Majk Spirit - Hviezdy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Majk Spirit - Hviezdy

Hviezdy, hviezdy, hviezdy
Stars, stars, stars
Svetlo ich života na cestu nám svieti navždy
The light of their lives shines on our path forever
A ho v sebe každý
And everyone has it within them
To svetlo mám ja, to svetlo máš ty
I have that light, you have that light
Hviezdy, hviezdy, hviezdy
Stars, stars, stars
Svetlo ich života na cestu nám svieti navždy
The light of their lives shines on our path forever
A ho v sebe každý
And everyone has it within them
To svetlo mám ja, to svetlo máš ty
I have that light, you have that light
Gautama Siddhartha Buddha
Gautama Siddhartha Buddha
Ten čo vypil pohár poznania do dna
The one who drank the cup of knowledge to the bottom
Vystúpil zo sna, najvyššie spoznal
He stepped out of the dream, reached the highest understanding
Potom sa vrátil aby všetkých tam pozval a dostal
Then he returned to invite and bring everyone there
Ježiš, spasiteľ a učiteľ, Kristus bola chorá doba
Jesus, savior and teacher, Christ, the times were sick
On bol pre ňu antivírus plus neni bez mínus
He was the antivirus for them, plus, not without minus
Aj Boží syn musí niesť kríž
Even the Son of God must carry the cross
Dávaj lásku pomáhaj a svetlo ti poskytne skrýš
Give love, help, and the light will provide you shelter
Sokrates, povedz čo vlastne vieš
Socrates, tell me what you actually know
Okolo čoho je vata, povedz čo vlastne chceš
What is all the fluff about, tell me what you really want
Bol naozajstný filozof miloval múdrosť
He was a true philosopher, he loved wisdom
Poznaj sám seba, inak všetko je hlúposť
Know thyself, otherwise everything is stupidity
Osho, môj obľúbený duchovný guru
Osho, my favorite spiritual guru
viem že smiech je to čo začína duchovnú vzburu
I now know that laughter is what starts that spiritual rebellion
A nový človek prišiel sem, aby stvoril novú zem
And a new man came here to create a new earth
Každý deň je dobrý deň, milujem Zem
Every day is a good day, I love the Earth
Edgar Cayce, známi jak spiaci prorok
Edgar Cayce, known as the sleeping prophet
Každý je malou súčasťou boh je celok
Everyone is a small part, God is the whole
Ži veselo a smelo, dotváraš veľké dielo
Live joyfully and boldly, you are contributing to a great work
Nie si telo, čo ducha, ale duch čo telo
You are not a body that has a spirit, but a spirit that has a body
Hviezdy, hviezdy, hviezdy
Stars, stars, stars
Svetlo ich života na cestu nám svieti navždy
The light of their lives shines on our path forever
A ho v sebe každý
And everyone has it within them
To svetlo mám ja, to svetlo máš ty
I have that light, you have that light
John Lennon, z tej legendárnej skupiny
John Lennon, from that legendary band
Bol trochu snílek, ale neni jediný
He was a bit of a dreamer, but he's not the only one
Predstav si všetkých ludí spolu zdielajúcich tento svet
Imagine all the people sharing this world together
Láska je odpoveď
Love is the answer
Bob Marley, to bol posol mieru
Bob Marley, he was a messenger of peace
Len si fajčil trávu, šíril dobrú vieru
He just smoked weed and spread good faith
Spravil svet lepším miestom, aj keď svet besnotu
He made the world a better place, even though the world has its madness
Veľký rasta, čo tu prežiaril temnotu
A great Rasta who lit up the darkness here
Michael Jackson, ten čo po mesiaci chodil
Michael Jackson, the one who walked on the moon
Spieval ako škovránok, tancoval jak motýľ
He sang like a lark, danced like a butterfly
hitov celú kopu, zanechal veľkú stopu
He has a whole bunch of hits, left a big mark
Najväčší odkaz v histórii popu
The biggest legacy in the history of pop
Tupac Amaru Shakur zvaný Makaveli
Tupac Amaru Shakur, aka Makaveli
Rebel jak sa patrí odmietal byť zaradený
A rebel as it should be, he refused to be categorized
Bol odpoveďou na svoju dobu, len Boh ho môže súdiť
He was the answer to his time, only God can judge him
Čierny panter, čo prestal v džungli blúdiť
A black panther who stopped wandering in the jungle
Bruce Lee, ten čo bol rýchly a silný
Bruce Lee, the one who was fast and strong
Najväčší ninja, aký kedy točil filmy
The greatest ninja who ever made movies
Za úspechom treba ísť, nepadne z neba
You have to go for success, it won't fall from the sky
Buď voda, kamarát môj prispôsob seba
Be water, my friend, adapt yourself
Bill Hicks, legendárny komik
Bill Hicks, legendary comedian
Vedel šokovať a baviť zároveň, v tom bol profík
He knew how to shock and entertain at the same time, he was a pro at that
Nič neni také vážne, aby sa na tom nedalo zasmiať
Nothing is so serious that you can't laugh at it
Vravel život je len jazda
He said life is just a ride
Hviezdy, hviezdy, hviezdy
Stars, stars, stars
Svetlo ich života na cestu nám svieti navždy
The light of their lives shines on our path forever
A ho v sebe každý
And everyone has it within them
To svetlo mám ja, to svetlo máš ty
I have that light, you have that light
Nikola Tesla, ten čo rozsvietil Zem
Nikola Tesla, the one who lit up the Earth
Elektrina zdarma, nebol preňho iba sen
Free electricity was not just a dream for him
Bol veľký čarodej, čo predbehol svoju dobu
He was a great wizard who was ahead of his time
Veľa tajomstiev a vynálezov zobral si do hrobu
He took many secrets and inventions to his grave
Manly Palmer Hall, filozof a mystik
Manly Palmer Hall, philosopher and mystic
Skláňam sa pred veľkosťou jeho mysli
I bow before the greatness of his mind
Celý svoj život venoval okultizmu
He dedicated his whole life to occultism
A tie pravdy, čo objavil nikdy nezmiznú
And the truths he discovered will never disappear
Albert Einstein, ten šedivý génius
Albert Einstein, that gray-haired genius
Čo sa týka intelektu, žiarlil jak Sírius
When it comes to intellect, he was as jealous as Sirius
E sa rovná m c na druhú, všetko je energia
E equals m c squared, everything is energy
Človek tvoriť, nič nie je horšie jak letargia
Man is meant to create, nothing is worse than lethargy
Jules Verne a jeho nadčasové knihy
Jules Verne and his timeless books
Písal o našom svete, ešte keď bol iba sci-fi
He wrote about our world when it was still just sci-fi
Všetko čo si vieš predstaviť, môže byť
Everything you can imagine can be
Pozeraj sa očami čo vedia rozlíšiť
Look with eyes that know how to discern
Jacque Fresco a jeho projekt zvaný Venus
Jacque Fresco and his project called Venus
Technológia pomáha vyriešiť rébus
Technology helps solve the puzzle
Vo vojne sa energia zbytočne len stráca
In war, energy is just wasted
Riešenie neni súťaživosť, ale spolupráca
The solution is not competition, but cooperation
Hviezdy, hviezdy, hviezdy
Stars, stars, stars
Svetlo ich života na cestu nám svieti navždy
The light of their lives shines on our path forever
A ho v sebe každý
And everyone has it within them
To svetlo mám ja, to svetlo máš ty
I have that light, you have that light
To svetlo mám ja, to svetlo máš ty
I have that light, you have that light

Авторы: Viktor Hazard

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