Nemá to byť prechádzka rúžovou záhradou, svet bývá aj chladné a temné miesto, našou úlohou je zažiariť, tragéd povie to sa nedá, na to nemám, niesom dosť dobrý, a má pravdu.
It's not supposed to be a walk in a rose garden, the world can be a cold and dark place. Our mission is to shine. A tragedy says it can't be done, I can't do it, I'm not good enough, and he's right.
Toto je svet bez limitov,
This is a world without limits,
Jediné si vytváráš svojou psychikou,
The only ones you create are in your mind,
Prijebanou kolektivnov negativitou,
With your screwed-up collective negativity,
Lenže sochy nestavajú sa pre kritikov,
But statues aren't built for critics,
Odvážny bere čo je zbabelý sa sťažuje,
The brave take what the coward complains about,
A vôbec nechápe, že sám si to sťažuje,
And he doesn't understand that he's making it hard for himself,
Nikto iný len ty sám si to maľuješ,
No one else but you paints it this way,
Rob ako myslíš, ale si to na čo myslíš,
Do as you think, but be what you think about,
A keď si to nevieš predstaviť, nemôžeš to ani zažiť, najprv musíš o tom snívať, základy spraviť,
And if you can't imagine it, you can't experience it either, first you have to dream about it, lay the foundations,
No veľakrát sa rozhodneme tie sny sami zabiť,
But many times we decide to kill those dreams ourselves,
Zrovna jak sa nám chystajú pred očami zjaviť,
Just as they are about to appear before our eyes,
Neni hanba to, že padneš, keď postavíš sa,
There is no shame in falling when you get up,
Smutné je, keď nemáš ciel o ktorý posnažíš sa,
It's sad when you don't have a goal to strive for,
A to viem dozaista ako že Zem sa točí,
And I know for sure as the Earth turns,
Veľká jazda na vesmírnom kolotoči.
A big ride on the cosmic carousel.
Zhlboka sa nadýchni a vyber sa vpred,
Take a deep breath and move forward,
Tam vonku čaká na teba celý svet,
The whole world is waiting for you out there,
A celý svet je len tvoj,
And the whole world is yours,
Nikomu nedovoľ nech ti hovorí že stoj!
Don't let anyone tell you to stop!
Prišiel si tvoriť a rásť,
You came to create and grow,
A nehovorím ti to prvýkrát,
And I'm not telling you this for the first time,
Tu sa neni koho, neni čoho báť,
There's no one and nothing to be afraid of here,
Rob, rob, rob čo máš rád!
Do, do, do what you love!
Pro takový jak vy existuje slovo přizdisráč,
For those like you, there's a word: loser,
Nejste vidět a jste všude jak Mekáč,
You're not seen and you're everywhere like McDonald's,
Přitahujete se sobě navzájem,
You attract each other,
Máte jeden pokoj a ani na nájem,
You have one room and not even the rent for it,
Tohle jsem nechtěl díky nemám zájem,
I didn't want this, thanks, I'm not interested,
S průměrným životem táhni do háje,
Go to hell with your average life,
Já chci víc, více mít,
I want more, to have more,
Já chci žít chci zářit,
I want to live, I want to shine,
No tak pojď, vstaň a nebuď při zemi,
Come on, get up and don't be down to earth,
Už nestůj opodál zlomený, zklamaný,
Don't stand aside anymore, broken, disappointed,
Je to na tobě zvedni se,
It's up to you, get up,
Takových jako ty jsou tu sta tísíce,
There are hundreds of thousands like you here,
Vem svou šanci nesmíš ji promarnit,
Take your chance, you can't miss it,
Ty tragéde, zkus to změnit,
You tragedy, try to change it,
Chtěj to tak máš to mít,
Want it so you have it,
Je tvůj den musíš zářit.
It's your day, you have to shine.
Zhluboka sa nadychni a vydej sa vpřed,
Take a deep breath and go forward,
Tam venku čeká na tebe celý svět,
The whole world is waiting for you out there,
A celý svět je jen tvuj,
And the whole world is yours,
Nikomu nedovol ať říka že stuj,
Don't let anyone tell you to stop,
Přišel si tvořiť a rust,
You came to create and grow,
Tvuj život neni jenom pust,
Your life is not just empty,
Uži si ho, makej, proč se bát?
Enjoy it, work hard, why be afraid?
Poď, poď dělej co máš rád.
Come on, do what you love.
Niekedy sa cítim jak na planéte drámy,
Sometimes I feel like I'm on the planet of drama,
Hento na STV o siedmej voláte správy?
Is that STV at seven, you call it news?
Ja ti poviem správy, dobre mi trávi,
I'll tell you the news, I'm digesting well,
A v mojej cige 1,
6 g trávy,
And in my cigarette 1.6 g of grass,
A teba trápi, že politik si hrabe,
And you're bothered that the politician is stealing,
Vidíš poloprázdny pohár a z toho ti hrabe,
You see a half-empty glass and it's driving you crazy,
Pokračuj a v štyridsiatke máš vrásky jak praded,
Keep going and in your forties you'll have wrinkles like your great-grandfather,
A potom ťa to zabije lebo si tragéd,
And then it will kill you because you're a tragedy,
A vidíš samé zátarasy,
And you see only barriers,
Katastrofa sprevádza ťa ako paparazzi,
Disaster follows you like paparazzi,
A možno sa ti to zdá celé jak tragédia,
And maybe it all seems like a tragedy to you,
A možno si len tragédia ty a je to lekcia,
And maybe you're just a tragedy and it's a lesson,
Tak zbúraj ten domček z limitov,
So tear down that house of limits,
A nevytváraj si ich svojou psychikou,
And don't create them with your mind,
Kritikou, negativitou,
Criticism, negativity,
Keď život bere, pusti,
When life takes, let go,
Nikdy nevieš či to k lepšiemu nevyústí.
You never know if it won't lead to something better.
Zhlboka sa nadýchni a vyber sa vpred,
Take a deep breath and move forward,
Tam vonku čaká na teba celý svet,
The whole world is waiting for you out there,
A celý svet je len tvoj,
And the whole world is yours,
Nikomu nedovol nech ti hovorí že stoj!
Don't let anyone tell you to stop!
Prišiel si tvoriť a rásť,
You came to create and grow,
A nehovorím ti to prvýkrát,
And I'm not telling you this for the first time,
Tu sa neni koho, neni čeho báť,
There's no one and nothing to be afraid of here,
Rob, rob, rob čo máš rád!
Do, do, do what you love!
Text pridal platek1
Text added by platek1
Text opravil tysikar
Text corrected by tysikar
Videa přidali Gabhu_s, lelusi1, EllieSpirit
Videos added by Gabhu_s, lelusi1, EllieSpirit
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