Magnus Mefisto feat. Emanero - Activistas Del Sonido - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Magnus Mefisto feat. Emanero - Activistas Del Sonido

Activistas Del Sonido
Activistas Del Sonido
Activista del sonido, decidido a pelear
Activist of sound, determined to fight
Agradezco a mi destino por llevarme a este lugar
I thank my destiny for taking me to this place
Convertirme en un artista fue el camino elegido
Becoming an artist was the chosen path
Y aliarme con el ruido lo que me hizo atacar
And allying myself with noise is what made me attack
Compito codo a codo contra multinacionales
I compete side by side against multinationals
Que intentan disfrazar sus artistas comerciales
Who try to disguise their commercial artists
Invaden las radios y los festivales
They invade the radios and the festivals
Son males que inundan hoy todas las ciudades
They are evils that flood all cities today
Las reglas del juego cambiaron estos días
The rules of the game have changed these days
Perdieron su poder, depender de sus mentiras
They lost their power, depending on their lies
Intentan prohibirte que elijas libremente
They try to prohibit you from choosing freely
El arte independiente antes que el arte ausente
Independent art before absent art
Si te vendo mi disco lo hago frente a frente
If I sell you my album, I do it face to face
Y es para agradecerte que estés acá presente
And it is to thank you for being here present
Creyente del arte, tu aliento me recarga
Believer of art, your breath recharges me
Por eso es que renazco con cada descarga
That is why I am reborn with every download
Si no me ves no es porque he caído
If you don't see me, it's not because I've fallen
Ninguna traba me ha detenido
No obstacle has stopped me
Aunque haya sido siempre advertido
Although I have always been warned
Sigo peleando por el sonido
I keep fighting for the sound
Si no me ves no es porque he caído
If you don't see me, it's not because I've fallen
Ninguna traba me ha detenido
No obstacle has stopped me
Aunque haya sido siempre advertido
Although I have always been warned
Soy activista de este sonido
I am an activist of this sound
Dales tu treinta por ciento a cambio de promo
Give them your thirty percent in exchange for promo
Y si tu arte no funciona van a hacerte morir, yo te cuento cómo
And if your art doesn't work, they'll make you die, I'll tell you how
Adentro de su oficina y con su sueldo como meta
Inside their office and with their salary as a goal
Empresarios de corbata impiden que otro artista crezca
White-collar businessmen prevent another artist from growing
Porque entre tanta firma y contrato ya estoy mareado
Because between so many signatures and contracts I am already dizzy
Preguntándome en qué momento mi arte se hizo un mercado
Wondering at what point my art became a market
Este samba musical produce arcadas en mi estómago
This musical samba produces gags in my stomach
Y vomito mi verdad encima de esta base hardcore
And I throw up my truth on this hardcore base
Quiero ver arder a las empresas discográficas
I want to see record companies burn
Que pagan para taladrarte con su mierda básica
That pay to drill you with their basic shit
Fomentando basura vacía y sin contenido
Fostering garbage that is empty and without content
Drogan al artista porque al público le es divertido
They drug the artist because the public finds it fun
Soy consciente y por eso no me muestro indiferente
I am aware and that is why I do not show myself indifferent
Ante una mafia que te convierte en pirata y delincuente
Before a mafia that turns you into a pirate and a criminal
Soy coherente en mi discurso y no uno más del montón
I am consistent in my speech and not one more of the heap
Bajate mi disco gratis,
Download my album for free,
Si no me ves no es porque he caído
If you don't see me, it's not because I've fallen
Ninguna traba me ha detenido
No obstacle has stopped me
Aunque haya sido siempre advertido
Although I have always been warned
Sigo peleando por el sonido
I keep fighting for the sound
Si no me ves no es porque he caído
If you don't see me, it's not because I've fallen
Ninguna traba me ha detenido
No obstacle has stopped me
Aunque haya sido siempre advertido
Although I have always been warned
Soy activista de este sonido
I am an activist of this sound
La sociedad despierta y lo verán
Society awakens and they will see it
Cuando sus argumento se derrumben
When their arguments collapse
La gente está cambiando y lo sabrán
People are changing and they will know it
La sociedad despierta y lo verán
Society awakens and they will see it
Si no me ves no es porque he caído
If you don't see me, it's not because I've fallen
Ninguna traba me ha detenido
No obstacle has stopped me
Aunque haya sido siempre advertido
Although I have always been warned
Sigo peleando por el sonido
I keep fighting for the sound
Si no me ves no es porque he caído
If you don't see me, it's not because I've fallen
Ninguna traba me ha detenido
No obstacle has stopped me
Aunque haya sido siempre advertido
Although I have always been warned
Soy activista de este sonido
I am an activist of this sound
Soy activista de este sonido
I am an activist of this sound

Авторы: Magnus Mefisto

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