Majk Spirit - Spirit - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Majk Spirit - Spirit

Oukej, ej (Spirit)
Okay, hey (Spirit)
On je stále s tebou brácho zachovaj si (Spirit)
He's always with you, brother, keep it (Spirit)
On je stále s tebou sestra nestrácaj (Spirit)
He's always with you, sister, don't lose it (Spirit)
Všetko je to hračka ak máš naozajstný (Spirit)
Everything is a toy if you have the real (Spirit)
Rob to čo máš rád a nikdy nepodvádzaj (Spirit)
Do what you love and never cheat (Spirit)
Jednoducho jeden svet, jeden (Spirit)
Simply one world, one (Spirit)
Zapoj telo, zapoj myseľ aj ten (Spirit)
Engage your body, engage your mind, and the (Spirit)
Dobre porozmýšľaj čo ti ozaj treba (Spirit)
Think carefully about what you really need (Spirit)
Brácho poznaj seba, sestra poznaj seba.
Brother, know yourself, sister, know yourself.
Nič není krajšie ako nové ráno
Nothing is more beautiful than a new morning
Dobrý spánok, nový deň aj s jeho novým plánom
Good sleep, a new day with its new plan
Poznám ten zákon som čo jem, tak jem to živé jedlo
I know the law, I am what I eat, so I eat live food
Pijem z tej živej vody, prijímam živé svetlo
I drink from the living water, I receive living light
Stále cvičím chcem byť silný a zdravý jak repa
I keep exercising, I want to be strong and healthy like a turnip
Cítim tie endorfíny v každej bunke môjho tela
I feel those endorphins in every cell of my body
A keď sa nad tým zamyslím, tak nechcem zjesť to teľa
And when I think about it, I don't want to eat that calf
Nechcem to mŕtve mäso, fastfood je peklo
I don't want that dead meat, fast food is hell
Samé toxiny, ofúkne ťa začneš kýchať
All toxins, it'll blow you away, you'll start sneezing
Chodíš na jógu aj na aikido
You go to yoga and aikido
No nevieš správne dýchať
But you don't know how to breathe properly
Nestačí iba snívať
It's not enough to just dream
Tvoj dom je v tvojej moci
Your house is in your power
Strom poznáš po ovocí
You know a tree by its fruit
Dlhé dni lepšie ako dlhé noci.
Long days are better than long nights.
On je stále s tebou brácho zachovaj si (Spirit)
He's always with you, brother, keep it (Spirit)
On je stále s tebou sestra nestrácaj (Spirit)
He's always with you, sister, don't lose it (Spirit)
Všetko je to hračka ak máš naozajstný (Spirit)
Everything is a toy if you have the real (Spirit)
Rob to čo máš rád a nikdy nepodvádzaj (Spirit)
Do what you love and never cheat (Spirit)
Jednoducho jeden svet, jeden (Spirit)
Simply one world, one (Spirit)
Zapoj telo, zapoj myseľ aj ten (Spirit)
Engage your body, engage your mind, and the (Spirit)
Dobre porozmýšľaj čo ti ozaj treba (Spirit)
Think carefully about what you really need (Spirit)
Brácho poznaj seba, sestra poznaj seba.
Brother, know yourself, sister, know yourself.
Nič není horšie ako žít námesačný
Nothing is worse than living sleepwalking
Zmanipulohypnotizovaný, lačný, korporačný
Manipulated, hypnotized, hungry, corporate
Snívame tu nočnú moru, sme uväznení v sne
We're dreaming a nightmare here, we're trapped in a dream
Trpíme lebo nejsme tým, kým naozaj sme
We suffer because we're not who we really are
Treba sa prebrať z kómy
We need to wake up from the coma
Odísť z komfortnej zóny
Get out of the comfort zone
Dokola ta istá pesnička
The same song over and over
Skús zahrať nové tóny
Try playing new notes
čítam dobré knihy, pozerám len tie dobré filmy
I read good books, I only watch good movies
Pokiaľ vieš, že odkiaľ a kam ideš nejsú žiadne dilemy
As long as you know where you're coming from and where you're going, there are no dilemmas
Ale keď nevieš kam chceš dojsť vedú tam všetky trasy
But when you don't know where you want to go, all roads lead there
Robíš to isté, čakáš iné, tak to robia len blázni
You do the same thing, you expect something different, only fools do that
Dokonalosť je disciplína
Perfection is discipline
Hlavne uprednostni
Mainly prioritize
Teraz a nie zajtra
