Neprestanem s tým, kým nezarobím na ten Rolce-Royce
I'm not gonna stop until I make money off of that Rolls-Royce.
Cigara a whiskey na raňajky,
Cigar and whiskey for breakfast,
Volajte ma kľúdne Winston.
Call Me Winston.
RHB niečo jak Sprata,
RHB something like a brat,
Každý druhý raper je len Flinstone.
Every second rapper is just Flinstone.
Zmakaj tak 15 rokov a možno budeš na tom istom,
15 years and you might be the same.,
Jak Leonidas a jeho 300,
How Leonidas and his 300,
Diabol je lož,
The devil is a lie,
My kráčame s Kristom.
We walk with Christ.
Stojíme hrdo,
We stand proudly,
To my sme tí chalani,
We're the guys.,
Ideme tvrdo.
We're going hard.
Jebeš sa do mojej šetstnástky,
You're fucking with me.,
Vynesem ťa ako Škrčo.
I'll carry you out like a hamster.
Robíme hudbu ne módu,
We make music not fashion,
My nosíme tímové dresy.
We wear team jerseys.
S vami sa my iba hráme jak levy,
We're just playing like lions.,
Jak Lionel Messi.
Like Lionel Messi.
Kamoško, kde si? My v 90-tych Chicago Bulls,
Buddy, where are you? The
' 90s Chicago Bulls,
Rapery nemáte pulz, asi otvorím rapový kurz.
Rappers have no pulse, I guess I'll open a rap course.
Fajčím ten zelený Wimbledon,
Smoking that Green Wimbledon,
No aj tak, keď hrá sa tak patrí mi kurt.
When I play, it's kurt.
Som tu od teraz na furt,
I'm here from now on,
Surfujem na vlne Tsunami,
Surfing on a Tsunami wave,
Toto je ohlasený durch.
This is the announced durch.
Ou platinový flow, platinový flow.
Oh, platinum flow, platinum flow.
Stále znie ulicou 1-6 a euro gang.
Still sounds Street 1-6 and euro gang.
Ou platinový flow, platinový flow.
Oh, platinum flow, platinum flow.
Slová, ktoré majú cveng,
Words that have cveng,
Máme kráľovský slang.
We have royal slang.
Oi oi, that's the roll call,
Oi oi, that's the roll call,
I can get ur melon blown off from a phone call,
I can get ur melon blown off from a phone call,
In LDN, broke laws,
In LDN, broke laws,
In NYC, sold row,
In NYC, sold row,
It's wild on them tours,
It's wild on them tours,
Slovak chicks
- take their clothes off,
Slovak chicks
- take their clothes off,
We get that weed overseas,
We get that weed overseas,
With H16 rolling trees,
With H16 rolling trees,
Couple O's that look like cabbages
Couple O's that look like cabbages
From the groceries,
From the groceries,
And fuck the police,
And fuck the police,
All my niggas go to shows with me,
All my niggas go to shows with me,
I'll step on that stage with 50 gypsies from Romani, what you know about,
I'll step on that stage with 50 gypsies from Romani, what you know about,
What u, what you know about that,
What u, what you know about that,
You ain't heard of SAS,
You ain't heard of SAS,
Then you don't know about rap,
Then you don't know about rap,
No really
No really
Flows illy
Flows illy
Shit I go silly
Shit I go silly
LDN, it's a cold city,
LDN, it's a cold city,
Won't you roll with me,
Won't you roll with me,
My youngers
My youngers
Have god youngers,
Have god youngers,
And when the suns out
And when the suns out
They wear jumpers,
They wear jumpers,
They go dumb nuts to get funds up,
They go dumb nuts to get funds up,
They run card scams, t
They run card scams, t
Hey might bump ya,
Hey might bump ya,
Try stunt man dem won't jump us,
Try stunt man dem won't jump us,
You get slumped body in a dumpster,
You get slumped body in a dumpster,
And it's nuts these dicks in pussy,
And it's nuts these dicks in pussy,
Cause they ain't got balls to come for us.
Cause they ain't got balls to come for us.
Ou platinový flow, platinový flow.
Ou platinový flow, platinový flow.
Stále znie ulicou 1-6 a euro gang.
Still sounds Street 1-6 and euro gang.
Ou platinový flow, platinový flow.
Oh, platinum flow, platinum flow.
Slová, ktoré majú cveng,
Words that have cveng,
Máme kráľovský slang.
We have royal slang.
Skutoční už vedia,
The real ones already know,
Iba jebo stále spí,
Only the fuck is still sleeping,
SAS, H16, kto iný, keď ne my,
SAS, H16, who else if not us,
Bratu, cítim sa jak Camron v roku 03,
Brother, I feel like Camron in
' 03,
Sme niečo ako starý dipset na vrchole hry,
We are something like an old dipset on top of the game,
Vidíš nás, sme na očiach, jak RayBan,
You see us, we're in plain sight, like RayBan,
Myslel si už končíme? sme znova späť, jak refrén, vždycky jednám na úrovni, som gantleman, ne gangster, grindujem tu už roky a svoj cashflow chcem ASAP,
Did you think we were done? we're back again, jak chorus, I always act on the level, I'm a gantleman, not a gangster, I've been grinding here for years and I want my cashflow ASAP,
Iba ja a moji chlapci,
Just me and my boys,
Nafajčení, jak bomby,
Smoking like bombs,
Snažím sa byť nad vecou,
I try to be above things.,
Ne zamračený, jak Londýn,
Not as dark as London,
Neni to vôbec ľahké v týchto uliciach plných zloby,
It's not easy in these streets full of evil.,
Kde predávajú tie skladačky a nemyslím tým soby,
Where they sell those jigsaw puzzles and I don't mean reindeer,
Tí noví chlapci sú slabí, ja som ťažká váha, jak sumo, anglické raňajky, roztrhám ich v zuboch,
Those new guys are weak, I'm a heavyweight, jak sumo, English breakfast, I tear them in the teeth,
Chlapci sú fakt suchí a tým nemyslím ich humor,
Guys are really dry, and I don't mean their humor.,
Nikdy žiadny fuck boy,
Never the fuck.,
Ja som Ali G, oni Bruno!
I'm Ali G, they're Bruno!
Ou platinový flow, platinový flow.
Oh, platinum flow, platinum flow.
Stále znie ulicou 1-6 a euro gang.
Still sounds Street 1-6 and euro gang.
Ou platinový flow, platinový flow.
Oh, platinum flow, platinum flow.
Slová, ktoré majú cveng,
Words that have cveng,
Máme kráľovský slang.
We have royal slang.
Tomu ver!
Believe it!
16 a S.A.S.
16 a S.A.S.
Bratislava. Londýn.
Bratislava. London.
Euogang, S.A.S, ooo.
Euogang, S.A.S, ooo.
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