Majk Spirit feat. Grimaso & Ben Cristovao - KURT - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Majk Spirit feat. Grimaso & Ben Cristovao - KURT

Čas beží skurvene rýchlo
Time's running damn fast
Nestíhame naozaj žiť
We're not really catching up to live
Spomalíš a zrazu to stíchlo
You slow down and suddenly it's quiet
Na ničom nezáleží
Nothing matters anymore
Čas beží skurvene rýchlo
Time's running damn fast
Nestíhame naozaj žiť
We're not really catching up to live
Spomalíš a zrazu to stíchlo
You slow down and suddenly it's quiet
Na ničom nezáleží
Nothing matters anymore
Život je moc krátky aby som bol stále v jedno kole
Life's too short to be constantly on the go
Na plné obrátky stále super výkonný jak stroj
At full speed, always super-efficient like a machine
Zaneprázdnený jakeby ciel bolo byť zamestnaný
Busy as if the goal is to be employed
Drahocenným časom mrhať v nejakom jeblom zamestnaní
Wasting precious time in some shitty job
Večne vybookovaný telefón stále obsadený
Eternally booked, phone always busy
Unavený z toho jak si stál unavený, ah
Tired of being tired, ah
Ľudia majú žiť nech robia roboty
People are meant to live, let robots do the work
Po škole nájdeš job a jak starý dôjdeš z roboty
After school, you find a job and only retire when you're old
Obrátené hodnoty celý svet jak opitý, pije ďalši dvojitý
Inverted values, the whole world's drunk, drinking another double
Vidím to jak šofér v bare kde všetci rozbití
I see it like a bartender in a bar where everyone's smashed
Nehrám ti to na city, som poet poviem pocity
I'm not playing on your emotions, I'm a poet, I'll tell you my feelings
Nech korektní su politici, ja ti poviem pravdu aj keď trochu zabolí
Let the politicians be politically correct, I'll tell you the truth even if it hurts a little
Žiadný balík peňazí tu ranu ti nezahojí
No amount of money will heal that wound
Tvoju dušu prázdnu nelieči keď zarobíš
It doesn't heal your empty soul when you make a buck
Nerieši to traumou väčšinou ju s tým len znásobíš
It doesn't solve the trauma, usually just multiplies it
Len sa trochu strachuješ len veľa stresuješ
You just worry a little, you stress a lot
A malo pauzuješ buď pracuješ alebo promuješ to na čom pracuješ
And you take few breaks, you're either working or promoting what you're working on
Zastavuješ len v zápche inak stále plnou parou v pred
You only stop in traffic, otherwise, you're always full steam ahead
Nahováraš si že spomalíš keď kúpiš private jet
You tell yourself you'll slow down when you buy a private jet
Pohľad nepríčetný zaslepený mocou škúlavý si
Your gaze is insane, blinded by power, you're cross-eyed
Uvaril si sa že dobre bude keď nahrabeš si
You've convinced yourself that things will be good only when you've accumulated enough
Duchom neprítomný aj keď s rodinou len chilluješ si
Absent in spirit even when you're just chilling with your family
Kedy spravíš to čo miluješ ty? ah
When will you do what you love? ah
Čas beží skurvene rýchlo
Time's running damn fast
Nestíhame naozaj žiť
We're not really catching up to live
Spomalíš a zrazu to stíchlo
You slow down and suddenly it's quiet
Na ničom nezaleží
Nothing matters anymore
Čas beží skurvene rýchlo
Time's running damn fast
Nestíhame naozaj žiť
We're not really catching up to live
Spomalíš a zrazu to stíchlo
You slow down and suddenly it's quiet
Na ničom nezaleží
Nothing matters anymore
Asi byl čas zpomalit, zpomalit
It was probably time to slow down, slow down
Všechno bylo moc dokonalý
Everything was too perfect
My nerešili nic než money, money, money
We didn't care about anything but money, money, money
Ztratili jsme vela ale tak to ma byt
We lost a lot, but that's how it's supposed to be
Teď definuje chill
Now I'm defined by chill
Scrolluju feed, koukam kde jsme všude byl (ej)
Scrolling through the feed, seeing where we've been everywhere (hey)
Sere mě, že jsem nevzal sebou babe
It sucks I didn't take you with me babe
Neříkám to, protože jsem pil, chill
I'm not saying this because I'm drunk, chill
Ale i kdyby jsme měli bejt jen doma pod stanem
But even if we were just at home under a tent
Měli by sme se fajn a nic se vlastně nestane
We'd be fine and nothing would really happen
Je to hlavně protože, že si jiná (ej)
It's mainly because you're different (hey)
Proto spolu asi zůstanem (ej)
That's probably why we'll stay together (hey)
Vídam víc svoji crew (ej)
I see my crew more (hey)
Vídám víc aj svojí rodinú
I see my family more too
Vozíme se, víme že nic není navždy
We're riding, we know nothing is forever
Oslavujem každou hodinu (ej)
We celebrate every hour (hey)
Asi byl čas zpomalit, zpomalit
It was probably time to slow down, slow down
Asi bylo treba kúfry vybaliť
It was probably time to unpack the suitcases
Vyskočiť z rozjetýho vlaku pryč
Jump off the speeding train
Na chvili zakalit, pobavit se
To chill for a while, have some fun
I kdyby jsme měli bejt jen doma pod stanem
Even if we were just at home under a tent
Měli by sme se fajn a nic se vlastně nestane
We'd be fine and nothing would really happen
Hlavně když se pod tím stanem sejdem všeci
Mainly if we all meet under that tent
Naž náš čas nastane nastane (ej)
When our time comes, it comes (hey)
Čas beží skurvene rýchlo
Time's running damn fast
Nestíhame naozaj žiť
We're not really catching up to live
Spomalíš a zrazu to stíchlo
You slow down and suddenly it's quiet
Na ničom nezáleží
Nothing matters anymore

Majk Spirit feat. Grimaso & Ben Cristovao - Kurt (feat. Ben Cristovao) - Single
Kurt (feat. Ben Cristovao) - Single
дата релиза


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