In the beginning, there is always the word, the word, the word.
To, na čom záleží je slovo, slovo, slovo.
What matters is the word, the word, the word.
Jediné, čo máme je slovo, slovo, slovo.
The only thing we have is the word, the word, the word.
Pozri, jakú silu má to slovo!
Look at the power the word holds!
To všetko, čo naozaj máme je slovo, to, čo bolo od Boha, Boh bol to slovo, to ktoré tvorí svety, jak si tvorí svet a ne kazisvet, potom pomáha ti aj sám Duch Svätý.
All we truly possess is the word, what came from God, God was the word, the one that creates worlds, as you create your world and not chaos, then even the Holy Spirit helps you.
A keď neklame sebe o sebe a neklame sebe o tebe, tak neklame o sebe tebe, ani o tebe tebe a nakoniec hovorí pravdu všetkým o všetkom na svete.
And when it doesn't lie to itself about itself, and doesn't lie to itself about you, then it doesn't lie to you about itself, nor to you about you, and ultimately it speaks the truth to everyone about everything in the world.
Keď hovorím ja, tak niečo poviem.
When I speak, I say something.
Keď hovoríš ty, povedz niečo dobré.
When you speak, say something good.
Nehovor mi to, ak to neni na niečo dobré.
Don't tell me if it's not for something good.
Chceš niečo získať, musíš odmietať, to dobré slovo treba rozsievať.
If you want to gain something, you must reject, the good word needs to be sown.
Sadím tie semienka, sloboda prejavu podmienka, som bojovník za pravdu, dar slova dostal som do vienka.
I plant those seeds, freedom of speech is a condition, I am a warrior for truth, the gift of the word I was given.
Mám potravu pre dušu, presne, jak slepačia polievka.(zlo nevidím) V mene Otca, Syna, Ducha, Ducha, Duch, Duch volá rozum, cit, cit, cit, cit, myšlienka, slovo, čin, čin, čin.
I have food for the soul, just like chicken soup. (I see no evil) In the name of the Father, the Son, the Spirit, the Spirit, Spirit, Spirit calls for reason, feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling, thought, word, action, action, action.
Toto je Čisty, Cristo, Spirit.
This is Čisty, Cristo, Spirit.
Na začiatku je vždy slovo, slovo, slovo.
In the beginning, there is always the word, the word, the word.
To, na čom záleží je slovo, slovo, slovo.
What matters is the word, the word, the word.
Jediné, čo máme je slovo, slovo, slovo.
The only thing we have is the word, the word, the word.
Pozri, jakú silu má to slovo!
Look at the power the word holds!
Pozeraj, toto je škola rapu.
Look, this is the school of rap.
Počúvaj, akú silu má to slovo.
Listen to the power the word holds.
Cristo, Spirit, Čistychov.
Cristo, Spirit, Čistychov.
Keď ich strieľam ja, je to jak ratatata, počúvajú všetci, veľa odo mňa sa čaká, slovo kata, očami psychopata, čo spracovalo v živote doma, ticho da, da.
When I shoot them, it's like rat-a-tat-tat, everyone listens, much is expected of me, the executioner's word, with the eyes of a psychopath, who processed at home in life, silence da, da.
Dobre vysloviť, čo nechce tata, neni za to náhrada, záplata sa nezaláta.
To say well what daddy doesn't want, there's no substitute for it, a patch won't be patched.
Ktorý so svojimi slovami tu nezaváhal, ten, čo cesty vyšľapal, ale nezahatal.
Who didn't hesitate here with his words, the one who paved the way, but didn't block it.
Slovo mám mocné, kráčam k pocte, jeho silou prekračujem kopce, vytváram názor, zobúdzam ovce, Jeho význam dnes už poznajú hockde, Ide jak rocker, tvrdo, jak boxer, čo chce povedať počúvaj mocne.
I have a powerful word, I walk towards honor, with its strength I cross hills, I create opinions, I awaken sheep, its meaning is known everywhere today, it goes like a rocker, hard like a boxer, what it wants to say, listen powerfully.
Môžeš sa stotožniť, rozumieť, ovšem nedá sa triumfovať, ani len vo sne.
You can identify, understand, but you can't triumph, not even in a dream.
Na začiatku bolo slovo a aj teraz stále je, je.
In the beginning was the word and even now it still is, is.
Teraz stále je, je.
Now it still is, is.
Teraz stále je.
Now it still is.
Na počiatku bolo slovo a aj teraz stále znie, znie, teraz stále znie, znie, teraz stále znie.
In the beginning was the word and even now it still sounds, sounds, now it still sounds, sounds, now it still sounds.
Na začiatku bolo slovo a aj teraz stále je, je.
In the beginning was the word and even now it still is, is.
Teraz stále je, je, Teraz stále je.
Now it still is, is, Now it still is.
Čisty, Cristo, Spirit stále vie, vie, stále vie, vie, stále vie.
Čisty, Cristo, Spirit still knows, knows, still knows, knows, still knows.
Na začiatku je vždy slovo, slovo, slovo.
In the beginning, there is always the word, the word, the word.
To, na čom záleží je slovo, slovo, slovo.
What matters is the word, the word, the word.
Jediné, čo máme je slovo, slovo, slovo.
The only thing we have is the word, the word, the word.
Pozri, jakú silu má to slovo!
Look at the power the word holds!
Slovo, slovo, slovo, řekni mi, co je víc, moudrá sovo.
Word, word, word, tell me what's more, wise owl.
Někteří myslej, že sou to keš, ale když je maj, furt to není ono.
Some think it's cash, but when they have it, it's still not it.
Furt je to slovo, co má tu sílu lásky, války a míru postavit víru.
It's still the word that has the power of love, war, and peace to build faith.
Ale vypni TV, nebo ti média udělaj slovama do hlavy díru.
But turn off the TV, or the media will make a hole in your head with words.
V dýmu hledám pravdu, jak hasič Ha, Neříkám že to du zpasit Ha, ale nebudu sedět na prdeli a žvatlat vo tom, jaký byli časy.
In the smoke, I search for the truth, like a firefighter Ha, I'm not saying I'm going to save it Ha, but I won't sit on my ass and babble about how things used to be.
Slovo neznamená souhlasit, když ti šlápnu na nohu, zasyč!
Word doesn't mean to agree, if I step on your foot, hiss!
A nes svoje slovo, jako tenhle beat, basy asi žízeň po pravdě ve sví hlavě neuhasíme.
And eat your word, like this beat, the bass probably won't quench the thirst for truth in your head.
Vím, že si myslíš, že tě slovem neporazíme, dívej, jak slovem národy a rasy spojíme, myšlenka, slovo a čin
- zbraně, které tasíme!
I know you think we can't beat you with a word, look how we unite nations and races with a word, thought, word and action
- the weapons we draw!
Toto sou nové časy nee, slovo hýbe masy nee, masy chtějí dobré slovo, nee!
These are new times, no, the word moves the masses, no, the masses want a good word, no!
Na začiatku je vždy slovo, slovo, slovo.
In the beginning, there is always the word, the word, the word.
To, na čom záleží je slovo, slovo, slovo.
What matters is the word, the word, the word.
Jediné, čo máme je slovo, slovo, slovo.
The only thing we have is the word, the word, the word.
Pozri, jakú silu má to slovo!
Look at the power the word holds!
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