Macanache - Clout - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Macanache - Clout

No doubt
No doubt
Ye Ye Ye
Ye Ye Ye
Ye Ye Yo
Ye Ye Yo
Vine asa
Coming in like this
Toti fraierii vor clout, no doubt
All the fools want clout, no doubt
Da' nu cu mine ca le dau knockout, no doubt
But not with me, I'll knock them out, no doubt
Un picior in cap, isi iau log out, no doubt
A kick to the head, they log out, no doubt
Asa sta treaba, cecheraut, no doubt
That's how it is, checked out, no doubt
Booya intru pa bitan ca Puya
Booya, I'm on the beat like Puya
Apar de nicaieri gata sa-ti rupem muia
Appearing out of nowhere, ready to break your face
E timpu' sa-ti iei zboru' mai rapid ca Vuia
It's time for you to take flight, faster than Vuia
Nu-i a buna brother, yo, nu ma bruia
It's not good, brother, yo, don't annoy me
Ca-ti iau boarfa din brate si plec acasa cu ea
Because I'll take your girl from your arms and go home with her
Am pretexte si texte ca Dexter numai cu ea
I have pretexts and texts like Dexter, only with her
Pa fundal sunt piesele lu' Nane si ale lu' Ian
In the background are Nane's and Ian's songs
D'aia cand o fut yo canta Aleluia
That's why when I fuck her, yo, she sings Hallelujah
No dighidi e plin de bighidi
No dignity, it's full of big shots
N-au pedigri, sunt numai bididi
They have no pedigree, they're just wannabes
Sunt wanna be ca P. Diddy
They're wannabes like P. Diddy
Nu pot fi ca pe CD
They can't be like on CD
Pot aplica prin CV
They can apply via CV
Astia ar vota PSD
These guys would vote PSD
Dupa ce trag PCP
After they smoke PCP
Nu ma vad, au dioptrii
They can't see me, they have bad eyesight
D'aia yo fac din opt three
That's why yo, I make eight three
De parc-as fi DOP
As if I were DOP
Mai nou toti se cred MC
Lately, everyone thinks they're MCs
Isi iau filme, trilogii
They act tough, trilogies
Cum ca ei sunt real OG
Like they're real OGs
Ca Snoop D O double G
Like Snoop D O double G
Fraierii halesc cacaturi despre care n-au habar
Fools believe bullshit they know nothing about
Toti sunt fermieri de ganja cum eram eu sef in bar
Everyone is a ganja farmer, like I was the boss at the bar
Stilul meu e tot murdar
My style is still dirty
Liric, uneori barbar
Lyrical, sometimes barbaric
Rapper ca mine mai rar
Rappers like me are rare
Astia zici ca-s Marimar
These guys are like Marimar
Nu doar fizic si mental
Not just physically and mentally
Vrei sa fii bagat in seama
You want to be noticed
Eu te bag in spital
I'll put you in the hospital
Am dat tot s-ajung aicia
I gave everything to get here
N-o sa-ti dau din faima mea
I won't give you any of my fame
Iti dau palme ca la fraieri
I'll slap you like fools
Cand te-agati de haina mea
When you cling to my clothes
Toti fraierii vor clout, no doubt
All the fools want clout, no doubt
Da' nu cu mine ca le dau knockout, no doubt
But not with me, I'll knock them out, no doubt
Un picior in cap, isi iau log out, no doubt
A kick to the head, they log out, no doubt
Asa sta treaba, cecheraut, no doubt
That's how it is, checked out, no doubt
Toti fraierii vor clout, no doubt
All the fools want clout, no doubt
Da' nu cu mine ca le dau knockout, no doubt
But not with me, I'll knock them out, no doubt
Un picior in cap, isi iau log out, no doubt
A kick to the head, they log out, no doubt
Asa sta treaba, cecheraut, no doubt
That's how it is, checked out, no doubt
Si vor atentie
And they want attention
De parc-ar fi toate pa stop
As if everything were on pause
Au doar intentie
They only have intention
Dar multi din ei n-au niciun scop
But many of them have no purpose
Le dau eu clout
I'll give them clout
Le umplu gura cu sirop
I'll fill their mouths with syrup
Le dau eu clout
I'll give them clout
Si dupa beau niste Ciroc
And then I'll drink some Ciroc
Ii pisez yo, desi toc
I'll crush them, yo, even in heels
Asta daca e si loc
That is, if there's room
Unde-i Rap, yo, e si Rock
Where there's Rap, yo, there's Rock
Undeva e gresit tot
Something is wrong with everything
Nimeni nu vrea sa munceasca
Nobody wants to work
Ca s-ajunga cineva
To become someone
Toti vor doar sa se trezeasca
Everyone just wants to wake up
Megastar de cinema
A movie megastar
Cinspe secude de faima
Fifteen seconds of fame
Clar nu te vor sidefa
Of course, they won't envy you
Nu te-aplauda nici pula
Not even your dick will applaud you
Splendid, super, bine, pa
Splendid, great, good, bye
Lumea merge mai departe, o sa-ti uie numele
The world moves on, your name will fade
A facut, a dres, a fost, incetati cu glumele
He did, he made it, he was, stop with the jokes
Ia vezi cu intru-n ML, verifica Pumele
See how I get in the ML, check out the Pumas
Eu scriu ca-mi place sa scriu, sa ma joc cu dumele
I write because I like to write, to play with words
Tu doar comentezi aiurea, cand te-apuca spumele
You just comment nonsense, when you get all foamy
Rapu' nu e pentru toti, nici muzica-n general
Rap is not for everyone, nor is music in general
Nu trebe s-o faci ca prostu', daca n-ai potential
You shouldn't do it like a fool, if you don't have the potential
Insa ploua peste tot cu tampiti, torential
But it's raining idiots everywhere, torrential
Daca vrei sa fii artist, cloutu' nu-i esential
If you want to be an artist, clout is not essential
Toti fraierii vor clout, no doubt
All the fools want clout, no doubt
Da' nu cu mine ca le dau knockout, no doubt
But not with me, I'll knock them out, no doubt
Un picior in cap, isi iau log out, no doubt
A kick to the head, they log out, no doubt
Asa sta treaba, cecheraut, no doubt
That's how it is, checked out, no doubt
Toti fraierii vor clout, no doubt
All the fools want clout, no doubt
Da' nu cu mine ca le dau knockout, no doubt
But not with me, I'll knock them out, no doubt
Un picior in cap, isi iau log out, no doubt
A kick to the head, they log out, no doubt
Asa sta treaba, cecheraut, no doubt
That's how it is, checked out, no doubt
No doubt
No doubt
No doubt
No doubt
No doubt
No doubt

Авторы: Constantin Dinescu

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