Osud je osud, on stane sa iba čo nezmeníš, počuješ?!
Fate is fate, only what you don't change will happen, you hear?!
Bež, ďalej a ďaleko, jedná sa o teba, nikto to nezmení, leť!
Run, further and further, it's about you, no one will change it, fly!
Leť, ako o život, ide tu o život, ide ti o život!
Fly, like your life depends on it, your life is at stake, your life is at stake!
Bež, bež, bež, bež, keď sú ti v pätách, tak utekaj, hovorím bež!
Run, run, run, run, when they're on your heels, run, I say run!
Stane sa iba čo nezmeníš, počuješ?!
Only what you don't change will happen, you hear?!
Jedná sa o teba, nikto to nezmení, leť!
It's about you, no one will change it, fly!
Leť, ako o život, ide ti o život!
Fly, like your life depends on it, your life is at stake!
Pol tretej ráno, ja sedím a príbeh sa nepíše ľahko, bo písal ho život a osud ho donútil siahnuť až na dno, vinu má spoločnosť, vinu má každý, no prejdime k veci
- klasická rodina, otec a mamina, k tomu dve deti, neni to ľahké, keď na to spomínam, tečú mi po tvári slzy, sere ma, že neurobil som viac, keď som mohol, teraz je to tekuté, jak dusík.
Half past three in the morning, I'm sitting here, and the story doesn't write itself easily, because life wrote it, and fate forced it to reach the bottom. Society is to blame, everyone is to blame, but let's get to the point
- a classic family, father and mother, two children. It's not easy, when I think about it, tears run down my face, it pisses me off that I didn't do more when I could, now it's fluid, like nitrogen.
Rozvod, sťahovanie z domu, otec sám, oni spolu, rok, čo bolo potom, bolo nebo, ktoré neverilo ničomu, len zavolalo smolu.
Divorce, moving out of the house, father alone, they together, a year later, what came after was a heaven that believed in nothing, just called for bad luck.
Mama doma naklepaná, absťák, rozhadzuje veci, ako vadná, padá k zemi, nevie, čo sa deje, nevie, čo sa robí, prečo je tak chladná.
Mom at home, hammered, withdrawal, throwing things around like she's broken, falls to the ground, doesn't know what's happening, doesn't know what to do, why she's so cold.
Brat tomu prepadol o pol roka neskôr, v zrkadle sa pozerá na dojebané decko, dojebané detstvo, a robí to, čo vidí doma, otupuje život, ako päsťou.
Brother succumbed to it six months later, looking in the mirror at a fucked up kid, fucked up childhood, and doing what he sees at home, dulling life with a fist.
Amfetamín, ktorý naložila do žily, bola malá baba, ale pikeri sú debili, čo nekukajú na to, či sa niekto bude trápiť, a či dojebú mu život, ako keby oni nežili, využili slabosť.
Amphetamine, which she injected into her vein, she was a little girl, but the dealers are devils, who don't care if someone will suffer, and if they fuck up his life, as if they didn't live, they exploited weakness.
Úsudok, ktorý mala predtým ide nabok, a keď to v sebe nemá, nemá pomyslenie na nič iné, ovláda ju amok.
The judgment she had before goes aside, and when she doesn't have it in her, she doesn't think about anything else, amok controls her.
Extáza prvýkrát, kradnutá kreditka, prechádza cestu, škrípanie bŕzd spod nočných lámp pretiahol svet jej k tmavému miestu.
Ecstasy for the first time, stolen credit card, crossing the road, screeching brakes under the night lamps dragged her world to a dark place.
Budí sa po kóme, no všetko si pamätá, sny v domove detskom, hej, aj keď je nevinná, ostala sama a stratila všetko.
She wakes up after a coma, but remembers everything, dreams in the children's home, yeah, even though she's innocent, she was left alone and lost everything.
Bež, utekaj za seba!
Run, run for your life!
Keď sú ti v pätách, tak utekaj, hovorím bež!
When they're on your heels, run, I say run!
Osud je osud, on stane sa iba čo nezmeníš, počuješ?!
Fate is fate, only what you don't change will happen, you hear?!
