Mafalda - La Rosa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mafalda - La Rosa

La Rosa
The Rose
Si ves a un payaso llorar,
If you see a clown crying,
Ve y anímalo, él lo haría por ti.
Go and cheer him up, he would do it for you.
Hay que ganar y hay que perder.
You have to win and you have to lose.
Hay que morder y tener dientes bien limpios
You have to bite and have clean teeth
Para estar siempre sonriente.
To always be smiling.
Hay que querer al que te odia un poco más que al que te quiere.
You have to love the one who hates you a little more than the one who loves you.
Con todos esos muros nadie probará tus mieles.
With all those walls, no one will taste your honey.
Ro, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si.
Ro, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si.
Quién mató al banquero y lo colgó de un diente.
Who killed the banker and hung him from a tooth.
El pueblo se merece un premio.
The people deserve a prize.
Nomenado capital, ya no lo entiendo.
Named capital, I don't understand it anymore.
Nos matamos entre hermanos para enriquecer a un cerdo.
We kill each other, brothers, to enrich a pig.
Hay que agachar y hay que aprender.
You have to bow and you have to learn.
No eres perfecto, sólo un proyecto.
You are not perfect, just a project.
Dedicas una vida entera para decir un lo siento correcto.
You dedicate a whole life to say a correct sorry.
Las personas somos absurdas.
People are absurd.
Como el cuento:
Like the story:
- Papá, yo quiero ser artista.
- Dad, I want to be an artist.
- Hijo, si no hay dinero en el tema, no, no insistas.
- Son, if there's no money in the matter, no, don't insist.
- Mamá, papá se ha vuelto loco, ya no cree en nada.
- Mom, dad has gone crazy, he doesn't believe in anything anymore.
- Hijo, déjame un poco, que tu madre está enfadada.
- Son, leave me alone, your mother is angry.
Hay que crecer para arriba y no para abajo
You have to grow up and not down
Y eso cuesta su trabajo.
And that takes work.
Hay que cumplir mas años que promesas, iau.
You have to fulfill more years than promises, iau.
Porque tu ya no me interesas.
Because you don't interest me anymore.
Y no se olvidó, no se ha dormido.
And she didn't forget, she didn't fall asleep.
Ella se ha quedado sola porque se cansó
She is alone because she got tired
De escuchar tantas tonterías.
Of listening to so much nonsense.
El sol la mima.
The sun pampers her.
Ay, vida mía.
Oh, my life.
Qué rica estás por ser misma.
How delicious you are for being yourself.
Es perfecta
It's perfect
No es indecente.
It's not indecent.
Le importa una puta mierda lo que le diga la gente.
She doesn't give a damn what people say to her.
Free yourself.
Para una vez que le regala una rosa
For once she gives him a rose
Y se equivoca, Y se equivoca.
And he gets it wrong, And he gets it wrong.
Es que para una vez que le regala una rosa
It's that for once she gives him a rose
Y le regala un clavel.
And she gives him a carnation.
Para una vez que le regala una ros Y se equivoca, Y se equivoca.
For once she gives him a ros And he gets it wrong, And he gets it wrong.
Es que para una vez que le regala una rosa
It's that for once she gives him a rose
Y le regala un clavel.
And she gives him a carnation.
Bésale, bésalo.
Kiss him, kiss him.
Hay gente que lo resuelve si llora,
There are people who solve it if they cry,
Hay gente que aunque quiera no puede estar sola,
There are people who, even if they want to, can't be alone,
Hay gente que se enfada por nada,
There are people who get angry for nothing,
Hay gente que lucha, Hay gente que está en la cama.
There are people who fight, There are people who are in bed.
No lo siente, Es un problema pendiende,
He doesn't feel it, It's a pending problem,
No lo siente, Es un problema pendiente
He doesn't feel it, It's a pending problem
Ya no que hacer para quitarme esos complejos.
I don't know what to do anymore to get rid of those complexes.
Condenado a juzgar a las personas por su aspecto.
Condemned to judge people by their appearance.
Ni lo respeto ni lo entiendo.
I don't respect him or understand him.
Decidiste amar tu cuerpo por encima del sexo.
You decided to love your body above sex.
Los pelos son peros y tus peros son pelos.
Hairs are buts and your buts are hairs.
Es cierto, estás ciego. Culpa a quién te enseñó.
It's true, you are blind. Blame whoever taught you.

Авторы: Barbara Lopez De Mota Gil, Vera Carrion Salas, Antonio Ramon Vime Fabregat, Alberto Lopez Blat, Marcos De La Torre Cervera, Antoni Josep Laguna Damian, Mario Fernandez De Castro

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