairs
Cu toate astea
With all this
Yo am dat pentru hip hop
Yo, I gave for hip hop
Mai multe piese rap
More rap songs
Decat are ma-ta mare
Than your mom has
Fire de par alb in cap
Gray hairs on her head
Ca nu mi-a dat nimeni nimica
Because nobody gave me anything
Si cine zice c-a dat
And whoever says they did
Ii dau cand ne vedem
I'll give them when we see each other
Inapoi o bata in cap
A slap on the head back
Da, am plecat de jos
Yes, I started from the bottom
Uite ce frumos m-am dus
Look how beautifully I went up
Am plecat de jos
I started from the bottom
Acum vad totul de sus
Now I see everything from above
Ca am plecat de jos
Because I started from the bottom
Fara niciun fel de plus
Without any plus
Si am plecat de jos
And I started from the bottom
Atata am avut de spus
I had so much to say

Авторы: Constantin Dinescu

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