Sabias que eras todo para mi, jure cuidarte hasta poder ver el cambio de una niña a mujer.
I knew you were everything to me, I swore to take care of you until I could see the change from a girl to a woman.
Nacia una vida en mi interior.sin pena, ni tristeza, ni dolor.pero esta vida mucha vueltas da, no puedo remediar seguir mirando hacia atras.
A life was born within me.without pain, or sadness, or sorrow.but this life gives many turns, I can't help looking back.
Escucha el poema de mi corazon, los sentimientos, los sentimientos que acompañan mi cancion
Listen to the poem of my heart, the feelings, the feelings that accompany my song
Quisiera estar cerca de ti para intentar poder decir, mi vida ya no es sin ti, cariño vuelve junto a mi, son tantos años que quise preparar para el momento en que te echaras a volar y ahora que no estas aqui me a tocado el sufrir que duro es reconocer no nos pudimos entender.
I would like to be close to you to try to be able to say, my life is no longer without you, darling come back to me, it's been so many years that I wanted to prepare for the moment when you would fly away and now that you're not here it's up to me to suffer how hard it is to admit that we couldn't understand each other.
Recuerdo siempre la primera vez,
I always remember the first time,
Nuestros cuerpos se fundieron en amor, jamas olvidare esa sensacion, temblando dominados por pasion.
Our bodies melted into love, I'll never forget that feeling, trembling, dominated by passion.
Mata el tener que aceptar que otro puede ser mejor de lo que hayas sido yo
It kills me to have to accept that someone else can be better than what I was
De su forma de abrazar, de sus caricias al besar.mejor de lo que haya sido yo para ti.
From the way he hugs you, from his caresses when he kisses you.better than I ever was for you.
Escucha el poema de mi corazon, los sentimientos que acompañan mi cancion
Listen to the poem of my heart, the feelings that accompany my song
Estoy sufriendo por tu amor, ya nada tiene su color, yo no me quise equivocar porque tuvistes que marchar, quizas mas tarde nos volvamos a encontrar y nuestro sueño lo podamos realizar.pero no puedo esperar tampoco quiero arriesgar, tu intencion no era dañar pero tu sabes que me acabas de mataar...(BIS)
I'm suffering for your love, nothing has any color anymore, I didn't want to be wrong because you had to leave, maybe later we'll meet again and we can make our dream come true.but I can't wait either I don't want to risk it, your intention was not to hurt me but you know you just killed me...(BIS)
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