Ukáž tvár, zahoď masku, ten make-up ťa robí krajšou iba na obrázku.
Show your face, throw away the mask, that makeup only makes you prettier in pictures.
Tvoje tvary sú od mamy, pochop, že nemusíš opraviť to, čo Boh spravil.
Your curves are from your mama, understand you don't need to fix what God made.
Keď vylepšuješ čo je dokonalé, potom krása je viac, jak pravda.
When you enhance what's already perfect, then beauty becomes more important than truth.
Keď umelé je nové prirodzené, potom krása je viac, jak pravda.
When artificial becomes the new natural, then beauty becomes more important than truth.
Keď forma je viac, jak obsah, potom krása je viac, jak pravda.
When form matters more than content, then beauty becomes more important than truth.
Krása je viac, jak pravda, krása je viac, jak pravda?!
Beauty is more than truth, beauty is more than truth?!
Poznám jedno dievča, volá sa Barbie, je hlavná hviezda každej šou.
I know a girl named Barbie, she's the main star of every show.
Nákupy celý deň a večer párty, neni nikto, kto by nechcel byť s ňou.
Shopping all day and parties all night, there's no one who wouldn't want to be with her.
Môžeš byť kým chceš, ona chce byť dokonalá.
You can be whoever you want, she wants to be perfect.
Pochopila, že je mocná, keď je sexy a naučila sa to z časopisov už ako malá.
She understood her power lies in being sexy, learned it from magazines since she was little.
Chce byť krásna, aj keď to bolí, to nevadí.
She wants to be beautiful, even if it hurts, it doesn't matter.
Krása bolí, krása bolí!
Beauty hurts, beauty hurts!
Na diéte ešte jak dieťa.
On a diet since she was a child.
Na osemnástku už umelé prsia, perfektné telo, to modelky musia, magazíny ju tým dusia, blíži sa leto, vlastné krivky sa jej hnusia.
Fake breasts for her eighteenth birthday, a perfect body, that's what models have to have, magazines suffocate her with it, summer is coming, she hates her own curves.
Cíti sa tučná, stále je smutná, našla si riešenie
- liposukcia.
She feels fat, always sad, she found a solution
- liposuction.
Všetci jej vravia, aká je pekná, pre ňu je samozrejmé, že jej to pristane.
Everyone tells her how pretty she is, for her it's natural that it suits her.
Veď to aj trvá, hodinu pätnásť, tak si každé ráno rada privstane.
Well, it also takes an hour and fifteen minutes, so she gladly gets up early every morning.
Robí to pre seba, cíti sa lepšie, trojky už nestačia, chce ešte väčšie.
She does it for herself, she feels better, C cups are not enough, she wants even bigger ones.
Zväčší aj pery, jak Angelina Jolie, no skôr kačka Daisy, okej, si fakt sexy, no jak moc to bolí.
She'll enlarge her lips too, like Angelina Jolie, but more like Daisy Duck, okay, you're really sexy, but how much does it hurt.
Ukáž tvár, zahoď masku, ten make-up ťa robí krajšou iba na obrázku.
Show your face, throw away the mask, that makeup only makes you prettier in pictures.
Tvoje tvary sú od mamy, pochop, že nemusíš opraviť to, čo Boh spravil.
Your curves are from your mama, understand you don't need to fix what God made.
Keď vylepšuješ čo je dokonalé, potom krása je viac, jak pravda.
When you enhance what's already perfect, then beauty becomes more important than truth.
Keď umelé je nové prirodzené, potom krása je viac, jak pravda.
When artificial becomes the new natural, then beauty becomes more important than truth.
Keď forma je viac, jak obsah, potom krása je viac, jak pravda.
When form matters more than content, then beauty becomes more important than truth.
Krása je viac, jak pravda, krása je viac, jak pravda?!
Beauty is more than truth, beauty is more than truth?!
A Barbie má frajera, je to čávo, a páči sa jej, že je hocičo, len nie skromný, má vraj nejaké peniaze a ne málo, spolu si žijú a míňajú, ako sprostí.
And Barbie has a boyfriend, he's a dude, and she likes that he's anything but humble, he supposedly has some money and not a little, they live together and spend like fools.
Chalan cvičí, ale slabne a pritom priberá, L-carnitín a proteín, šak sa rysuje, a nejde o to, jak je silný, ale jak vyzerá a budúcnosť bude krásna, už sa mu rysuje.
The guy works out, but gets weaker while gaining weight, L-carnitine and protein, well, he's getting ripped, and it's not about how strong he is, but how he looks and the future will be beautiful, he's already getting ripped.
Krása bolí, krása bolí, jednu si fukne a je ako nový.
Beauty hurts, beauty hurts, he takes one hit and he's like new.
Ide s dobou
- k obedu vodku s kolou, má to pod kontrolou a ne, ako oni.
He's with the times
- vodka and coke for lunch, he's got it under control and not like them.
Miluje luxus, má Lexus a dáva lexáčik, nech je laxný.
He loves luxury, has a Lexus and gives a little Lexus, so he can be laid back.
Má six-pack, no žere biftek, a potom Big
He has a six-pack, but eats steak, and then Big
Mac, a celý je mastný.
Mac, and he's all greasy.
Masky, nosí masku, verí klamstvu, klame zo strachu o lásku, chce sa páčiť, verí v krásu, chce ju stoj čo stoj, a tak robí čo mnohí, a je v roli, priemerný Johnny, zapadol v dave, jak oni, dolník sa cíti, jak žolík, no pravdy sa bojí.
Masks, he wears a mask, believes in lies, lies out of fear of love, wants to be liked, believes in beauty, wants it at all costs, and so he does what many do, and he's in the role, the average Johnny, he blended in with the crowd, like them, the loser feels like a joker, but he's afraid of the truth.
Krásna story, ale jak moc to bolí?!
Beautiful story, but how much does it hurt?!
Ukáž tvár, zahoď masku, ten make-up ťa robí krajšou iba na obrázku.
Show your face, throw away the mask, that makeup only makes you prettier in pictures.
Tvoje tvary sú od mamy, pochop, že nemusíš opraviť to, čo Boh spravil.
Your curves are from your mama, understand you don't need to fix what God made.
Keď vylepšuješ čo je dokonalé, potom krása je viac, jak pravda.
When you enhance what's already perfect, then beauty becomes more important than truth.
Keď umelé je nové prirodzené, potom krása je viac, jak pravda.
When artificial becomes the new natural, then beauty becomes more important than truth.
Keď forma je viac, jak obsah, potom krása je viac, jak pravda.
When form matters more than content, then beauty becomes more important than truth.
Krása je viac, jak pravda, krása je viac, jak pravda?!
Beauty is more than truth, beauty is more than truth?!
Zahoď masku brácho!
Throw away the mask, brother!
Zahoď masku sestra!
Throw away the mask, sister!
Zahoď ten fejk!
Throw away the fake!
Môžeš byť kým chceš, buď sám sebou!
You can be whoever you want, be yourself!
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