Majk Spirit - Jazvy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Majk Spirit - Jazvy

Občas to bolí, bolí, občas to bolí, bolí.
Sometimes it hurts, it hurts, sometimes it hurts, it hurts.
Ležíš v krupobití holý, holý, podlaha pod tebou horí, horí. Ja nie som ten, čo sa bojí, bojí, ja som ten, čo znova stojí, stojí. rana sa hojí.
You lie naked, naked, in a hailstorm, the floor beneath you burns, burns. I'm not the one who's afraid, afraid, I'm the one who stands again, stands again. The wound heals.
Snažím sa len v tejto džungli prežiť a niečo zažiť, každá šelma svoje jazvy, svoje jazvy, každá šelma svoje jazvy, snažím sa len v tejto džungli prežiť a niečo zažit, každá šelma svoje jazvy.
I'm just trying to survive and experience something in this jungle, every beast has its scars, its scars, every beast has its scars, I'm just trying to survive and experience something in this jungle, every beast has its scars.
Pripútaný k posteli, hadičky mi trčia z tela,
Strapped to the bed, tubes sticking out of my body,
Mladý, ledva dospelý, neodžil som ešte veľa,
Young, barely an adult, I haven't lived much yet,
A sa mi svet rúca, zradili ma pľúca,
And my world is already falling apart, my lungs have betrayed me,
tretí deň sa v nemocnici od bolesti skrúcam.
For the third day in the hospital, I'm writhing in pain.
Minúta jak hodina, hlavne neprestavať veriť,
A minute feels like an hour, the main thing is not to stop believing,
Kamaráti, rodina snažia sa ma rozveseliť.
Friends, family trying to cheer me up.
Mama ruku objíma, pekne chvíle spomína,
Mom hugs my hand, remembers good times,
Vidím, že sa trápi, klamem, že nič nebolí ma.
I see that she's suffering, I lie that nothing hurts anymore.
Celý život pred sebou, ja musím žiť,
My whole life is ahead of me, I have to live,
Všetko to zlé na niečo dobré musí byť.
All the bad must be for something good.
Nemôžem sa opustiť, musím ten strach rozpustiť, jak zrnko soli. Taký je život, občas to bolí.
I can't give up, I have to dissolve this fear, like a grain of salt. That's life, sometimes it hurts.
Snažím sa len v tejto džungli prežiť a niečo zažiť, každá šelma svoje jazvy, svoje jazvy, každá šelma svoje jazvy, snažím sa len v tejto džungli prežiť a niečo zažit, každá šelma svoje jazvy.
I'm just trying to survive and experience something in this jungle, every beast has its scars, its scars, every beast has its scars, I'm just trying to survive and experience something in this jungle, every beast has its scars.
Ležím krvavý na zemi, kamarátka mi drží hlavu,
I'm lying bloody on the ground, my friend holding my head,
Na čele rana po kameni, asi mám ďalšiu novú jazvu.
A wound on my forehead from a stone, I guess I have another new scar.
A celý večer je skazený, to som chcel iba nejakú trávu, a teraz tu ležím zranený, nejakým debilom zrazený.
And the whole evening is ruined, I just wanted some weed, and now I'm lying here injured, hit by some idiot.
Centimetre od smrti, na míle ďaleko od domova,
Inches from death, miles away from home,
Bojím sa, tak modlím sa, vyzývam toho svojho Boha.
I'm scared, so I pray, I call on my God.
"Zavolajte mu sanitku", to je posledné čo si pamätám, budím sa v nemocnici, práve okolo mňa niekto zametá.
"Call him an ambulance", that's the last thing I remember, I wake up in the hospital, someone is sweeping around me.
Všetci hovoria taliansky, pýtam sa, či môžem odísť,
Everyone speaks Italian, I ask if I can leave yet,
Doktor, že iba na vlastné riziko, ja vravím dobre, dovi.
The doctor says only at my own risk, I say okay, goodbye.
Chcel som ísť iba na dovolenku a starosti odložiť bokom, a prišiel som s dierou v lebke a mám titánové tretie oko.
I just wanted to go on vacation and leave my worries behind, and I came back with a hole in my head and a titanium third eye.
Snažím sa len v tejto džungli prežiť a niečo zažiť, každá šelma svoje jazvy, svoje jazvy, každá šelma svoje jazvy, snažím sa len v tejto džungli prežiť a niečo zažit, každá šelma svoje jazvy.
I'm just trying to survive and experience something in this jungle, every beast has its scars, its scars, every beast has its scars, I'm just trying to survive and experience something in this jungle, every beast has its scars.
Jazvy na mojej duši, prázdnota v mojom srdci,
Scars on my soul, emptiness in my heart,
Keď odíde zo života niekto, kto mi bol veľmi blízky.
When someone very close to me passes away.
Smútok utopí Whiskey, bolesť sa ale vráti znova,
Whiskey drowns the sadness, but the pain will return again,
Silnejšia ako pred tým, neostáva nič, len ďalší do dna.
Stronger than before, there is nothing left but another one to the bottom.
Čas to nejako zahojí, nepotrvá to večne,
Time will heal it somehow, it won't last forever,
Ale aj stará jazva občas zabolí, ver mi, viem o čom hovorím.
But even an old scar hurts sometimes, believe me, I know what I'm talking about.
Ľúbil som ju ako blázon, no utiekla s iným chlapom,
I loved her like crazy, but she ran away with another guy,
Práve, keď som mal v plánoch povedať jej to svoje áno.
Just when I was planning to say yes to her.
prázdnotu v mojom srdci časom zaplní nejaká iná,
That emptiness in my heart will be filled by someone else over time,
Ale jazva na mojej duši bude, kým duša moja bude živá.
But the scar on my soul will remain as long as my soul is alive.
Aj bolesť je na niečo dobrá, aj to zlé nejaký dôvod, učí ma nový spôsob, každá strata je pôrod.
Even that pain is good for something, even the bad has a reason, it teaches me a new way, every loss is a birth.
Snažím sa len v tejto džungli prežiť a niečo zažiť, každá šelma svoje jazvy, svoje jazvy, každá šelma svoje jazvy, snažím sa len v tejto džungli prežiť a niečo zažit, každá šelma svoje jazvy.
I'm just trying to survive and experience something in this jungle, every beast has its scars, its scars, every beast has its scars, I'm just trying to survive and experience something in this jungle, every beast has its scars.

Авторы: billy hollywood

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