Bež, ďalej a ďaleko, jedná sa o teba, nikto to nezmení, leť!
Run, further and further, it's about you, no one will change it, fly!
Leť, ako o život, ide tu o život, ide ti o život!
Fly, like your life depends on it, your life is at stake, your life is at stake!
Bež, bež, bež, bež, keď sú ti v pätách, tak utekaj, hovorím bež!
Run, run, run, run, when they're on your heels, run, I say run!
Stane sa iba čo nezmeníš, počuješ?!
Only what you don't change will happen, you hear?!
Jedná sa o teba, nikto to nezmení, leť!
It's about you, no one will change it, fly!
Leť, ako o život, ide ti o život!
Fly, like your life depends on it, your life is at stake!
Pred ňou boli iba závory, spomienky krvavé, jak Bathory, bála sa, hľadala tú pravdu na dne, ulica jej potopila nádej v bahne, prahne po láske, ktorú doma nemala, prahne po veciach, čo jej mama nedala, hľadá istoty okolo, dotyky studené, jak komora, žiadne Chardonnay, detská izba, kopa ilúzií, ktoré fúkala, jak kryštál do seba, starala sa o seba, nemá ani 18, celý život pred sebou, veci, čo si prežila, predsa ako memoár, rada by sa vrátila, no z domu nikto nevolá.
Before her were only barriers, bloody memories, like Bathory's, she was afraid, looking for the truth at the bottom, the street drowned her hope in the mud, thirsting for the love she didn't have at home, thirsting for the things her mother didn't give her, looking for certainty around her, touches cold like a chamber, no Chardonnay, a child's room, a bunch of illusions that she blew like crystal into herself, she took care of herself, not even 18, a whole life ahead of her, the things she's been through, like a memoir, she would like to go back, but no one calls from home.
Utekala, svet mal vírus, v kruhu zamotaná, jak do víru, a nemala nikoho, kto chytil by ju za ruku a povedal, že prekonáva krízu.
She was running, the world had a virus, caught in a circle like a whirlpool, and she had no one to take her hand and tell her she was going through a crisis.
A systém ponorený v prdeli, všetko, čo ju celý život učili sú povery, lebo to, to čo žije v praxi je peklo, ktorému len veľmi ťažko uveríš, súdilo ju mnoho ľudí, nevedeli ani piču o tom, čo si prežila, aby neprežili polovicu, minulosť je kniha, ktorú položila na policu, uteká si pre život a slobodu má v rukách, keď padla opona, začala odznova, teraz už vie, že sa nepustí šance NIKDY.
And the system is drowned in shit, everything they've taught her all her life are superstitions, because what she lives in practice is hell, which is very hard to believe. Many people judged her, they didn't know shit about what she'd been through, not to go through half of it. The past is a book she put on the shelf, she's running for her life and freedom is in her hands, when the curtain fell, she started over, now she knows she'll never let go of the chance EVER.
Počúvaj Klaudia, všetci ti úprimne držíme palce!!!
Listen Klaudia, we all sincerely keep our fingers crossed for you!!!
Bež, utekaj za seba!
Run, run for your life!
Keď sú ti v pätách, tak utekaj, hovorím bež!
When they're on your heels, run, I say run!
Osud je osud, on stane sa iba čo nezmeníš, počuješ?!
Fate is fate, only what you don't change will happen, you hear?!
Bež, ďalej a ďaleko, jedná sa o teba, nikto to nezmení, leť!
Run, further and further, it's about you, no one will change it, fly!
Leť, ako o život, ide tu o život, ide ti o život!
Fly, like your life depends on it, your life is at stake, your life is at stake!
Bež, bež, bež, bež, keď sú ti v pätách, tak utekaj, hovorím bež!
Run, run, run, run, when they're on your heels, run, I say run!
Stane sa iba čo nezmeníš, počuješ?!
Only what you don't change will happen, you hear?!
Jedná sa o teba, nikto to nezmení, leť!
It's about you, no one will change it, fly!
Leť, ako o život, ide ti o život!
Fly, like your life depends on it, your life is at stake!
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