Esto es pa que mi gente baile (Magic Magno, DJ Nerso estamos barriendo)
This is so my people can dance (Magic Magno, DJ Nerso we're sweeping)
Esto es pa que mi gente baile (pa to mi gente pa que olviden sus penas) Esto es pa que mi gente baile para mis kinkis y pa mis nenas pa toa la gente de los barrios que soporta una condena.
This is so my people can dance (for all my people to forget their troubles) This is so my people can dance for my thugs and my girls for all the people in the neighborhoods who endure a sentence.
Esto es pa que mi gente baile para que vivan a su manera pa que disfruten y luego...
This is so my people can dance so they can live their own way so they can enjoy and then...
Ahoguen sus penas (Túmbale Nerso que vamos a alegrar a esta gente) Esto es pa que baile mi gente no es pa otra cosa para el delincuente que tiene su gente presa pal que sufre y reza pal que mueve cosas porque se niega a ser esclavo de las empresas.
Drown their sorrows (Hit it Nerso, we're going to make these people happy) This is so my people can dance, it's not for anything else for the criminal who has his people locked up so that he suffers and prays for the one who moves things because he refuses to be a slave to companies.
Créetelo y asúmelo yo el vencedor tú el perdedor me llaman Magic el mejor el king de to las nenas.
Believe it and assume it, I'm the winner, you're the loser they call me Magic the best, the king of all the girls.
Le rozo y le cae el sudor se pelean por mi calor.
I touch him and his sweat falls off they fight for my warmth.
Mi amor mi olor mi buen sabor le hace olvidar las penas.
My love, my smell, my good taste makes him forget his sorrows.
Y que voy a hacerle yo si hemos nacido pa esto.
And what am I going to do about it if we were born for this.
Música, sexo y alcohol y dinero por supuesto.
Music, sex, alcohol and money of course.
Y que voy a hacerle yo si hemos nacido pa esto.
And what am I going to do about it if we were born for this.
Música, sexo y alcohol y dinero por supuesto.
Music, sex, alcohol and money of course.
Nunca he creído en nadie que no haya creido en mi.
I've never believed in anyone who didn't believe in me.
Cierra tu bocaza de envidioso y sal de aquí lo escupo lento ...
Shut up your envious mouth and get out of here I spit it out slowly ...
Rulo lo puso pillo el micro y sale así porque de la calle vengo y vine a quedarme, antes rapeaba y ahora canto pa humillarles, saca sacame del saco de esos rapers ignorantes pues lo mio es solo música no poses ni farsantes.
Rulo set the mic and it comes out like this because I come from the streets and I came to stay, before I used to rap and now I sing to humiliate them, take me out of the bag of those ignorant rappers because mine is just music, not poses or fakes.
Esto es pa que mi gente baile para mis kinkis y pa mis nenas pa to la gente de los barrios que soporta una condena, esto es pa que mi gente baile para que vivan a su manera pa que disfruten y luego...
This is for my people to dance for my thugs and for my girls for all the people in the neighborhoods who endure a sentence, this is for my people to dance so they can live their own way so they can enjoy and then...
En sus penas.
In their sorrows.
Esto es pa que mi gente baile para que vivan a su manera y en alcohol ahoguen sus penas y que voy a hacerle yo si hemos nacido pa esto.
This is so my people can dance so they can live their own way and in alcohol drown their sorrows and what am I going to do about it if we were born for this.
Música, sexo y alcohol y dinero por supuesto, y que voy ha hacerle yo si hemos nacido pa esto.
Music, sex, alcohol and money of course, and what am I going to do about it if we were born for this.
Música, sexo y alcohol y dinero por suppuesto esto es pa que mi gente baile para mis kinkis y pa mis nenas, pa to la gente de los barrios que soporta una condena.
Music, sex, alcohol and money of course this is so my people can dance for my thugs and for my girls, for all the people in the neighborhoods who endure a sentence.
Esto es pa que mi gente baile para que vivan a su manera pa que disfruten y luego cenizas para ahogar sus penas.
This is so my people can dance so they can live their own way so they can enjoy and then ashes to drown their sorrows.
Y esto es pa que mi gente baile (diselo Nerso haha nos quedamos con todo) esto es pa que mi gente baile (Dales lo que quieras que nadie nos supera, los ricos sin dinero) Esto es pa que mi gente baile.
And this is so my people can dance (tell him Nerso haha we keep it all) this is so my people can dance (Give them what you want that nobody beats us, the rich without money) This is so my people can dance.
Esto es pa que mi gente baile.
This is so my people can dance.
Esto es...
This is...
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