Macanache - Putred - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Macanache - Putred

Putred este zambetul lui Mona Lisa
The smile of Mona Lisa is rotten
Putred e si Leonardo care visa
Rotten is also Leonardo who dreamed
Cu inclinari artistice ca turnu din Pisa
With artistic leanings like the Tower of Pisa
Vor s-o combine pe Mona or s-o dea pe fii-sa
They want to hook up with Mona or give her to their son-in-law
Putred este teatrul marelui Moliere
The theater of the great Moliere is rotten
Ca pateul meu uitat de lume in frigider
Like my pâté forgotten in the refrigerator by everyone
Putred este fara dubii fiecare strop
Every drop is undoubtedly rotten
Din ploaia de fabule lasate de Esop
From the rain of fables left by Aesop
Putred este Bula un erou etern
Rotten is Bula, an eternal hero
Cum se plimba el prin veacuri ca un om modern
How he strolls through the ages like a modern man
Putred este actul unui mic salut
Rotten is the act of a small greeting
Cu bata pe carca cum ar zice Babe Ruth
With a stick on his back as Babe Ruth would say
Putred este un cuvant o capodopera
Rotten is a word, a masterpiece
Putred este mersul din aceasta opera
Rotten is the walk in this opera
Facuta in asa natura sa poata s-accopere
Made in such a way that it can cover
Ce n-au reusit altii sa descopere
What others have failed to discover
Eu sunt Putred
I am Rotten
El e Putred
He is Rotten
Ea e putred
She is rotten
Da′ tu sincer nu cred
But you, I sincerely doubt it
Putred este ca vecina care sforaie
Rotten is like the neighbor who snores
Nimeni n-a aflat nici azi a cui sora e
No one has found out whose sister she is today
Dupa ce-a bagat in boala doua cartiere
After she has sent two neighborhoods to the hospital
Multi zic ca o cheama Ana si ca are mere
Many say her name is Anna and that she has apples
Putred este satul, negru plin de rockeri
Rotten is the village, black and full of rockers
Cu-n pachet de carti de joc toate numai jockeri
With a deck of playing cards, all just jokers
Putred este gestul de valoare si curaj
Rotten is the gesture of value and courage
Sa te duci acolo-n training si fara nici un machiaj
To go there in sweatpants and without any makeup
Putred este un betiv notoriu cand refuza
Rotten is a notorious drunk when he refuses
Sa bea cand e mort de sete fara nici o scuza
To drink when he is dying of thirst without any excuse
Bautura pentru dansu' nu-i decat un moft
Drinking for him is nothing but a whim
De cand s-a lovit la buba s-a stricat la soft
Since he hit his head, he has gone bad
Putred este noua crema cea mai veche frisca
Rotten is the new cream, the oldest whipped cream
Putred e tot ce sta, putred e tot ce misca
Rotten is everything that stands, rotten is everything that moves
Putred este stilul de azi inainte
Rotten is the style from now on
Pe care cu totii frate o sa-l tineti minte
That you will all remember, my brother
Eu sunt Putred
I am Rotten
El e Putred
He is Rotten
Ea e putred
She is rotten
Da′ tu sincer nu cred
But you, I sincerely doubt it
Cel mai putred dintre toti e pe felioasa
The rottenest of all is on the loose
E in stare sa o faca si pe ma-ta feelingoasa
He can make your mother feel good
Si pe ma-ta mai frumoasa, si pe ma-ta curioasa
And your mother more beautiful, and your mother curious
Si pe ... original... pe ma-ta mare rasa
And... original... your mother, a class act
Fraierii mucegaiesc si se descompun
Losers mold and decompose
Cand aud cat de rancet si de des compun
When they hear how rancid and often I compose
Nu ma doare mintea, de aia des tot pun
My mind doesn't hurt, that's why I often put
Mana pe ceva de scris ca sa ies tot bun
My hand on something to write so that I can come out good
Putred nu poate sa fie chiar asa oricine
Rotten can't be just anyone
Tre' sa fii si cool si fresh si s-arati si bine
You have to be cool and fresh and look good
Si misto si beton si blana si marfa
And cool and solid and fancy and quality
Pe langa toate astea sa n-ai nici o arfa
Besides all this, you don't have to have a harp
Putred toata lumea vrea sa fie
Everyone wants to be Rotten
Putred niciodata nu se stie
Rotten you never know
Putred pentru ca asa se poarta
Rotten because it's the thing to do
Smecheria avansata la rangul de arta
Advanced slickness elevated to an art form
Eu sunt Putred
I am Rotten
El e Putred
He is Rotten
Ea e putred
She is rotten
Da' tu sincer nu cred
But you, I sincerely doubt it

Авторы: macanache

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