Now and not tomorrow
Taká je mantra z mojej skúsenosti
That's the mantra from my experience
Bol to výborný chill
It was a great chill
Vždy keď som prítomný žil
Always when I was present lived
A je to výhodný deal
And it's a good deal
Sprav s toho životný štýl
Make it a lifestyle
Si predurčený na veľkosť
You are destined for greatness
Máš to dané v génoch
It's in your genes
Nájdi zlatý stred
Find the golden mean
V týchto extrémoch.
In these extremes.
On je stále s tebou brácho zachovaj si (Spirit)
He's always with you, brother, keep it (Spirit)
On je stále s tebou sestra nestrácaj (Spirit)
He's always with you, sister, don't lose it (Spirit)
Všetko je to hračka ak máš naozajstný (Spirit)
Everything is a toy if you have the real (Spirit)
Rob to čo máš rád a nikdy nepodvádzaj (Spirit)
Do what you love and never cheat (Spirit)
Jednoducho jeden svet, jeden (Spirit)
Simply one world, one (Spirit)
Zapoj telo, zapoj myseľ aj ten (Spirit)
Engage your body, engage your mind, and the (Spirit)
Dobre porozmýšľaj čo ti ozaj treba (Spirit)
Think carefully about what you really need (Spirit)
Brácho poznaj seba, sestra poznaj seba.
Brother, know yourself, sister, know yourself.
A ticho lieči, otváram oči svieži
And silence heals, I open my eyes fresh
Hovorím k Bohu, spájam sa s tou najmocnejšou silou
I speak to God, I connect with the most powerful force
S prítomnou chvíľou živou, s tou energiou živlou
With the present living moment, with that living energy
Dobrá hudba, univerzálny jazyk pre moje uši
Good music, a universal language for my ears
Dlho po tom ako ju vypnem hrá mi v mojej duši
Long after I turn it off, it plays in my soul
Sprcha pre môjho ducha, smutná je duša hluchá
A shower for my spirit, a deaf soul is sad
Muzika je moja láska veľká, preto sa vyhýbam hluku
Music is my great love, that's why I avoid noise
Prechádzam sa prírodou a cítim sa byť tak momentálny
I walk in nature and feel so momentary
čo dokáže ona oproti ľuďom, ten rozdiel je monumentálny
what she can do compared to people, the difference is monumental
Aj pocity viny
Even feelings of guilt
Aj pocity krivdy
Even feelings of injustice
Aj ten hnev je márny
Even that anger is in vain
Iba to odpustenie zastaví to koleso karmi
Only forgiveness will stop the wheel of karma
kľudne prejdem peklom
I'll calmly go through hell
Keď som po bodu s mojimi bratmi
When I'm on point with my brothers
Ale to kto je svetlo
But who is the light
Sa naozaj ukáže ti za tmy
Will only show you in the darkness
To ti praví priatelia
Those are your true friends
A nikto není tu nad nich
And no one is above them
Zdieľam to dobrovoľne
I share it voluntarily
Pracujem dobrovoľne
I work voluntarily
A túžim chodiť po vode
And I long to walk on water
Chcem chodiť po zelenej zemi
I want to walk on the green earth
Smiať sa, spievať, tancovať
Laugh, sing, dance
čo viac človek robiť
what more should a person do
Slúžiť ľudom k niečomu dobrému
To serve people for something good
A tiež veľa sa modliť, Ámen.
And also pray a lot, Amen.
Daj to najlepšie čo máš
Give the best you have
A zvyšok nechaj na ten (Spirit).
And leave the rest to the (Spirit).
On je stále s tebou brácho zachovaj si (Spirit)
He's always with you, brother, keep it (Spirit)
On je stále s tebou sestra nestrácaj (Spirit)
He's always with you, sister, don't lose it (Spirit)
Všetko je to hračka ak máš naozajstný (Spirit)
Everything is a toy if you have the real (Spirit)
Rob to čo máš rád a nikdy nepodvádzaj (Spirit)
Do what you love and never cheat (Spirit)
Jednoducho jeden svet, jeden (Spirit)
Simply one world, one (Spirit)
Zapoj telo, zapoj myseľ aj ten (Spirit)
Engage your body, engage your mind, and the (Spirit)
Dobre porozmýšlať čo ti ozaj treba (Spirit)
Think carefully about what you really need (Spirit)
Brácho poznaj seba, sestra poznaj seba.
Brother, know yourself, sister, know yourself.

Авторы: Tomas Pechlak, Majk Spirit

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