Maher Zain - Lawlaka (Extended Version) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maher Zain - Lawlaka (Extended Version)

Lawlaka (Extended Version)
Lawlaka (Extended Version)
اللهم تقبَّلنا
Allahumma Taqabbalna
بجميلِ هُداك أعِنّا
With Your beautiful Guidance, help us
يا ذا الأسماءِ الحُسنى
O possessor of the most beautiful names
أُلطف ربي بهذا القلب
Be kind to this heart, my Lord
لولاكَ لما كُنّا نَدعوك وما آمنّا
Were it not for You, we would not have called upon You nor believed in You
نُحسنُ بك ربي الظنَّ
We think well of You, my Lord
فاستخدِمنا لك يا رب
So employ us for Your sake, O Lord
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
Employ us for Your sake, O Lord
هل من سائلٍ فأعطيَهُ
Is there anyone who asks so I may give him?
يسألُنا الله
Allah asks us
سبحانهُ تعالى ما أكرمهُ
How Exalted He is, how generous He is
جلَّ في عُلاه
He is the Most High
سبحان الله
Glory be to Allah
نسألُك هُدانا ... هُدانا
We ask You for our guidance... our guidance
فاقبلْ مولانا ... مولانا
So accept our request, our Master... our Master
يا من تَسمعُنا و ترانا
O You who hears us and sees us
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
Employ us for Your sake, O Lord
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
Employ us for Your sake, O Lord
تمّمتُ دعائي لك ربي
I end my prayer to You, my Lord
قائلا آمين
Saying, Ameen
لا ريبَ أنك الواحدُ يا مُجيبي
There is no doubt that You are the One, my Answerer
لا سواكَ يُعين
None but You helps
قلتُها بيقين
I said it with certainty

Авторы: bara kherigi, maher zain

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