Majself & Grizzly feat. DJ Metys - Interstellar (feat. DJ Metys) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Majself & Grizzly feat. DJ Metys - Interstellar (feat. DJ Metys)

Interstellar (feat. DJ Metys)
Interstellar (feat. DJ Metys)
Je mi jedno č-č-čo si predstavu... jak b-b-by som mal byt.
I don't care wh-wh-what you imagine... how I sh-sh-should be.
Je mi jedno čo si predstavujes jak by som mal byt.
I don't care what you imagine I should be like.
... j-jak by som mal byt
... h-how I should be
... j-jak by som mal byt.
... h-how I should be.
... b-by som mal byt.
... h-how I should be.
Snažím sa živiť svetlo, aj keď občas vypína
I try to keep the light alive, even though it sometimes goes out.
Život, stanica metra, dieťa ulice vetra,
Life, a subway station, a child of the wind's streets,
Vravia mi to, že som vedma, štetec a ťahy, jak Rembrandt mám, v okolí panuje skepsa, v hlave zas potreba vetrať,
They tell me I'm a witch, a brush and strokes like Rembrandt I have, skepticism reigns in the surroundings, in my head again the need to ventilate,
Asi to poznáš sám, ak nie,
You probably know it yourself, if not,
Vyskúšaj nespať, obojok, reťaze pre psa,
Try not sleeping, collar, chains for a dog,
Dneska ma pokús sa nesrať,
Don't try to piss me off today,
Je mi to úplne jedno, či plánuješ niečo, čo nazývaš prevrat, nechcem byť s vami ten pretlak,
I don't care if you're planning something you call a revolution, I don't want to be the pressure with you,
Doma si počítať rebrá, fajčiť sa nebudem, tváriť sa nebudem, tak, ako posledný žebrák, čo je dnes v móde?
Counting ribs at home, I won't smoke, I won't pretend, like the last beggar, what's in fashion today?
Tváriť sa, jak keby sfúkaš gram, držať si dištanc, štandard,
To act like you're blowing a gram, keeping your distance, standard,
Každý sa tvári, jak úplný man, serem to fejkové Versace,
Everyone acts like a complete man, I shit on fake Versace,
Lebo nechcem žiť, jak ty, zapadnem v kapuci do ulíc,
Because I don't want to live like you, I'll disappear in my hood into the streets,
Nevidí ma ani Google Street.
Even Google Street can't see me.
Stojím v strede epicentra, nepočujem vás,
I'm standing in the middle of the epicenter, I can't hear you,
Všetky sirény ticho, vonku počuť iba dážď,
All the sirens are silent, outside I only hear the rain,
Keď cítim dotyk múzy mesta, otvor dvere, chcem ísť von,
When I feel the touch of the city's muse, open the door, I want to go out,
Milujem pocit slobody, všetko, letím skrze tmou.
I love the feeling of freedom, everything, I'm flying through the darkness.
Chodím tam vtedy, keď sa stmieva
I go there when it gets dark
A všetky problémy z tej ríše zvierat nechávam tam položené,
And all the problems from that animal kingdom I leave there lying,
Viem, že sa mi to páči,
I know I like it,
Občas to potrebuje každý, vypnúť, vravím, je to prirodzené.
Sometimes everyone needs it, to switch off, I say, it's natural.
Hocikedy, hocikde, jedno mi je, aký deň,
Anytime, anywhere, I don't care what day it is,
Keď potrebujem vypnúť, letím ihneď preč,
When I need to switch off, I fly away immediately,
Občas sa mi to stáva,
Sometimes it happens to me,
Stratím sa vo vzduchu a ruky hore do neba mám otočené.
I get lost in the air and my hands are turned up to the sky.
Nejde to vrátiť sa naspäť, v hlave mám doslova asberg,
There's no going back, I literally have Asperger's in my head,
Pokoj a ticho, jak nikdy,
Peace and quiet, like never before,
Keď prechádzam steny, do p*če, jak Casper,
When I walk through walls, damn, like Casper,
Kravaty, krysy a kancel,
Ties, rats and offices,
Serem na sterilný pancier,
I don't care about sterile armor,
Je to jak háj, nočné mesto, čo mihá mi neóny na tieň,
It's like a grove, a night city that flashes neon lights on my shadow,
Srdce mi bije, jak zvony,
My heart beats like bells,
Z hlavy som zahodil strie,
I threw the reins out of my head,
Vnútri mám pocit, že konečne po rokoch okovou znovu aj žijem, serem na stavy a sklony, dneska baví ma chodiť len tak,
Inside I have the feeling that finally, after years, I'm living again, I don't care about states and tendencies, today I enjoy just walking,
Preletím nocou, jak vták, spomienky na večer ráno, jak oný, mesto, fastfoody, hudba, svet, ľudia, zástupy, trpká noc,
I fly through the night like a bird, memories of the evening in the morning, like yesterday, the city, fast foods, music, the world, people, crowds, a bitter night,
Milión neonóv, pokna, život, čo ma volá potichu na morgan, pocity, vyhodený oštep, stres sa mi zdá, jak nonsens,
A million neon lights, windows, life that calls me quietly for a drink, feelings, a thrown spear, stress seems like nonsense to me,
Po ulici behám, ako Porsche, sloboda mi povolila korzet.
I run down the street like a Porsche, freedom has loosened my corset.
Stojím v strede epicentra, nepočujem vás,
I'm standing in the middle of the epicenter, I can't hear you,
Všetky sirény ticho, vonku počuť iba dážď,
All the sirens are silent, outside I only hear the rain,
Keď cítim dotyk múzy mesta, otvor dvere, chcem ísť von,
When I feel the touch of the city's muse, open the door, I want to go out,
Milujem pocit slobody, všetko, letím skrze tmou.
I love the feeling of freedom, everything, I'm flying through the darkness.
Chodím tam vtedy, keď sa stmieva
I go there when it gets dark
A všetky problémy z tej ríše zvierat nechávam tam položené,
And all the problems from that animal kingdom I leave there lying,
Viem, že sa mi to páči,
I know I like it,
Občas to potrebuje každý, vypnúť, vravím, je to prirodzené.
Sometimes everyone needs it, to switch off, I say, it's natural.
Hocikedy, hocikde, jedno mi je, aký deň,
Anytime, anywhere, I don't care what day it is,
Keď potrebujem vypnúť, letím ihneď preč,
When I need to switch off, I fly away immediately,
Občas sa mi to stáva,
Sometimes it happens to me,
Stratím sa vo vzduchu a ruky hore do neba mám otočené...
I get lost in the air and my hands are turned up to the sky...

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